This is baldfaced relativism. It only takes a moment of reflection to understand the absurd consequences of this position. For example, how it becomes meaningless to speak of caring about the craft if there is no objective definition of what exactly one
should care about, or what
is important. It ceases to have intersubjective relevance.
> What you call “stressing over minutiae” others might call “caring for the craft”.
So what? The presence of disagreement is not an argument in favor of relativism and subjectivism. People can be wrong, and they can be wrong about what is valuable. Value is not subjective. The fact-value dichotomy is false.
That's the general principle. As far as this particular example is concerned, the author didn't say things like code style and linting rules have absolutely no value. They have some value. The question is how much, especially in the grand scheme of things, and whether one's concerns, attention, and efforts are proportioned to the objective value of such things. That's how this question should be framed. The author's position, charitably read, is that it is objectively irrational to obsess over such things.
If you wish to rebut, then go ahead and provide an argument, but don't retreat into the bollocks of subjectivism.