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873 points belter | 234 comments | | HN request time: 0.989s | source | bottom
1. latexr ◴[] No.42947128[source]
> Most won't care about the craft. Cherish the ones that do, meet the rest where they are

> (…)

> People who stress over code style, linting rules, or other minutia remain insane weirdos to me. Focus on more important things.

What you call “stressing over minutiae” others might call “caring for the craft”. Revered artisans are precisely the ones who care for the details. “Stressing” is your value judgement, not necessarily the ground truth.

What you’re essentially saying is “cherish the people who care up to the level I personally and subjectively think is right, and dismiss everyone who cares more as insane weirdos who cannot prioritise”.

replies(64): >>42947180 #>>42947185 #>>42947187 #>>42947236 #>>42947241 #>>42947385 #>>42947445 #>>42947527 #>>42947549 #>>42947550 #>>42947776 #>>42947831 #>>42947871 #>>42948239 #>>42948415 #>>42948549 #>>42948597 #>>42948603 #>>42948816 #>>42948889 #>>42949006 #>>42949205 #>>42949721 #>>42949848 #>>42950103 #>>42950597 #>>42951017 #>>42951417 #>>42951446 #>>42951888 #>>42951983 #>>42952213 #>>42952396 #>>42952951 #>>42952983 #>>42953095 #>>42953185 #>>42953920 #>>42956368 #>>42956749 #>>42956933 #>>42957674 #>>42957827 #>>42958578 #>>42959426 #>>42959516 #>>42959604 #>>42959832 #>>42959898 #>>42960492 #>>42961062 #>>42961380 #>>42962073 #>>42962322 #>>42962379 #>>42962529 #>>42962821 #>>42963089 #>>42963205 #>>42963258 #>>42964858 #>>42964922 #>>42966606 #>>42974258 #
2. hkwerf ◴[] No.42947180[source]
There is more than one type of people who stress over code style. There's the group who wants to discuss about how to style your code and then there's the group who wants to just use a common code formatter and be done with that.

For example, I have objections to rustfmt's default style. I would never start discussions on rust projects about changing that to another formatter or changing its configuration. I definitely would carefully ask that people should really use rustfmt, though, if they don't do so yet.

replies(3): >>42947248 #>>42952228 #>>42963878 #
3. OJFord ◴[] No.42947185[source]
It's not even more or less, it's just about different aspects. Consider a woodworker obsessing over sharp chisels - they don't all care beyond 'sharpish', or about the tools used to do so - but to some that's hugely important and how they are then able to do their best work.
replies(1): >>42948363 #
4. xnorswap ◴[] No.42947187[source]
The solution is to have computers enforce the code style. Pick a linter, pick a set of rules, and then forget about them.

Things I beleive:

- If you're picking up on code-style in PRs then your toolchain is backward.

- If you're changing linting rules every month then you're focussed on the wrong things

- It's better to have a consistent style than a perfect style

replies(9): >>42947390 #>>42947460 #>>42948395 #>>42949015 #>>42951388 #>>42952137 #>>42961086 #>>42962082 #>>42963269 #
5. jajko ◴[] No.42947236[source]
Not really. Obsessing over breaking lines after famous 80 chars in Eclipse was, is and will be idiotic to be polite. Surprisingly large amount of people were obsessed by this long after we got much bigger screens, if that was ever an argument (it wasn't for me). 2 spaces vs 4 spaces or tab. Cases like these were not that rare, even though now it seems better. That's not productive focus of one's (or team's) energy and a proper waste of money for employer/customer, it brings 0 added value to products apart form polishing ego of specific individual.

Folks who care about the craft obsess (well within realm of being realistic) more about architecture, good use of design patterns, using good modern toolset (but not bleeding edge), not building monolithic spaghetti monster that can't evolve much further, avoiding quick hacks that end up being hard to remove and work with over time and so on.

If you don't see a difference between those groups, I don't think you understood author's points.

replies(3): >>42947330 #>>42947603 #>>42948264 #
6. WJW ◴[] No.42947241[source]
There's a correlation-is-not-causation issue here. Yes, most very good developers pay a lot of attention to details, as well as to the bigger picture. But there are a lot of mediocre to downright bad developers who think that paying a lot of attention to code style, linting rules and other minutia will make them better developers.
replies(1): >>42949031 #
7. xnorswap ◴[] No.42947248[source]
Edit: This comment was based on misreading the parent comment. I've left it up, but I should have been more careful.

You've set yourself up to always be the outlier. To always need to have that discussion or tweak the rules on every project you work with.

You've increased the overhead of onboarding anyone used to the default style. You've increased the overhead of you working on anyone else's projects that is more likely to have the default style.

All of that is friction introduced because you haven't learned to live with the default style.

Do I love that the default C# rules put a new line before the else block? No, but I've learned to live with it so that I can work on all manner of projects without fussing over that style option every time.

By adhering to default rules, you never have to have the endless arguments such as tabs vs spaces again. ( Spaces won, and the tabbers got over it fairly quickly once it was the default in almost all formatters. )

replies(2): >>42947279 #>>42947309 #
8. hkwerf ◴[] No.42947279{3}[source]
I believe you may have misunderstood my comment, as I agree.
replies(1): >>42948142 #
9. latexr ◴[] No.42947309{3}[source]
What I understood from your parent comment was the exact opposite, i.e. that they’re saying “I disagree with some of the default choices of the formatter (and so would prefer they were different) but I never voice those because it’s not worth it. However, I do think everyone should use something, whatever it is (even if the default style), as opposed to nothing”.
10. sfn42 ◴[] No.42947330[source]
I'd say avoiding long lines is one of the most important rules. I regularly have 2-3 files open side by side, I don't want to have to scroll sideways to read the code.

80 characters is a bit on the low end imo but I'd rather have the code be too vertical than too horizontal. Maybe 120-150 is a more reasonable limit. It's not difficult to stay within those bounds as long as you don't do deep nesting which I don't really want to see anyway because it's hardly ever necessary and it makes code more difficult to read.

replies(2): >>42947463 #>>42947484 #
11. bryanrasmussen ◴[] No.42947385[source]
as others note, most of this minutia can be automatically enforced. Anything that can be automated is not craft.
replies(2): >>42951966 #>>42963589 #
12. secondcoming ◴[] No.42947390[source]
This is what we did with clang-format on our code base.

The result is occasionally ugly code and nobody is 100% happy but at least it's consistent.

replies(2): >>42947869 #>>42949728 #
13. aswerty ◴[] No.42947445[source]
In my opinion, I think the author is criticizing bike shedding [1] rather than meaningful decisions. Of course some people will differ on whether a decision is one or the other. But as a whole, not sweating the details is a good quality to have whatever road in life you are on.


replies(2): >>42948090 #>>42948865 #
14. bayindirh ◴[] No.42947460[source]
Yes. I love how gofmt has no settings, basically. Is this how you envisioned? Great. Now I don't have to think about optimizing it.

Coincidentally, the choices they made are the choices I'd made, but it doesn't matter in the end.

replies(2): >>42947860 #>>42958772 #
15. CrimsonRain ◴[] No.42947463{3}[source]
Functional code is more chained and need more space often. Descriptive names are better; tends to be longer. Buy ultrawide.

80 is for aholes who like to use small laptop and then force it on everyone else. 120/150 is reasonable.

200 is great.

replies(2): >>42947646 #>>42947704 #
16. cess11 ◴[] No.42947484{3}[source]
Reading vertically is much faster than reading horizontally, so I think 80 is a good soft limit. In some contexts it's hard to not go over it sometimes, e.g. in Java where it's not uncommon with very long type and method names.
17. hliyan ◴[] No.42947527[source]
There's another way to look at this: if you consider the school of thought that says that the code is the design, and compilation is the construction process, then stressing over code style is equivalent to stressing over the formatting and conventions of the blueprint (to use a civil engineering metaphor), instead of stressing over load bearing, material costs and utility of the space.

I'm fond of saying that anything that doesn't survive the compilation process is not design but code organization. Design would be: which data structures to use (list, map, array etc.), which data to keep in memory, which data to load/save and when, which algorithms to use, how to handle concurrency etc. Keeping the code organized is useful and is a part of basic hygiene, but it's far from the defining characteristic of the craft.

replies(20): >>42947540 #>>42947576 #>>42947599 #>>42947739 #>>42947770 #>>42947773 #>>42948888 #>>42949256 #>>42949591 #>>42949745 #>>42951412 #>>42951450 #>>42952786 #>>42955720 #>>42956620 #>>42957839 #>>42958226 #>>42959595 #>>42961043 #>>42964637 #
18. chrisjj ◴[] No.42947540[source]
> the school of thought that says that the code is the design

There's such a school?? Seriously??

19. bdcravens ◴[] No.42947549[source]
I think the line between minutiae and craft is drawn by the effect it has on the product you're creating. Method length makes your code more manageable, for example. Placement of line breaks, not so much.

At the end of the day, we aren't paid to produce code, but working software that works today and is easy to change tomorrow.

replies(2): >>42947856 #>>42963661 #
20. korijn ◴[] No.42947550[source]
Is it ironic that this comment has evoked a discussion on minutiae?
replies(1): >>42948681 #
21. TickleSteve ◴[] No.42947576[source]
architecture over implementation (for details).
22. Retric ◴[] No.42947599[source]
> the formatting and conventions of the blueprint

Some of those formatting conventions are written in blood. The clarity of a blueprint is a big deal when people are using it to convey safety critical information.

I don’t think code formatting rises anywhere close to that level, but it’s also trying to reduce cognitive load which is a big deal in software development. Nobody wants to look at multiple lines concatenated together, how far beyond that you take things runs into diminishing returns. However at a minimum formatting changes shouldn’t regularly complicate doing a diff.

replies(8): >>42947699 #>>42948411 #>>42948818 #>>42949115 #>>42950567 #>>42951552 #>>42952254 #>>42961444 #
23. bayindirh ◴[] No.42947603[source]
Reporting as an Eclipse user of 20+ years, and a person who cares about the craft:

The choice for me is simple:

If I'm going to view the code I'm writing in a 80x24 terminal later on, I'll break that lines, and will try really hard to not get closer to 80 chars per line.

If that code is only going to be seen in Eclipse and only by me, I won't break that lines.

I omitted your other examples for brevity.

Having bigger screens doesn't make longer lines legit or valid. I may have anything between 4-9 terminals open on my 28" 2K screen anytime, and no, I don't want to see lines going from one side to another like spikes, even if I have written them.

replies(1): >>42949552 #
24. sgarland ◴[] No.42947646{4}[source]
200 is entirely too fucking long, and I code on a 43” 4K. I try to stay under 90 in deference to others, and if it looks better breaking at 80, so be it.
replies(1): >>42965092 #
25. hliyan ◴[] No.42947699{3}[source]
I 100% agree. The problem is that after a half a century, software engineering discipline has been unable to agree on global conventions and standards. I recently had an experience where a repair crew was worried about the odd looking placement of a concrete beam in my house. I brought over the blueprints, and the technician found the schedule of beams and columns within seconds, pinpointed the beam and said, "Ah, that's why. We just need to <solution I won't go into>". Just then it struck me how we can't do this in software engineering, even when the project is basically a bog-standard business app: CRUD API backed by an RDBMS.
replies(8): >>42947832 #>>42947976 #>>42951607 #>>42952836 #>>42955524 #>>42955652 #>>42963313 #>>42964672 #
26. whstl ◴[] No.42947704{4}[source]

And the laptop excuse is not even valid, I used a 11" MacBook Air for 10 years and even back then 80 always felt extremely limiting for me.

I just tested and: even when zooming +1 on VSCode and leaving the minimap open I can fit 140 chars without any horizontal scroll.

People demanding 80 columns always have some crazy setups, like an IDE where the editor is just a minuscule square in the centre, like an Osbourne 1 computer.

replies(2): >>42948203 #>>42949093 #
27. binary132 ◴[] No.42947739[source]
There is definitely something to be said for the idea that a shitslop engineering blueprint which still conveys correct design (maybe; who knows really?) is shitslop, whether or not the design is sound. In the case of software engineering, the blueprint is the implementation, too, so it’s not just shitslop blueprinting, it’s also shitslop brickwork (totally sound bones though I promise!), shitslop drywalling, shitslop concrete finishing and rebar work — and maybe it’s all good under the hood! Totally fine if all you’re building is a shithouse! But I think you get where I’m going with this.
28. skydhash ◴[] No.42947770[source]
The value of software is both what it does now (behavior), and what you can get it to do later (structure). What you described as design and the compiled artiface is the behavior.

The craft is what gives you future choices. So when people cares about readability, writing tests, architecture, they’re just making easy for them to adjust the current behavior later when requirements change. A software is not an house, it doesn’t get build and stays a certain way.

replies(1): >>42949208 #
29. anuramat ◴[] No.42947773[source]
> not the defining characteristic

Did anyone claim otherwise? Besides, I imagine bridges aren't rebuilt every week -- poor blueprints can only cause a finite amount of pain.

30. hemant1041 ◴[] No.42947776[source]
Interesting read!
31. raverbashing ◴[] No.42947831[source]
And that's why I don't care anymore

Yup. Doesn't matter.

Code style should be consistent and look nice, probably use the default without too much nitpicking. You have bigger fish to fry

There are better things in life to worry about

"Craft", most code goes to irrelevancy in 5 yrs. And if it doesn't it's fixable (amen for AIs)

Try to sweat up every detail right off the bat and you go nowhere

32. skydhash ◴[] No.42947832{4}[source]
That’s because the few hard rules you have to comply with have workarounds and matters rarely. In house construction, you have to care about weight, material degradation, the code, etc… there’s no such limitation on software so you can get something to work even if it’s born out of a LSD trip.

But we do have some common concepts. But they’re theoretical, so only the people that read the books knows the jargon.

replies(1): >>42949919 #
33. latexr ◴[] No.42947856[source]
That is a purely commercial take of the matter. I don’t think it’s controversial to argue the artisans who stand out do so because they care for the craft itself. Spending an extra hour or two perfecting the shape of the armrest in the chair may not allow you to earn more money from that one commission, but it might improve your knowledge and skill and be slightly more comfortable to the sitter. If they comment on it and appreciate it, so grows your motivation and pride.

Sometimes the code itself, and not its result, is the product. For example, when making tutorials the clarity and beauty of the code matters more than what it does.

I’m not arguing for obsessing over code formatting, but pointing out the line between “master of the craft with extensive attention to detail” and “insane weirdo with prioritisation deficits focusing on minutiae” is subjective to what each person considers important. Most of us seem to agree that being consistent in a code base is more important than any specific rule, but that being consistent does matter.

At the end of the day, we aren’t paid to eat healthily and taking care of our bodies either. But doing so pays dividends. Same for caring about the quality of your code. Getting in the habit of doing it right primes you to do it like that from the start in every new project. Like most skills, writing quality code becomes easier the more you do it.

replies(1): >>42948189 #
34. maleldil ◴[] No.42947860{3}[source]
IMO, gofmt doesn't go far enough. It should sort imports and break lines automatically, or you end up with different people with slightly different preferences for breaking up lines, leading to an inconsistent style.

Something like gofumpt + golines + goimports makes more sense to me, but I'm used to ruff in Python (previous black + isort) and rustfmt.

I'd say that if you're manually formatting stuff with line breaks and spaces, that should have been automated by tooling. And that tooling should run both as a pre-commit hook and in CI.

replies(2): >>42947909 #>>42948879 #
35. maleldil ◴[] No.42947869{3}[source]
Gofmt's style is no one's favorite, yet gofmt is everyone's favorite.[1]


replies(1): >>42951774 #
36. oytis ◴[] No.42947871[source]
To me "craft" is about keeping code efficient, scalable, extensible, well-tested and documented. Code style is more about what naming convention to use, tabs vs spaces etc. - it's nice to have it consistent, but no need to spend more than 5 minutes arguing about it.
replies(1): >>42948236 #
37. bayindirh ◴[] No.42947909{4}[source]
gofmt sorts imports within the block they are in.

I have a habit of putting stdlib imports, a line break, golang experimental (x) imports, a line break and external imports.

I just tested, gofmt orders imports within these blocks. If I won't use the line breaks, it'll consider it a single block and will globally sort.

golang also aligns variable spacing and inline comments to look them as unified blocks (or a table if you prefer the term) and handles indents. The only thing it doesn't do is breaking lines, which I think acceptable.

replies(1): >>42950098 #
38. watt ◴[] No.42947976{4}[source]
don't stress about it so much: look how many variations of plugs and sockets are for this one quite simple thing:
39. The_Colonel ◴[] No.42948090[source]
Everyone dislikes bikeshedding. But people disagree on which questions are bikeshedding and which aren't.
40. xnorswap ◴[] No.42948142{4}[source]
I apologise, I misread your statement as: "I would never start discussions on rust projects *without* changing that to another formatter" which changed the meaning entirely. I should have taken a moment to re-read what you wrote.
41. bdcravens ◴[] No.42948189{3}[source]
> be slightly more comfortable to the sitter

That's kind of my point: the end cannot see, or feel, minutiae. If they can, it's not minutiae.

> Sometimes the code itself, and not its result, is the product. For example, when making tutorials the clarity and beauty of the code matters more than what it does.

The code still isn't the product in that instance. It's the educational process. In many cases, clarity != beauty. This is why the best written tests often duplicate code, rather than being curated exercises in DRY.

> we aren’t paid to eat healthily and taking care of our bodies either

Yet programmers insist to be paid. Obviously taking time to grow on your own, on your own dime, is self-enriching for all the reasons you describe.

42. alpaca128 ◴[] No.42948203{5}[source]
And 140 chars aren't enough for two files side by side with 80 chars. With a readable font size and a narrow font about 90 chars is a good limit on a 14" laptop screen. Coincidentally that same limit then allows for three files side by side on the average desktop screen - or a browser window at the side for reference.

If you can live with a single file on screen that's great, but the utility of two is far greater than having a chunk of the screen empty most of the time because of a few long lines.

replies(2): >>42948983 #>>42949710 #
43. ctxc ◴[] No.42948236[source]
Tabs/spaces is a non-issue, agreed - IDEs handle it.

But surely naming convention contributes to keeping code documented, extensible and efficient?

A deviation from the norm leads to people thinking x does not exist in a large code base, leading to them implementing duplicate methods/functionality, leading to one instance evolving differently enough to cause subtle bugs but not enough to be distinct, or leading to one instance getting fixes the other does not etc?

Sample size of 1, but I've seen it happen unfortunately.

44. lr4444lr ◴[] No.42948239[source]
Following non functional stylistic rules to the letter as if they were on the level of SQL injections or memory leaks isn't "craft". It's cargo culture weirdness.

Sure, have a style and a linter. Be DRY. Don't lose your head over it though.

45. lr4444lr ◴[] No.42948264[source]
46. chasd00 ◴[] No.42948363[source]
To take it further some woodworkers are really tool hobbyists. They obsess over the tools and never really touch the wood they’re supposedly working. Same goes for software devs, I think about this when reading threads obsessing over AWS services, pipelines, build stacks, instead of writing software.
47. bjourne ◴[] No.42948395[source]
While Python has some great linters, I don't know of any in C that can correctly and automatically enforce some coding style. Most of them can only indent correctly, but they can't break up long lines over multiple lines, format array literals, or strings. Few or none knows how to deal with names or preprocessor macros.
replies(1): >>42948518 #
48. desdenova ◴[] No.42948411{3}[source]
Fortunately nowadays formatting issues can be delegated to autoformatting in any popular language.

Some people still argue over autoformatter parameters, but then people will always find a bike shed to argue about.

replies(2): >>42949255 #>>42950758 #
49. lijok ◴[] No.42948415[source]
Video game logic: Everyone worse than me is a noob. Everyone better than me has no life.
replies(2): >>42951971 #>>42955298 #
50. brandmeyer ◴[] No.42948518{3}[source]
clang-format and clang-tidy are both excellent for C and C++ (and protobuf, if your group uses it). Since they are based on the clang front-end, they naturally have full support for both languages and all of their complexity.
51. ozim ◴[] No.42948549[source]
If you want to compare to artisans - they were stressing about details that customers see, details that customers don’t see were to cut corners on.

Making fuss about indentation in code file is not artisanal. It is insane weirdo if we are charitable and if not clueless and childish.

replies(3): >>42948725 #>>42949050 #>>42956260 #
52. hackflip ◴[] No.42948597[source]
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?
replies(2): >>42951163 #>>42959828 #
53. Cthulhu_ ◴[] No.42948603[source]
Thing is, you can care for the craft, but let the code style and linting tools do what they do best and don't stress over them. Code reviews are better now that there's tooling that automatically checks for, fixes, or marks common issues like code style so the reviewer doesn't have to do anything with them.

That is, I'd argue the "stressing" is not about what these tools check, but about the tools and their configuration itself. Just go with all the defaults and focus on bigger issues.

54. ◴[] No.42948681[source]
55. sumtechguy ◴[] No.42948725[source]
Everyone wants a particular style. Except when they have to use someone elses style.

Pick a style stick with it. Review it every 6 months to year to see if anything needs to be tweaked.

If you hear 'we are professionals' you are about to see code that has 20 different styles and design patterns.

I worked with one guy who could not make up his mind and changed the whole style guide about every 2-3 weeks. It royal made him mad the original style guide fit on a couple of postit notes. Me and two other engineers bashed it out in a 1-2 hour meeting at the start of the project (odd number of people to vote on anything). It came down to the fact he came in after the fact and had no say in it. Then proceeded to change everything. One week it was tabs everywhere then spaces then tabs again. One day camel case, week later all lower, another partial hungarian, upper on random things, etc. Waste of time.

replies(1): >>42948921 #
56. cardanome ◴[] No.42948816[source]
Sure some people that care about minutiae are code artisans but what I have seen more often is co-workers weaponizing these discussions to hide their own incompetence.

I have seen so many people going on and on about best practices and coding styles and whatnot and using big words just in hopes to keep discussions going so no one figures out out that they don't know how to code.

57. drcongo ◴[] No.42948818{3}[source]
First thing I thought of was the tiny Stone Henge in Spinal Tap.
58. bluGill ◴[] No.42948865[source]
Details are important though. Some bikeshed type ideas spiral into very expensive changes. This is a large part of why US transit construction is so much more expensive - people asking for lots of little details which add up (large monument stations, bike paths done with the project... those things all add up) - the important safety details are left to experts, but only after they are told to build something far more expensive than needed. (this isn't a plea for brutalism architecture there are nice things you can do that are only minimally more expensive)
59. Freak_NL ◴[] No.42948879{4}[source]
Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes leaving a line stupidly long is better for readability than awkwardly trying to break it up.

If you have five similar statements somewhere with only one exceeding the linter's line length, breaking up that one can lead to code that is harder to parse than just leaving it jutting out by way of an exception to the general rule; especially if it contains some predictable bit of code.

replies(1): >>42949754 #
60. atkevindsouza ◴[] No.42948888[source]
Let's talk about in the way you seem to interpret it.

Imagine if Blueprint A used imperial units while others used metric units.

That's what inconsistent code style does to you.

replies(1): >>42970017 #
61. raincole ◴[] No.42948889[source]
When people stress over the details I care, it's craftmanship. When they stress over the ones I don't care, it's nitpicking.
62. bluGill ◴[] No.42948921{3}[source]
Ideally pick a style from a different large organization that you have no input in. Because the organization is large they will have put a lot of effort into it, but since you have no input you can just follow it without thinking. Sometimes an organization will make some really weird choices and you will be forced to change styles (google as rejected a lot of the latest C++ standard and thus their C++ style guide is not to be used elsewhere, but there are plenty of other good options).

Second best is to start a large cross company standards organization and only allow one representative per organization. Make sure there is a lot of process standing in the way of changes so that changes are only made when really justified (because most are not justified)

63. whstl ◴[] No.42948983{6}[source]
If you need two files on the screen side by side, then it's time to use something bigger than the MacBook 11 with zoomed fonts from my example. :)

...unless you really want to prove grandparent's point.

64. ghc ◴[] No.42949006[source]
To reduce your argument to its essence, you're saying typesetting is part of the craft of writing. I've yet to meet an author who believes this (other than enjoying editing their own work as output from a typewriter), and I think the same broadly applies to code. It's not that everyone thinks these things are unimportant, it's that caring deeply about doing them a particular way is orthogonal to the craft. It's something that has long been lampooned (tabs vs. spaces, braces, etc.) as weird behavior.
replies(6): >>42949242 #>>42949278 #>>42950284 #>>42953126 #>>42955321 #>>42963807 #
65. xbar ◴[] No.42949015[source]

A healthy toolchain lets a developer separate the Craft from the minutiae.

66. bityard ◴[] No.42949031[source]
My experience has been the opposite. Most mediocre to bad developers are so happy that their code works AT ALL that they pay little to no attention to things like sensible variable names and whitespace conventions. We sometimes call these things, "code smell."
replies(1): >>42959568 #
67. 9rx ◴[] No.42949050[source]
To be fair, for most developers code is what their customer is going to see.
68. bluGill ◴[] No.42949093{5}[source]
Try saying that again when you are 50 and your eyes no longer as good as they used to be. Back when I was 25 I loved the tiny fonts I could fit on my (then incredibly large) 19 inch monitor which I had pushed to the highest resolution. These days even with special computer glasses (magnification and optimized for computer distance) I can't make such tiny text.

Now get off my lawn you punks!

replies(3): >>42949204 #>>42949344 #>>42963588 #
69. DarkPlayer ◴[] No.42949115{3}[source]
> However at a minimum formatting changes shouldn’t regularly complicate doing a diff.

If the code needs to be reformatted, this should be done in a separate commit. Fortunately, there are now structural/semantic diff tools available for some languages that can help if someone hasn't properly split their formatting and logic changes.

replies(1): >>42950934 #
70. whstl ◴[] No.42949204{6}[source]

I am.

And that's why I said I use the zoom in VSCode in my previous message. My font is big as fuck compared to everyone else.

71. arp242 ◴[] No.42949205[source]
Most of these things really don't matter, and it all just boils down to "that's not how I would have written it". Well, okay, but that doesn't mean that's somehow objectively better.
72. skeeter2020 ◴[] No.42949208{3}[source]
experience gives you some possible ideas for how it will be used in the future, but after a long time I'm coming to the position you're fooling yourself if you think you can predict where with any accuracy. It's still valuable and important to try, just not as critical to be right as I used to think. Example: I've completely flip-flopped from interface simplicity to implementation simplicity.

I agree that a house is a bad analogy, for your reasons and because you can "live" in software that as a building would not be fit for human habitation.

replies(1): >>42949995 #
73. catlifeonmars ◴[] No.42949242[source]
I think there are accessibility aspects to formatting. Specifically to different formatting.

Not sure the typesetting analogy is the best, but typesetting absolutely matters for readability. Authors don’t need to care about it because typesetting is easy to change (before printing) and because publishers spend time caring about it —- all before it ends up in the hands of readers.

74. noahjk ◴[] No.42949255{4}[source]
Maybe a new paradigm for code formatting could be local-only. Your editor automatically formats files the way you like to see them, and then de-formats back to match the codebase when pushing, making your changes match the codebase style.
replies(4): >>42949766 #>>42949774 #>>42950418 #>>42954006 #
75. psychoslave ◴[] No.42949256[source]
>I'm fond of saying that anything that doesn't survive the compilation process is not design but code organization.

Maybe not at the same level, but code organization is also a design.

I don’t care that much about the exact linter rules applies (but I do prefer blue, hmm, nooo). But getting rid of merge conflicts that come from lake of common linter rules, this is a great pipeline process improvement, and this is some kind of code contribution pipeline design.

76. stonemetal12 ◴[] No.42949278[source]
More than one writer refuses to use a computer, preferring typewriters. Harlan Ellison learned how to repair typewriters after he could no longer find anyone to fix his. Stephen King wrote Dreamcatcher with a fountain pen.

Authors totally obsess over details that seem irrelevant to people outside that craft.

replies(4): >>42949610 #>>42949817 #>>42955707 #>>42962423 #
77. jghn ◴[] No.42949344{6}[source]
Also old. Also can not read the fonts my earlier self would use. Still do not understand the love for narrow columns.
78. paddy_m ◴[] No.42949552{3}[source]
I like 80 columns, I can tolerate 100 or 120. I get really annoyed with formatting standards, JS/TS in particular that waste a whole line for a closing brace. Standard aspect has screens more limited vertically than horizontally.

When dealing with tabular data, particularly test data, I find most formatting lacking. I want to be able to specify blocks that align on the decimal point. Especially when dealing with lists of dicts. This makes reading test fixtures much more intuitive than default indentation styles.

Has anyone seen a formatter where you can specify a block be formatted in that manner?

  [{'a':  3.89, 'b':  10},
   {'a': 12.3,  'b': 233}]
instead of

  [{'a': 3.89,
    'b': 10},
   {'a': 12.3,
    'b': 233}]
79. animuchan ◴[] No.42949591[source]
In many languages, types don't survive the compilation process (e.g. TypeScript, Java). Yet types describe which data structures are used.
80. asa400 ◴[] No.42949610{3}[source]
And that’s totally fine! But there is no correlation whatsoever between writing on a typewriter or using a fountain pen (or the physical experience of writing generally) and the quality of the writing. None.

There is nothing to support this in either writing or programming, at all. For every software craftsman out there obsessing over formatting, editor layout, linters, line length, there is an ancient, horrifyingly laid out C codebase that expertly runs and captures the essence of its domain, serves real traffic and makes real money.

Make your editor work how you like, but if my team lead started to get annoyed after my 4th formatting-only PR I should probably start to think about what I want them to bring up to my manager in my performance review.

replies(3): >>42950557 #>>42950638 #>>42959373 #
81. jajko ◴[] No.42949710{6}[source]
If you do important work frequently on 14" screen and 2 files side-by-side (regardless of its resolution), then you are seriously self-limiting yourself and your efficiency, plus hurting your eyes which will inevitably bring regrets later. That's not how 'love for the craft' or ie efficiency looks like.

One reason I like longer lines, in those very few cases (way less than 1% of code lines) - it bundles logically several easy-to-read things, ie more complex 'if' or larger constructors. We talk about Java here just to be clear, for more compact languages those numbers can get lower significantly but same principles apply.

Doing overly smart complex one-liners just for the sake of it goes completely against what we write here, I've seen only (otherwise smart) juniors do those. Harder to debug, harder to read, simply a junior show-off move.

82. fsloth ◴[] No.42949721[source]
No, focusing on code style is weird. It’s tablestakes it should be uniform in style and legible. Automate styling to vanilla defaults. Leave it.

It’s like obsessing over the font on the packaging of the marker you use to write to the whiteboard in a math seminar.

Now, weird is beautiful but it’s not usefull and mostly irritating in a professinal context.

Cherish your weirdness and celebrate when you can find people of same persuasion. But don’t bother your colleagues with it.

I’m saying this as a person with very deep weird personal interests as several here do - and I’ve learned this slowly and painfully.

83. gpderetta ◴[] No.42949728{3}[source]
*cough*clang-format off*cough*
replies(1): >>42955644 #
84. asdajksah2123 ◴[] No.42949745[source]
> stressing over the formatting and conventions of the blueprint (to use a civil engineering metaphor)

This is incredibly important.

This is the kind of stuff that prevents shit like half the team using metric and the other half thinking they're imperial, or you coming up with the perfect design, but then the manufacturer makes a mirrored version of it because you didn't have the conventions agreed upon.

replies(1): >>42950046 #
85. maleldil ◴[] No.42949754{5}[source]
Those would be edge cases where formatting can be turned off if needed. This would require justification during code review. Otherwise, we'd keep the automatic format, with a strong tendency towards the latter.

The general benefit of automated formatting outweighs these edge cases.

86. tele_ski ◴[] No.42949766{5}[source]
It's a decent idea, but it's weird reviewing code you wrote in saying GitHub, it looks totally different. Imo not a show stopper but a side effect you have to get used to.
replies(1): >>42962163 #
87. asdajksah2123 ◴[] No.42949774{5}[source]
This is pretty common now. At least my Vim/git combo does this, where I always open source code with my preferred formatting but by the time it's pushed to the server it's changed to match the repo preferences.
88. blipvert ◴[] No.42949817{3}[source]
Personally, I modified a Hollerith reader to accept Jacquard tapes that I cut by hand with a scalpel.

I’m so much more productive now.

89. swiftcoder ◴[] No.42949848[source]
If what you care about deeply can be automated by a linter, it's trivial, and you ought to just setup the linter rules, and go use all that time you just gained to work on something more meaningful.
90. namaria ◴[] No.42949919{5}[source]
I mean why should we expect software to have hard rules? Flexibility is the point, no?
replies(2): >>42950883 #>>42953330 #
91. skydhash ◴[] No.42949995{4}[source]
You have to be pragmatic about it, balancing between the speed of only implementing the now and the flexibility of taking care of the future. It's not predicting, mostly it's about recognizing the consequences of each choice (for later modifications) and and either accepting it or ensuring that it will not happen.
replies(1): >>42950841 #
92. tehologist ◴[] No.42950046{3}[source]
Imperial vs Metric is a hard requirement not a convention or formatting. I have a co-worker who wants everything to be a one liner, doesn't like if/else statements, thinks exception handling is bad and will fail a code review over a variable that he feels isn't cased properly.

This makes code reviews super slow and painful, it also means you aren't focusing on the important stuff. What the code actually does and if it meets the requirements in functionality. You don't have time for that stuff, you are too busy trying to make this one person happy by turning an if else into a ternary and the end of sprint is a day away.

replies(2): >>42950802 #>>42952573 #
93. maleldil ◴[] No.42950098{5}[source]
I meant that you could do this with isort in Python or rustfmt with `group_imports = StdExternalCrate` (sadly, not the default), where the imports are automatically separated into blocks, which is basically what you seem to be doing manually.

My point is that many things we end up doing manually can be automated, so I don't need to care about unsorted or unused imports at all and can rely on them to be fixed without my input, and I don't have to worry about a colleague forgetting to it either.

replies(1): >>42959982 #
94. jredwards ◴[] No.42950103[source]
Related: Anyone who's driving slower than I am is an idiot and anyone who's driving faster than I am is a maniac.
95. evilduck ◴[] No.42950284[source]
If typesetting and a grammar mistake in one sentence were what made a book viable or not, authors would care. I've seen enough (crazy expensive) bugs that could have been caught by linters and bugs introduced through insane formatting and style choices that I can't agree that a book and software are all that comparable.

I'm on team "agree at the beginning and then make it part of CI" and I basically never have to have this conversation more than once or twice per project now but I also think that the people most obsessed with it and dwell on it for their personal daily work are problematic, as are the people who hate any rules whatsoever and want to write complete shit code to just call the job done because "that's the important part".

96. ruined ◴[] No.42950418{5}[source]
this works for pure formatting, but falls apart when you start linting to exclude certain syntax or patterns
97. stonemetal12 ◴[] No.42950557{4}[source]
I don't disagree with the broader point I just think authors aren't a good example for a non-tool obsessed group of people.

I read somewhat regularly when I think I am getting to tool obsessed.

98. singron ◴[] No.42950567{3}[source]
I'm immediately reminded of Apple's "goto fail" bug, which was in part overlooked because of poor formatting and/or style:
replies(2): >>42959506 #>>42960814 #
99. taurknaut ◴[] No.42950597[source]
> Revered artisans are precisely the ones who care for the details.

Well yea, but which detail you care about still matters and reveals a lot about your "craft". Code style is of such little consequence compared to semantics it's always a little eyebrow-raising to see people who are extremely opinionated about it.

I've also noticed that this sort of thing can sort of fade into the background after a couple decades of coding. I know people who go on and on about how "beautiful" code is—to me it's just syntax serving a purpose. Sometimes you can make really elegant code that works well with the language, sometimes you can't. But how the code is presented impacts my reading comprehension very little unless you're doing something very strange (looking at you, early 90s c code with one-letter variable names and heavy macro usage).

Actually, I recant one element of this—Javascript and Typescript are just straight ugly and hard to read.

100. kod ◴[] No.42950638{4}[source]
> But there is no correlation whatsoever between writing on a typewriter or using a fountain pen (or the physical experience of writing generally) and the quality of the writing

I heard neal stephenson say that he writes using a pen rather than a wordprocessor specifically because it does affect the quality of the writing. Because he handwrites slower than he types, he does more thinking and editing in his head rather than after it's on paper.

replies(1): >>42951515 #
101. Braini ◴[] No.42950758{4}[source]
This was such a relieve for us. Looking back its unbelievable how much combined time we wasted complaining about and fixing formatting issues in code reviews and reformatting in general.

With clang-format & co. on Save plus possibly a git hook this all went away. It might not always be perfect (which is subjective anyway) but its so worth it.

102. atq2119 ◴[] No.42950802{4}[source]
> will fail a code review over a variable that he feels isn't cased properly

Many projects have fairly strict rules about identifier naming conventions, so this doesn't feel so far fetched to me.

The example about if/else vs ? : is pretty damning though.

replies(1): >>42952653 #
103. dowager_dan99 ◴[] No.42950841{5}[source]
> It's not predicting, mostly it's about recognizing the consequences of each choice (for later modifications)

This is the exact trap I'm describing. It sounds very reasonable, but how is it not prediction when you're asking people to "recognize the <future> consequences of each choice"? You have very little to no understanding of the context, environment or application of today's creations. Smart, experienced people got us into the current microservice, frontend JS, "serverless" cloud messes.

replies(1): >>42951007 #
104. HeyLaughingBoy ◴[] No.42950883{6}[source]
No. Flexibility is a side effect. Sometimes it's a useful side effect, other times it bites you in the ass.
105. gmueckl ◴[] No.42950934{4}[source]
Reformatting comitts still leaves the issue that you deprive yourself of any possibility to reliably diff across such commits (what changes from there to there?) Or attribute a line of code to a specific change (why did we introduce this code?).

What we should have instead is syntax-aware diffs that can ignore meaningless changes like curly braces moving into another line or lines getting wrapped for reasons.

replies(2): >>42951146 #>>42951620 #
106. skydhash ◴[] No.42951007{6}[source]
Risk management is a fact of all activities. It's not predicting that some thing is going to happen, but it's evaluating that if we can afford the consequences if it really happens. If we can, let's go ahead with the easy choice. If we cannot, let's make sure that it won't affect us as much.

> Smart, experienced people got us into the current microservice, frontend JS, "serverless" cloud messes.

Those are solutions to real problems. The real issue is the cargo cult, aka "Google is doing it, let's do it too". If you don't have the problem, don't adopt the solution (which always bring its own issues). It's always a balancing act as there is no silver bullet.

107. drbawb ◴[] No.42951017[source]
Somewhat agree and disagree. I bucket people's style into two camps, stressing over the former is largely unproductive, but stressing over the latter is crucial to writing high-quality, maintainable software.

Someone's style can be "different" without being "bad", and you have two basic options to deal with it. One is to authoritatively remove the soul via process (auto-formatters, code review, and to a lesser degree linters, etc. are all designed to create uniformity at the cost of individuality.) The other is to suck it up and deal with it, as this is just an inevitability of creating a team size larger than one: people have different tastes and those have to be reconciled. I somewhat prefer allowing for individuality, and individuals should endeavor to match the style of whatever module they're working in, out of courtesy to its owners/stakeholders if nothing else. However I have only worked independently or on small teams. Most large teams (/ open source projects) have gone the former route of automating all the fun/craftsmanship out of their systems, and even I think that makes sense at a certain scale.

Someone's style can just be objectively "bad", however, and I usually find it's evidence they just don't care about the source artifact that much, and they're focused on the results. (It can also be a sign of an under-performer that spends so much mental capacity just getting the code to work that they have no spare cycles to spend thinking about matters of taste.) If it compiles / works / passes the test-suite that's "good enough" and "their job is done" and they move on to the next task. These people tend to be hyper-literal thinkers that are very micro-task oriented: they see implementing a new feature as a checklist to be conquered, rather than being systems-level thinkers on a journey of discovery & understanding.

If the author is talking about the latter, I have to agree with you that the latter are quite difficult for me to work with; particularly since I know that the source has to be maintained & supported over a much larger time-scale. The source-code is like your house, you live in it, being comfortable to work with/in/on it is the key to success. The deployed artifact may live for only a few weeks, days, or even hours before it gets replaced. The source has evolved over decades. You (the organization) are practically married to it. To further the analogy: I don't mind if somebody wants to hang posters in their room for a band I don't like. (Hell I can even handle if a group of those posters are tastefully hung out-of-level to make some kind of statement.) I do mind if their furniture is blocking a vent, the outlet covers are hanging off, there's a hole in one of the walls, a light has been burnt out for months, and the window-blinds over there are clearly broken but they insist it's fine because daylight still gets through.

108. DarkPlayer ◴[] No.42951146{5}[source]
> What we should have instead is syntax-aware diffs that can ignore meaningless changes like curly braces moving into another line or lines getting wrapped for reasons.

These diffs already exist (at least for some languages) but aren't yet integrated into the standard tools. For example, if you want a command line tool, you can use or if you are interested in a VS Code extension / GitHub App instead, you can give a try.

109. mixmastamyk ◴[] No.42951163[source]
The old Carlin bit, was going to mention. :-D. I think he used, “asshole.”
replies(1): >>42960106 #
110. petesergeant ◴[] No.42951388[source]
100%. Enforcing lint rules is very important. What those lint rules should say is generally very unimportant because the editor should be doing all the work, and most of the time "that's just like, your opinion, man".
111. zelphirkalt ◴[] No.42951412[source]
And some specific people with lots of experience in teaching as well as in developing real life useful systems will tell you, that code is first and foremost written for people to understand, and only incidentally for a computer to run. Human understanding of what is going on is the one most important thing. If we do not have that, everything else will go to shit.
112. afavour ◴[] No.42951417[source]
Maybe I'm projecting my own views here but I interpreted those two statements as being about different things: the finished product vs the process that gets you there.

I care deeply about the end result that is presented to the user who has no idea what code even looks like. How we put together the UI. How we load data to minimize delays. That's "the craft" to me.

I care much less about code style, linting etc. that no-one other than a small group of developers will ever see. To a certain extent the latter enables the former. But I've often witnessed the latter being valued over the former and that's where things start to go wrong.

replies(1): >>42957912 #
113. 708145_ ◴[] No.42951446[source]
It is a fine balance, and everyone that doesn't "drive the same speed" as me, frustrates me.
114. ryandrake ◴[] No.42951450[source]
Yea, I've always considered craftsmanship to be about paying attention to the details and making everything high quality--even the things that the end user will never see, but you know are there. The Steve Jobs quote sums it up nicely:

> "When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it faces the wall and nobody will ever see it. You’ll know it’s there, so you’re going to use a beautiful piece of wood on the back. For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through."

replies(2): >>42964216 #>>42964322 #
115. asa400 ◴[] No.42951515{5}[source]
And if that works for him then he should do that, and I have no problem with that at all. I just don't think there is anything one can say about writing tools that _generalizes_ to writing quality, and the same applies to the type of conversations programmers often engage in like "functions need to be short!" or "line length MUST be less than 90 or else I will reject this PR!" or "dark mode is objectively better to write code in" etc.

I have no problem whatsoever with people having preferences, I just think people mistake preferences for proof.

116. dasil003 ◴[] No.42951552{3}[source]
Software, being arbitrary logic, just doesn't have the same physical properties and constraints that have allowed civil engineering and construction code to converge on standards. It's often not clear what the load bearing properties of software systems are since the applications and consequences of errors are so varied. How often does a doghouse you built in your backyard turn into a skyscraper serving the needs of millions over a few short years?
117. VonGallifrey ◴[] No.42951607{4}[source]
> I brought over the blueprints, and the technician found the schedule of beams and columns within seconds

Is that really an example of the standardization you want? It shows that the blueprint was done in a way that the technician expected it to be, but I am not sure that these blueprints are standardized in that way globally. Each country has its standards and language.

If an architect from a different country did that blueprint, I would bet that it would be significantly different from the blueprint you have.

Software Engineering doesn't have a problem with country borders, but different languages would require different standards and conventions. Unless you can convince everyone to use the same language (which would be a bad idea; CRUD apps and rocket systems have different trade-offs), I doubt there could be an industry-wide standard.

replies(1): >>42953502 #
118. oasisbob ◴[] No.42951620{5}[source]
Not a full solution, but .git-blame-ignore-revs can help, and is automatically supported by GitHub:

119. maxwell ◴[] No.42951774{4}[source]
While everyone has a favorite ES Lint ruleset but few agree on which to use.
120. WesolyKubeczek ◴[] No.42951888[source]
People, though, tend to spiral down into the bikeshedding abyss. It’s one thing to stand your ground about a linting rule that has proven effective in combatting certain classes of errors that you encountered in the field. It’s another thing to make every discussion be about linting rules.

I cannot put it into words right, but you can see there’s usually a vibe. It will be different coming from an experienced developer knowing what they are talking about from lived experience, and from a clueless one who has seen shit but is hell bent on process and rules.

121. marsovo ◴[] No.42951966[source]
Heartily disagree. I have had to fight with others over automated formatting because it obscured intent or clarity. For example (C#) mandating `var`, mandating one and only one line of whitespace between lines of code, mandating the => syntax for single-line functions (instead of

Function(vars) { ... } )

I would say, when to use one or the other of each of those options is very much a craft.

122. alternatex ◴[] No.42951971[source]
Today Steam gives us the option of verifying whether a certain player has no life. Only half joking.
replies(1): >>42953562 #
123. vichle ◴[] No.42951983[source]
I love that the top comment is a 10 level deep bikeshed about bikeshedding.
124. pugworthy ◴[] No.42952137[source]
Agreed. I don't care what the indentation is or formatting is, as long as it's consistent.
replies(1): >>42960848 #
125. yread ◴[] No.42952213[source]
tabs or spaces are ok. Mix of tabs and spaces is not.
126. maleldil ◴[] No.42952228[source]
> I definitely would carefully ask that people should really use rustfmt, though, if they don't do so yet.

If you don't already, you should run `cargo fmt --check` in CI and block PR merges until it passes. You can also run it in a pre-commit hook, but you can't be sure everyone will set that up.

Automating such types of decision is great but moot if others have to opt into it.

127. maccard ◴[] No.42952254{3}[source]
This is the best argument I've ever heard for editorconfig, commiting a standardised format to the repos, and viewing it in whatever way you want to view it on your own machine
128. tharne ◴[] No.42952396[source]
> What you’re essentially saying is “cherish the people who care up to the level I personally and subjectively think is right, and dismiss everyone who cares more as insane weirdos who cannot prioritise”.

Theses are bullet points expressing general rules of thumb, not legal treatises. You're reading far too much into these.

129. plorkyeran ◴[] No.42952573{4}[source]
If a reviewer is regularly rejecting PRs because the variable names have incorrect capitalization then that's a problem with the author, not the reviewer. That is the incredibly basic shit you decide on at the start of a codebase and then follow regardless of your personal thoughts on what scheme is preferable.

If/else vs ternaries is something where consistency is a lot less important, but if you know that a team member has a strong preference for one over the other and you think it's unimportant then you should just write it how they prefer to begin with. Fight over things you think are important, not things that you think don't matter.

replies(1): >>42954115 #
130. mindcrime ◴[] No.42952653{5}[source]
Sure, but if there are actual rules, agreed to and accepted by the entire team (as opposed to one guy's idiosyncratic preferences) then there should be a commit-hook to run the code through a linter and reject the commit if the rules are violated.
replies(1): >>42964361 #
131. s1mplicissimus ◴[] No.42952786[source]
The construction metaphor isn't a very good fit here in my opinion. No building is expected to have the amount of adaptability that is expected of software. It falls completely apart for interpreted languages. When is a PHP app constructed in this metaphor? On every single request? The metaphor assumes a "design once, build once" approach, which is basically no software I've ever seen used in real life. Hardware, OS, language, collaborator/dependency updates all require changes to the application code more often than not. And that's assuming the feature set stays stable, which, in my experience is also quiet rare. Maintainability is therefore a quality dimension of software, and reduced cognitive load usually results in increased maintainability (curious if someone has a counterexample to that)

That is not to say I'm one of those people who need a specific code style to have their weird brain satisfied. But not using a linter/autoformatter at all [when available] in 2025 sounds like the opposite of "work smart, not hard"

132. wongarsu ◴[] No.42952836{4}[source]
Construction and civil engineering have been unable to agree on global conventions and standards, and they have a multi-millenia head start over software engineering. The US may claim to follow the "International Building Code", but it's just called that because a couple of small countries on the Americas have adopted it. For all intents and purposes it's a national standard. Globally we can't even agree on a system of units and measurements, never mind anything more consequential than that.
replies(1): >>42953293 #
133. giancarlostoro ◴[] No.42952951[source]
I dont care about style as long as you can give me a document that specifies all the rules. It can be a simple text file, but don't expect me to remember them all from one convo.

At least with Python I just push everyone to follow PEP-8 makes it easier.

134. unclebucknasty ◴[] No.42952983[source]
>Revered artisans

This may point to the dividing line. Software is required to be functional, not simply "artistic". You can certainly make the argument that there are non-functional considerations in its construction: readability, maintainability, extensibility, etc. And, these absolutely intersect with style, so it's tempting to apply words like "artistry".

But, is there a point where details veer into personal preference and insistence on style for the sake of style? I think so, and many of us have seen this. For those who haven't yet, stick around!

135. Pxtl ◴[] No.42953095[source]
"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?" -- George Carlin
136. s1mplicissimus ◴[] No.42953126[source]
The prose writing metaphor also falls apart the moment one admits that prose doesn't have the need (and is actually very terrible at) working collaboratively, concurrently but not perfectly synchronized and continuously on the same body of text, ensuring at the same time that combined changes don't add up to unwanted/wrong semantics, even in the long term. Are consistent indentations, variable names etc. strictly required for that? No, not logically, but the real world in which our software must be built is resource constrained, so every minute I spend parsing weird formatting inconsistencies is one minute less I can focus on the actual problem that needs solving. Just use a formatter/linter everyone. And I promise I don't care how it's configured, as long as it's consistent across the codebase
replies(1): >>42962485 #
137. 98codes ◴[] No.42953185[source]
Reminds me of the equivalent you see so often about driving where people slower than you are morons, while those faster than you are crazy.
138. Ma8ee ◴[] No.42953293{5}[source]
I’d say that globally we have agreed on a system of units and measurements. It’s just the US and a handful of third world countries that don’t follow that system.
replies(1): >>42961289 #
139. Ma8ee ◴[] No.42953330{6}[source]
The rules are what make it flexible. The rules let me understand what the heck is going on in the code you wrote so I can change it. Code that is faster to rewrite from scratch isn’t flexible.
140. lanstin ◴[] No.42953502{5}[source]
But I can't look at the design from my desk-mate and hope to understand it quickly. We wall love to invent as much as possible ourselves, and we lack a common design language for the spaces we are problem solving in. Personally I don't entirely think it's a problem of discipline of software engineering, but a reflection of the fact that the space of possible solutions is so high for software, and the [opportunity] cost of missing a great solution because it is too different from previous solutions is so high (difference between 120 seconds application start and 120 milliseconds application start, for instance).
141. danielbln ◴[] No.42953562{3}[source]
My favorite steam reviews are: "This game sucks, would not recommend." - playtime 800h
replies(1): >>42958651 #
142. OptionOfT ◴[] No.42953920[source]
Formatting is also important for cohesion. A code base that is formatted is easier to browse.

And I couldn't care less about where you put the {}. I love autoformatters.

Linting is a little more. It's both style and genuine issues, like don't == instead of === in JavaScript.

143. withinboredom ◴[] No.42954006{5}[source]
This is disastrously easy to implement with just a few filters on git (clean & smudge).

I highly recommend it though, especially if you worked for a long time at one company and are used to a specific way of writing code. Or if you like tabs instead of spaces...

144. withinboredom ◴[] No.42954115{5}[source]
wtf... no.

I worked with a guy where you would try to predict what he would bitch about next. In this example, you would write it as a ternary so you don't have to hear about it ... and he'd suggest it be an if-else statement.

Nobody fucking cares which one it is; is it readable? That's the real question. Your preference of which version of "readable" it is only applies when you are the author. If you're that picky about it, write it yourself. That's what we eventually did to that guy after the team got sick of it. Anytime he'd complain about something like that, we would invite him to write a PR to our PR, otherwise, get over it. Then, we would merge our PR before he could finish.

He eventually got fired for no longer able to keep up with his work due to constantly opening refactor PR's to the dev branch.

145. mtdrk ◴[] No.42955298[source]
This is more like noob logic. Good players are eager to learn from those better than them.
146. patmorgan23 ◴[] No.42955321[source]
Type setting is not a good analogy here.

A better one would probably be accounting and spread sheets. Having common formatting conventions between spreadsheets (and code files) allows your brain to filter out the noise better. Obviously you can get too down in the weeds on "what are the best conventions" but the most important part is to have them and stick to them.

147. dranudin ◴[] No.42955524{4}[source]
That is largely due to a difference in complexity.I would say that the level of complexity of a blueprint of a house is on par with a 20-30 line python solution of a leet code easy excercise to a programmer. If the one reading the blue print is an engineer and the one reading the python code is a programmer. A crud app is more like the blue prints for a vacuum cleaner or something like that.
148. secondcoming ◴[] No.42955644{4}[source]
Ha, yes. I started doing that but then lost the will to continue.
149. HeyLaughingBoy ◴[] No.42955652{4}[source]
I don't know that we'll ever be able to agree on "global standards" though. Software is too specialized for that.

The only software standard that I'm reasonably familiar with is which is specific to Medical Devices. In a 62304-compliant project, we might be able to do something like your example, but it could take a while. OTOH, I'm told that my Aviation counterparts following DO-178 would almost certainly be able to do something comparable.

It is going to be very industry dependent, where "industry" means aviation, or maritime, or railroad, or Healthcare, etc... Just "software" is too general to be meaningful these days.

replies(1): >>42959275 #
150. booleandilemma ◴[] No.42955707{3}[source]
There is a class of people who refuse to see computer programming as an art.

They try to shoehorn it into being an engineering discipline and comparing it to authoring a book (something you can't give timelines on or T-Shirt size) probably horrifies them.

replies(1): >>42955940 #
151. tremon ◴[] No.42955720[source]
152. tremon ◴[] No.42955940{4}[source]
Ah, the joys of overloading. Do you mean "art" as the high-brow stuff we see in galleries and are produced in volumes of dozens per artist-years? Or do you mean "art" as the more common stuff that's produced by artisans are the rate of dozens per week? Because to me it's more the latter -- I'm an artisan, not an artist.
replies(1): >>42956043 #
153. booleandilemma ◴[] No.42956043{5}[source]
Why not both?
154. tremon ◴[] No.42956260[source]
they were stressing about details that customers see, details that customers don’t see were to cut corners on

Sure, but there's two differences between artisans and programmers.

Firstly, most artisans produce sellable products. Once the customer has bought an item, they would never see it again. I'm pretty sure that if there was a minor error on a self-produced table or a vase and it was standing in the artisan's own living room, they'd not be able to unsee it, and still work to correct it.

Secondly and more importantly: code is not just the product that programmers work on, it's also the workshop that programmers work in. And you bet your ass that artisans are very anal about the layout and organization of their workshop. Put away screws in the wrong box, or throw all the dowels of multiple sizes in the same container? The carpenter will fire his apprentice if it happens more than once; place your knives in the wrong place in a kitchen and the chef will eat you alive; not properly wearing or storing safety equipment can be a fireable offense in many places.

To me, a code review is how you close your workshop for the week: tools are cleaned and stored, floors are tidy enough to walk around, and the work area is available so I can come back on monday and be productive again. I shouldn't have to spend monday cleaning glass shards because someone left a hammer standing straight up on a glass table - or chasing down last week's lunch because someone left the fridge open and now the cheese has grown legs.

So no -- making fuss about code style and quality can certainly be artisanal (maybe not about indents specifically, but can certainly be about textual organization). Because the code is the workshop, and you know the next time you will enter this room it will be because of a high-priority demand and you can't afford to spend half your day cleaning up what you couldn't be bothered to do last time.

155. Netcob ◴[] No.42956368[source]
I think most people who care about code have a bit of OCD over these things, but there is a difference between how the code looks vs. how it is structured. I think that's what the author means.
156. bellBivDinesh ◴[] No.42956620[source]
So writing brittle code that’s impossible to change isn’t a failure of design? It can still compile and run just fine
157. jacksnipe ◴[] No.42956749[source]
I care about the craft of constructing programs. I do not care about the craft of typesetting them.
158. throw310822 ◴[] No.42956933[source]
> What you’re essentially saying is “cherish the people who care up to the level I personally and subjectively think is right

No. The two aspects (let's call them the craft and the minutiae) are orthogonal, they're not different level of caring about the same thing. I've seen people obsessed over minutiae and writing buggy, careless and unmaintainable code.

As with other formal aspects (e.g., testing) the quality of the code and the level of adherence to convention or forms are independent of each other; but they do both consume the same limited resource, which is the time and attention of developers.

159. diddid ◴[] No.42957674[source]
The idea that style and linting define the “craft” is bizarre. What it sounds like you are saying is that you prefer style over substance. Not a single developer I’ve ever revered cared about styling. It’s a means to an end for large teams because to make it easy to read you need commonality.

It’s kind of like what Bruce Lee said about punches. Before you know how to code, styling is just styling. When you become proficient in coding, styling is more than just styling. But when you’ve mastered coding, styling is just styling again. Be like water my friend.

160. wiremine ◴[] No.42957827[source]
I took this as "don't stress about things you can automate."

Yes, you need to care about this. But for the most part you should just follow the conventions of the language/framework, and not reinvent the wheel. Instead, you should put cycles into crafting architectures and algorithms.

161. chausen ◴[] No.42957839[source]
I overall agree. The one thing I will say is that what you call code organization (anything pre-compilation) also includes structuring the code to improve maintainability, extensibility, and testability. I would therefore disagree that code organization is only basic hygiene, not part of design, and not a large part of the “craft” (use of that word is something I’ve changed my opinion on—while it feels good to think of it that way, it leads to exactly the thing we’re discussing; putting too much emphasis on unimportant things).

Code style though, I do agree isn’t worth stressing about. I do think you may as well decide on a linter/style, just so it’s decided and you can give it minimal energy moving forward.

162. intull ◴[] No.42957912[source]
In some ways, it's the point OC makes — that it's subjective. It's a culture problem.

In our profession, our conventional approach to resolve these kinds of differences is to reduce them to a specific set of conditionally applied rules that everyone _has_ to agree on. Differences in opinions are treated as based on top of a more fundamental set of values that _have_ to be universal, modular, and distinct. Why do we do this? Because that's how we culturally approach problem-solving.

Most industries at large train and groom people to absorb structured value systems whose primary function is to promote productivity (as in, delivery of results). That value system, however, ultimately benefits capital most, not necessarily knowledge or completeness.

Roles and positions ultimately encompass and package a set of values and expectations. So, we are left with a small group of people who practiced valuing few other aspects but feel isolated and burdened with having to voluntarily take on additional work (because they really care about it), and others unnecessarily pressured to mass-adopt values and also burdened taking on what feels like additional work that only a small group of people like to care about.

In the cultural discourse, we are trying to fix minimum thresholds of some values and value systems and, correspondingly, their expectations. That is never going to be possible. In and of itself, that can be a valid ask. However, time and resources are limited, and values are a continuum. Fixing one requires compromising on another. This is where we are as a professional culture and community in the larger society today.

The Tech industry refuses to break down the role of a "software engineer/developer" further than what it is today and, consequently, refuses to further break down more complex/ambiguous values and value systems into simpler ones, thus reducing the compromises encompassed in and perceived by different sub-groups and increasing overall satisfaction of developers in the industry. Instead, we've expanded on what software developers should be responsible for, which has caused more and more people to burn out trying to meet a broader set of expectations and a diminished set of value systems with more compromises to accommodate that.

Ideally, we need an industry and a professional culture that allows for and respects niche values and acknowledges the necessity of more niche roles to focus on different parts of the larger craft of software development.

PS. As a side note, the phrasing of it in the article is unfair, which OC is pointing out too — there is a false equivalency drawn between "caring for the craft" and "stressing over minutia." This causes, in this context of having a discourse around the article, those who value and want to talk about the value of caring for the craft to be viewed and perceived as the insane weirdos who stress over the minutia that the author was referring to.

163. forgetfreeman ◴[] No.42958226[source]
By your own analogy, blueprints have a very strict set of guidelines on stuff like line styling, font selection, displaying measurements, etc. This is absolutely critical as nobody wants to live with the kind of outcomes generated when there's any meaningful ambiguity in the basic conventions of critical design documents. At the same time, having to hack through a thicket of clashing code style adds to the cognitive load of dealing with complex codebases without offering any improvement in functionality to balance the tradeoff. I've literally seen open source developers lose their commit access to projects over style issues because the maintainers correctly concluded that the benefits of maintaining an authoritarian grip on the style of code committed to the project outweighed humoring the minority of fussy individualists who couldn't set aside their preferences long enough to satisfy the needs of the community.
164. jayd16 ◴[] No.42958578[source]
The trick to life is finding the exact right amount of fucks to give.
replies(1): >>42958587 #
165. bdangubic ◴[] No.42958587[source]
zero… the answer is zero :)
166. edm0nd ◴[] No.42958651{4}[source]
and on the flipside of this

"This game sucks, would not recommend." - playtime 1.2h

167. Defletter ◴[] No.42958772{3}[source]
Vehemently disagree. I get that go's conventions line up with your own, but when they don't, it's irritating. For example, Dart is finally coming around on the "tall" style ( But why should people be forced to wait for a committee (or some other lofty institution) to change a style convention that then effects everyone using the language? What's the harm in letting people write their code in the "tall" style beforehand? Why must the formatter be so insistent about it?
replies(1): >>42959362 #
168. kmoser ◴[] No.42959275{5}[source]
The very point of ISO is to define international standards, many of which are used in software engineering.
replies(1): >>42963538 #
169. anon-3988 ◴[] No.42959362{4}[source]
> Why must the formatter be so insistent about it?

Exactly to avoid conversations like this...If you want a tall format then just add a dummy comment at the end?

replies(1): >>42959958 #
170. anon-3988 ◴[] No.42959373{4}[source]
> There is nothing to support this in either writing or programming, at all.

There is no way this is true. There;s 100% chance that no human is productive is uglified JS code.

171. throwaway2037 ◴[] No.42959506{4}[source]
But not poor testing?
172. Aeolun ◴[] No.42959516[source]
Code style and linting rules are not something you obsess over. They are things you set once and then follow more or less automatically.
173. fullstackchris ◴[] No.42959568{3}[source]
I've always thought on the contrary that "code smell" refers much more to the patterns used and not so much how it was formatted. Anyway, choosing a language that has automatic formatting (Go for example) renders about 80% of comments in this thread about "linting" and "formatting" and blah blah blah completely irrelevant.
174. aqueueaqueue ◴[] No.42959595[source]
You defined anything that doesn't survive the balloon as keeping the s77 rad-ishes.
175. bradleyjg ◴[] No.42959604[source]
Code is human readable text. Authors should craft it with care.

The linter people are hypercorrectionalists of the type that would change “to boldly go where no man has gone before!” because it’s a split infinitive.

176. cmckn ◴[] No.42959828[source]
Oh thank god, I thought that was just me.
177. rhubarbtree ◴[] No.42959832[source]
Equivalently: code is written for other humans to read.
178. brunooliv ◴[] No.42959898[source]
There’s a big difference when someone stresses over minutiae and fails to see the bigger picture or why the overall design might be flawed. Wanting to have code up to a given standard is a laudable goal but as with everything, it can be taken to such an extreme that people lose sight of the real value being delivered. Code is not the end goal, except for some people it is.
179. Defletter ◴[] No.42959958{5}[source]
Except that a prescriptive formatter with zero configurability is causing this conversation.
replies(1): >>42959992 #
180. bayindirh ◴[] No.42959982{6}[source]
I didn't know that so many people did that so formatters have an option for this. On the other hand, I'm doing this for so long across so many languages, I never thought about it. It consumes no effort on my part.

Also, gofmt not removing the breaking lines and handling groups inside themselves tell me that gofmt is aware of these choices already and accommodates this without being fussy or needing configuration about it, and it's an elegant approach.

181. bayindirh ◴[] No.42959992{6}[source]
When you are a solo dev, everything is acceptable. When you're in a group, this can cause friction and cause real problems if people are "so insistent" about their style.

Go is a programming language developed for teams. From its syntax to core library to language server to tooling, Go is made for teams, and to minimize thinking. It's opposite of Rust. It's devilishly simple, so you can't make mistakes most of the time.

Even the logo's expression is an homage to this.

So yes, Go's formatter should be this prescriptive. The other thing is, you can continue this conversation till the end of time, but you can't argue with the formatter. It'll always do its thing.

In other words, "computer says no".

replies(1): >>42960076 #
182. Defletter ◴[] No.42960076{7}[source]
You are misunderstanding the argument: I am not against prescriptive formatters. By all means, enforce a style convention for your project, I have nothing against that, nor do I understand how you interpreted that from my comment. I am against prescriptive formatters that cannot be configured. This creates the absurd situation, as previously described, where one must appeal to 'The Committee' who decides the style convention for the entire world. This should not be necessary. Nor should you have to surround your code with formatter-disabling comments (assuming the language even supports that) to, for example, use the "tall" style, as previously mentioned. Nor should you have to literally fork the language or its tools to disable the formatter.
replies(1): >>42971241 #
183. RangerScience ◴[] No.42960106{3}[source]
"If you met an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day, you're the asshole." (or, something close to that)
184. locallost ◴[] No.42960492[source]
I could agree with your general sentiment, but don't in this case. There's nothing in code style that is important for the craft, at least not in the way it's usually discussed. It could be important if one style is somehow dangerous, but for most people it's a matter of aesthetics, which after a (too) long time doing this I think is weird. Because there are so many real problems to deal with, and where to place a character certainly ain't one.
185. dsego ◴[] No.42960814{4}[source]
I feel like this is a failure of language and syntax that allows formatting to be deceiving.
186. dsego ◴[] No.42960848{3}[source]
I sometimes care when I want to introduce empty space to visually make parts of code stand out, eg multiple blank lines between functions or classes etc. I think whitespace can be effectively used like paragraphs in a book, basically make different blocks more obvious. Most formatters just squash everything to be one empty line apart, for me it can be annoying.
187. ahel ◴[] No.42961043[source]
Thanks for writing this. It makes me question if I'm too much concerned with code hygiene vs my coworkers.
188. akoboldfrying ◴[] No.42961062[source]
There are aspects of code that matter and aspects that don't. I lump everything that doesn't matter under "code style", and cherish those who cherish the remaining aspects.
189. dominicrose ◴[] No.42961086[source]
in my experience half the people don't bother installing the tools. They just don't care about formatting/linting, at all.
replies(1): >>42961275 #
190. TingPing ◴[] No.42961275{3}[source]
Just don’t make it optional.
191. Vilian ◴[] No.42961289{6}[source]
Only USA, Myanmar and Libera are switching to metric
replies(1): >>42966489 #
192. sevensor ◴[] No.42961380[source]
Having a consistent code style and adhering to a set of linting rules is important, but that they exist is far more important than their particulars. I get bored very fast when people argue about the visual presentation of their code. Use a formatter and be done with it. Same with linting rules; pick a set that your team can work with. If you dial everything up to 11, you’re going to have perfectly compliant code that doesn’t do anything. Recognize that compliance sometimes makes your code worse and pick your roles accordingly.
193. zcfan ◴[] No.42961444{3}[source]
I don't care about code styles of my colleagues, as long as it remains consistent and sane. But sadly it usually isn't.
194. pgwhalen ◴[] No.42962073[source]
No, they are saying that code style, minting rules, and other minutia are not the essence of the craft. Which I agree with.

You have to read between the lines to pick that up though, so your criticism seems valid.

195. joshstrange ◴[] No.42962082[source]
Completely agree on all points. I used to have a style that I preferred and really wanted to use everywhere but nowadays I just throw prettier at it and take the defaults for the most part. I’ll take consistent code over mixed styles every day.
196. maccard ◴[] No.42962163{6}[source]
I’d like to think that GitHub would be able to display with my editor format settings.
197. scotty79 ◴[] No.42962322[source]
> Revered artisans are precisely the ones who care for the details.

Abhored obstructionists and covert saboteurs are also the ones that care for the details.

You need to care about right kind of details. Any specific linting is not that kind. Linting at all is.

Artisan without a proper sense could spend weeks exquisitely decorating a spoon with gaping hole in the middle. State of nearly all software is more or less horrible. Choosing the right linting rules is most often than not putting lipstick on a pig.

198. red_admiral ◴[] No.42962379[source]
I have a lot of sympathy for the golang auto-linter here.

I can also understand the fuss better in indentation-is-structure languages like python.

199. ghc ◴[] No.42962423{3}[source]
Those are tools you use to write, not typesetting. It's equivalent to wanting to code on paper or use a specific editor. Cognitive connection to tools is a real thing, and I know a number of authors who really can't form a mental connection with their writing if not using their tool of choice.

That doesn't mean it's normal for them only use a certain typewriter because of its typeface, insist a publisher use Garamond to typeset their book for publication, or refuse to write without a certain margin.

To bring it closer to programming, in collaborative writing especially (think manual writing at large corporations), nobody is insisting that everyone indents paragraphs their way because it's better. As long as there's consistency those matters are best left to the printer. When I was younger I knew a lot of technical writers who in fact really disliked the move to Word from traditional word processors, because they didn't want to be distracted by those things.

200. ghc ◴[] No.42962485{3}[source]
Plenty of writers work collaboratively, fyi. Even fiction authors like my mother routinely deal with multiple drafts and edits from multiple editors who review and suggest changes, from peer authors to professional editors contracted by the publishing house. And non-fiction authors routinely collaborate, too. I personally know some consequential non-fiction books where another author ghost wrote troublesome sections, not taking credit except in private.

And this ignores the collaborative writing many authors do to pay the bills: technical writing at large corporations, like bank manuals and such, or academic writing at universities. While consistency and standards are enforced, nobody's arguing that everyone else should really indent paragraphs their way, because that's the best way.

201. eloisant ◴[] No.42962529[source]
Now we have tooling to make sure (1) code style is consistent and (2) you don't have to stress about it.

Every language has automatic formatters. Use them, configure them if you don't like the default (in accordance with your team), and configure your editor so that is applied automatically when you save. And use CI to detect PRs with bad formatting so devs who don't have configured their editor yet can't break it.

Same with linters, you still have to agree with your co-workers about which rules make sense to be enforced, but with good editor integration you can see it right away and fix it as you code.

replies(1): >>42964690 #
202. bena ◴[] No.42962821[source]
Whether one uses tabs or spaces, Allman or K&R, etc. is largely immaterial.

On your own projects, choose a style, go with it. On someone else's project, go with the style chosen. On a shared project, come up with a style, go with it.

Code _organization_ matters way more than code _style_. Where style refers only to the aesthetic choices that don't impact the structure or flow.

203. lo_zamoyski ◴[] No.42963089[source]
This is baldfaced relativism. It only takes a moment of reflection to understand the absurd consequences of this position. For example, how it becomes meaningless to speak of caring about the craft if there is no objective definition of what exactly one should care about, or what is important. It ceases to have intersubjective relevance.

> What you call “stressing over minutiae” others might call “caring for the craft”.

So what? The presence of disagreement is not an argument in favor of relativism and subjectivism. People can be wrong, and they can be wrong about what is valuable. Value is not subjective. The fact-value dichotomy is false.

That's the general principle. As far as this particular example is concerned, the author didn't say things like code style and linting rules have absolutely no value. They have some value. The question is how much, especially in the grand scheme of things, and whether one's concerns, attention, and efforts are proportioned to the objective value of such things. That's how this question should be framed. The author's position, charitably read, is that it is objectively irrational to obsess over such things.

If you wish to rebut, then go ahead and provide an argument, but don't retreat into the bollocks of subjectivism.

204. willcipriano ◴[] No.42963205[source]
The craft is the result, not the process.
205. Rexxar ◴[] No.42963258[source]
I think you can apply what Stephen Fry say in the following video to programming :
206. CapsAdmin ◴[] No.42963269[source]
I know this sounds insane, but I used to work on some big svn codebase with many developers, without any fancy formating tools AND no one cared about consistent style.

One interesting thing that happened was the ability to guess who wrote what code purely based on coding style.

replies(1): >>42964478 #
207. TeMPOraL ◴[] No.42963313{4}[source]
> The problem is that after a half a century, software engineering discipline has been unable to agree on global conventions and standards.

It can't, and it won't, as long as we insist on always working directly on the "single source of truth", and representing it as plaintext code. It's just not sufficient to comprehensibly represent all concerns its consumers have at the same time. We're stuck in endless fights about what is cleaner or more readable or more maintainable way of abstracting / passing errors / sizing functions / naming variables... and so on, because the industry still misses the actual answer: it depends on what you're doing at the moment. There is no one best representation, one best function size. In fact, one form may be ideal for you now, and the opposite of it may be ideal for you five minutes later, as you switch from e.g. understanding the module to debugging a specific issue in it.

We've saturated the expressive capability of our programming paradigm. We're sliding back and forth along the Pareto frontier, like a drunkard leaning against a wall, trying to find their way back to a pub without falling over. No, inventing even more mathematically complex category of magic monads won't help, that's just repackaging complexity to reach a different point on the Pareto frontier.

Hint: in construction, there is never one blueprint everyone works with. Try to fit all information about geometry, structural properties, material properties, interior arrangement, plumbing, electricity, insulation, HVAC, geological conditions, hydrological conditions, and tax conditions onto a single flat image, and... you'll get a good approximation of what source code looks like in programming as it is today.

replies(2): >>42966186 #>>42969983 #
208. HeyLaughingBoy ◴[] No.42963538{6}[source]
Yes, of course. My point is that those standards apply only to specific domains where software is applied, not to the software development industry as a whole.
209. CrimsonRain ◴[] No.42963588{6}[source]
I understand the age issue but you can always get a 42" display? LG C2/3/4 are amazing.
210. __mharrison__ ◴[] No.42963589[source]
Sadly formatting well written pandas and Polars code cannot be automated but current tooling.
211. greenie_beans ◴[] No.42963661[source]
> Placement of line breaks, not so much.

this is my biggest beef with linters. i break lines following typography rules and poetry, using the line break to help communicate. hate it when the linter takes away my thoughtfully chosen line break, because i broke it there to improve readability. i seem to be the only person in the world who cares about the line break of code. other style things idgaf but you can use typography and poetry rules to improve the readability of your code.

212. spjt ◴[] No.42963807[source]
The purpose of writing is to produce something to be read, and typesetting is an important part of making a document readable.

It is incredibly irritating if I need to reformat code to be able to read it clearly before modifying it, then have to either back out all of the formatting changes to create a clean PR that shows the actual change, or create a PR full of formatting changes with the actual logic change buried somewhere within.

213. spjt ◴[] No.42963878[source]
Code formatters are the best of both worlds. I despise Allman-style indentation for reasons I can't explain or justify, but if I have to work on a codebase that uses it, I can simply put hooks to reformat it to whatever the repo style is before commit.
214. james_marks ◴[] No.42964216{3}[source]
To take it a bit further, the "unseen quality" does surface periodically, like when the proverbial chest of drawers ends its first life, and goes to the dump or gets restored.

The same is true in software when a developer inherits a codebase.

Those signs of quality turn into longevity, even when they face away from the user.

215. Illotus ◴[] No.42964322{3}[source]
If you look at back pieces of old classic furniture made during hand powered tools era, its mostly very roughly finished. Professionals rarely had time to spend dicking around with stuff that isn't visible.
216. tisdadd ◴[] No.42964361{6}[source]
Yes indeed. I'm a fan of getting the team to pick an already existing lint ruleset and then doing this. You can also set to only lint changed files if you want a gradual change over in existing codebase.
217. bobthepanda ◴[] No.42964478{3}[source]
This happens to some degree in linted code bases since there’s more than one way to write the same code, and people reach for what they like
218. nijave ◴[] No.42964637[source]
Code is read much more frequently than a blueprint.

I'd argue that code is more akin to a paper map than blueprint.

219. buescher ◴[] No.42964672{4}[source]
It's telling I think that the discussion becomes about standards, which software people like, rather than say, clear communication to technical stakeholders beyond the original programmer. I have a list somewhere I made of everyone that might eventually need to read an electronics schematic. Particularly to emphasize clarity to younger engineers and (ex-)hobbyists that think schematics are a kind of awkward source code or data entry for layout. It's not short: test, legal, quality control, manufacturing, firmware, sustaining/maintenance, sometimes even purchasing, etc.

Whoever drew your blueprints knew they would be needed beyond getting the house up. What would the equivalent perspective and effort for software engineering be?

220. nijave ◴[] No.42964690[source]
That's my stance--formatting and style is important but it's also a job for machines. I think you can still quibble over formatting but the result should be automation, not nit-picky code review comments or chat war threads.
221. andy_ppp ◴[] No.42964858[source]
Sigh... it really doesn't matter compared to say how and what you test, and that you are consistent. He's saying your opinion about where a brace goes or even spaces or tabs is just not that important compared to crafting simple systems with clear code.
222. beryilma ◴[] No.42964922[source]
> People who stress over code style, linting rules, or other minutia remain insane weirdos to me.

Until you open a file that has 10 different coding styles from 5 different developers. Just the variations of variable naming schemes alone in individual code files that I see/edit, would drive anyone crazy.

223. CrimsonRain ◴[] No.42965092{5}[source]
200 allowed doesn't mean most lines will be. In general, 99% will be around 150 with a few places going high if it makes sense.
224. ◴[] No.42966186{5}[source]
225. gadflyinyoureye ◴[] No.42966489{7}[source]
You don’t think of those other two having their shit together. — Archer international man of mystery.
226. patrick451 ◴[] No.42966606[source]
It's a strange assertion to claim that people who care about formatting care about the craft more. IMO, it's the opposite: people who care about formatting prefer to talk and think about the periphery of programming not the actual act of programming itself. For the record, I reject the usually offered claim that the most important attribute is consistency. I have an easier to reading code written in a different style than understanding somebody with a different accent, but nobody is claiming we should only hire teams from the same regions of the same country.
227. gbro3n ◴[] No.42969983{5}[source]
I think we have to think of software like books and writing. It is about conveying information, and while there are grammatical rules to language and conventions around good and bad writing, we're generally happy to leave it there because too many rules is so constructive as to remove the ability to express information in the way we feel we need to. We just have to accept that some are better writers than others, or we like the style of some authors better.
replies(1): >>42971295 #
228. gbro3n ◴[] No.42970017{3}[source]
No it doesn't, the units remain the same. Only legibility changes. Style doesn't affect semantics.
229. anon-3988 ◴[] No.42971241{8}[source]
If something can be configured, this opens up infinite possibilities for discussions on how it should be configured. The fact that you even ASK if you should use the tall style means that you are considering the POSSIBILITY of using it that way.

Put it this way, if it is technically impossible to develop a car that have the color red, we would not be discussing or entertaining what color the next car should have. It would be red, end of story. It doesn't matter if we like red or not, it just has to be. end of story.

Yes, the code looks awful. end of story.

replies(1): >>42978651 #
230. TeMPOraL ◴[] No.42971295{6}[source]
That would make sense if code was written solely for the enjoyment of its readers, but it isn't.

Code uses text, sometimes even natural-language prose, but isn't like "books and writing". It has to communicate knowledge, not feels. It also ultimately have to be precise enough to give unambiguous instructions to a machine.

In this sense, code is like mathematical proofs and like architectural blueprints, which is a different category to drawings, paintings and literature. One is about shared, objective, precise understanding of a problem. The other is about sharing subjective, emotional experiences; having the audience understand the work, much less everyone understand it the same way, is not required, usually not possible, and often undesirable.

231. cafard ◴[] No.42974258[source]
Didn't George Carlin say that everyone who drove faster than one was a maniac and everyone slower was a moron?
232. Defletter ◴[] No.42978651{9}[source]
Hot take: stop being authoritarian with code styles, perchance? You are not so wise as to determine what is clean code for the entire world, and the ego required to believe that you are is beyond astounding. And we're still having these discussions despite unconfigurably prescriptive formatters. This idea that such formatters end these discussions is just demonstrably false... you are literally taking part in one of these discussions.
replies(1): >>43119312 #
233. from-nibly ◴[] No.43119312{10}[source]
The point is, that the way it's formatted doesn't matter. It just matters that it's consistent. Consistency is better than being right.
replies(1): >>43125666 #
234. Defletter ◴[] No.43125666{11}[source]
As I've said, it's fine for people, projects, and organisations to require and enforce a particular style for their code, to demand consistency for their code. The problem comes when people with inflated egos believe they have the right to dictate how the entire world writes their code. I feel like I need to stress that this is the issue here.

The fact that Dart's formatter FAQ tells developers who are unhappy with the output to change their code to satisfy the formatter (, rather than allowing developers to tweak the formatter to satisfy their code, is such a huge tell about their mindset. And again, these global styles do not "end the discussion" as people in this thread have asserted. The "tall style" PR ( refutes that. And that PR has since devolved into bickering and heated demands since its adoption into SDK 3.7.0, since it transforms people's code in ways they dislike and/or find less readable.

Just let people, projects, and organisations enforce their own styles conventions. It's not hard and it shouldn't be controversial.