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latexr ◴[] No.42947128[source]
> Most won't care about the craft. Cherish the ones that do, meet the rest where they are

> (…)

> People who stress over code style, linting rules, or other minutia remain insane weirdos to me. Focus on more important things.

What you call “stressing over minutiae” others might call “caring for the craft”. Revered artisans are precisely the ones who care for the details. “Stressing” is your value judgement, not necessarily the ground truth.

What you’re essentially saying is “cherish the people who care up to the level I personally and subjectively think is right, and dismiss everyone who cares more as insane weirdos who cannot prioritise”.

replies(64): >>42947180 #>>42947185 #>>42947187 #>>42947236 #>>42947241 #>>42947385 #>>42947445 #>>42947527 #>>42947549 #>>42947550 #>>42947776 #>>42947831 #>>42947871 #>>42948239 #>>42948415 #>>42948549 #>>42948597 #>>42948603 #>>42948816 #>>42948889 #>>42949006 #>>42949205 #>>42949721 #>>42949848 #>>42950103 #>>42950597 #>>42951017 #>>42951417 #>>42951446 #>>42951888 #>>42951983 #>>42952213 #>>42952396 #>>42952951 #>>42952983 #>>42953095 #>>42953185 #>>42953920 #>>42956368 #>>42956749 #>>42956933 #>>42957674 #>>42957827 #>>42958578 #>>42959426 #>>42959516 #>>42959604 #>>42959832 #>>42959898 #>>42960492 #>>42961062 #>>42961380 #>>42962073 #>>42962322 #>>42962379 #>>42962529 #>>42962821 #>>42963089 #>>42963205 #>>42963258 #>>42964858 #>>42964922 #>>42966606 #>>42974258 #
xnorswap ◴[] No.42947187[source]
The solution is to have computers enforce the code style. Pick a linter, pick a set of rules, and then forget about them.

Things I beleive:

- If you're picking up on code-style in PRs then your toolchain is backward.

- If you're changing linting rules every month then you're focussed on the wrong things

- It's better to have a consistent style than a perfect style

replies(9): >>42947390 #>>42947460 #>>42948395 #>>42949015 #>>42951388 #>>42952137 #>>42961086 #>>42962082 #>>42963269 #
bayindirh ◴[] No.42947460[source]
Yes. I love how gofmt has no settings, basically. Is this how you envisioned? Great. Now I don't have to think about optimizing it.

Coincidentally, the choices they made are the choices I'd made, but it doesn't matter in the end.

replies(2): >>42947860 #>>42958772 #
1. maleldil ◴[] No.42947860[source]
IMO, gofmt doesn't go far enough. It should sort imports and break lines automatically, or you end up with different people with slightly different preferences for breaking up lines, leading to an inconsistent style.

Something like gofumpt + golines + goimports makes more sense to me, but I'm used to ruff in Python (previous black + isort) and rustfmt.

I'd say that if you're manually formatting stuff with line breaks and spaces, that should have been automated by tooling. And that tooling should run both as a pre-commit hook and in CI.

replies(2): >>42947909 #>>42948879 #
2. bayindirh ◴[] No.42947909[source]
gofmt sorts imports within the block they are in.

I have a habit of putting stdlib imports, a line break, golang experimental (x) imports, a line break and external imports.

I just tested, gofmt orders imports within these blocks. If I won't use the line breaks, it'll consider it a single block and will globally sort.

golang also aligns variable spacing and inline comments to look them as unified blocks (or a table if you prefer the term) and handles indents. The only thing it doesn't do is breaking lines, which I think acceptable.

replies(1): >>42950098 #
3. Freak_NL ◴[] No.42948879[source]
Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes leaving a line stupidly long is better for readability than awkwardly trying to break it up.

If you have five similar statements somewhere with only one exceeding the linter's line length, breaking up that one can lead to code that is harder to parse than just leaving it jutting out by way of an exception to the general rule; especially if it contains some predictable bit of code.

replies(1): >>42949754 #
4. maleldil ◴[] No.42949754[source]
Those would be edge cases where formatting can be turned off if needed. This would require justification during code review. Otherwise, we'd keep the automatic format, with a strong tendency towards the latter.

The general benefit of automated formatting outweighs these edge cases.

5. maleldil ◴[] No.42950098[source]
I meant that you could do this with isort in Python or rustfmt with `group_imports = StdExternalCrate` (sadly, not the default), where the imports are automatically separated into blocks, which is basically what you seem to be doing manually.

My point is that many things we end up doing manually can be automated, so I don't need to care about unsorted or unused imports at all and can rely on them to be fixed without my input, and I don't have to worry about a colleague forgetting to it either.

replies(1): >>42959982 #
6. bayindirh ◴[] No.42959982{3}[source]
I didn't know that so many people did that so formatters have an option for this. On the other hand, I'm doing this for so long across so many languages, I never thought about it. It consumes no effort on my part.

Also, gofmt not removing the breaking lines and handling groups inside themselves tell me that gofmt is aware of these choices already and accommodates this without being fussy or needing configuration about it, and it's an elegant approach.