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latexr ◴[] No.42947128[source]
> Most won't care about the craft. Cherish the ones that do, meet the rest where they are

> (…)

> People who stress over code style, linting rules, or other minutia remain insane weirdos to me. Focus on more important things.

What you call “stressing over minutiae” others might call “caring for the craft”. Revered artisans are precisely the ones who care for the details. “Stressing” is your value judgement, not necessarily the ground truth.

What you’re essentially saying is “cherish the people who care up to the level I personally and subjectively think is right, and dismiss everyone who cares more as insane weirdos who cannot prioritise”.

replies(64): >>42947180 #>>42947185 #>>42947187 #>>42947236 #>>42947241 #>>42947385 #>>42947445 #>>42947527 #>>42947549 #>>42947550 #>>42947776 #>>42947831 #>>42947871 #>>42948239 #>>42948415 #>>42948549 #>>42948597 #>>42948603 #>>42948816 #>>42948889 #>>42949006 #>>42949205 #>>42949721 #>>42949848 #>>42950103 #>>42950597 #>>42951017 #>>42951417 #>>42951446 #>>42951888 #>>42951983 #>>42952213 #>>42952396 #>>42952951 #>>42952983 #>>42953095 #>>42953185 #>>42953920 #>>42956368 #>>42956749 #>>42956933 #>>42957674 #>>42957827 #>>42958578 #>>42959426 #>>42959516 #>>42959604 #>>42959832 #>>42959898 #>>42960492 #>>42961062 #>>42961380 #>>42962073 #>>42962322 #>>42962379 #>>42962529 #>>42962821 #>>42963089 #>>42963205 #>>42963258 #>>42964858 #>>42964922 #>>42966606 #>>42974258 #
1. hliyan ◴[] No.42947527[source]
There's another way to look at this: if you consider the school of thought that says that the code is the design, and compilation is the construction process, then stressing over code style is equivalent to stressing over the formatting and conventions of the blueprint (to use a civil engineering metaphor), instead of stressing over load bearing, material costs and utility of the space.

I'm fond of saying that anything that doesn't survive the compilation process is not design but code organization. Design would be: which data structures to use (list, map, array etc.), which data to keep in memory, which data to load/save and when, which algorithms to use, how to handle concurrency etc. Keeping the code organized is useful and is a part of basic hygiene, but it's far from the defining characteristic of the craft.

replies(20): >>42947540 #>>42947576 #>>42947599 #>>42947739 #>>42947770 #>>42947773 #>>42948888 #>>42949256 #>>42949591 #>>42949745 #>>42951412 #>>42951450 #>>42952786 #>>42955720 #>>42956620 #>>42957839 #>>42958226 #>>42959595 #>>42961043 #>>42964637 #
2. chrisjj ◴[] No.42947540[source]
> the school of thought that says that the code is the design

There's such a school?? Seriously??

3. TickleSteve ◴[] No.42947576[source]
architecture over implementation (for details).
4. Retric ◴[] No.42947599[source]
> the formatting and conventions of the blueprint

Some of those formatting conventions are written in blood. The clarity of a blueprint is a big deal when people are using it to convey safety critical information.

I don’t think code formatting rises anywhere close to that level, but it’s also trying to reduce cognitive load which is a big deal in software development. Nobody wants to look at multiple lines concatenated together, how far beyond that you take things runs into diminishing returns. However at a minimum formatting changes shouldn’t regularly complicate doing a diff.

replies(8): >>42947699 #>>42948411 #>>42948818 #>>42949115 #>>42950567 #>>42951552 #>>42952254 #>>42961444 #
5. hliyan ◴[] No.42947699[source]
I 100% agree. The problem is that after a half a century, software engineering discipline has been unable to agree on global conventions and standards. I recently had an experience where a repair crew was worried about the odd looking placement of a concrete beam in my house. I brought over the blueprints, and the technician found the schedule of beams and columns within seconds, pinpointed the beam and said, "Ah, that's why. We just need to <solution I won't go into>". Just then it struck me how we can't do this in software engineering, even when the project is basically a bog-standard business app: CRUD API backed by an RDBMS.
replies(8): >>42947832 #>>42947976 #>>42951607 #>>42952836 #>>42955524 #>>42955652 #>>42963313 #>>42964672 #
6. binary132 ◴[] No.42947739[source]
There is definitely something to be said for the idea that a shitslop engineering blueprint which still conveys correct design (maybe; who knows really?) is shitslop, whether or not the design is sound. In the case of software engineering, the blueprint is the implementation, too, so it’s not just shitslop blueprinting, it’s also shitslop brickwork (totally sound bones though I promise!), shitslop drywalling, shitslop concrete finishing and rebar work — and maybe it’s all good under the hood! Totally fine if all you’re building is a shithouse! But I think you get where I’m going with this.
7. skydhash ◴[] No.42947770[source]
The value of software is both what it does now (behavior), and what you can get it to do later (structure). What you described as design and the compiled artiface is the behavior.

The craft is what gives you future choices. So when people cares about readability, writing tests, architecture, they’re just making easy for them to adjust the current behavior later when requirements change. A software is not an house, it doesn’t get build and stays a certain way.

replies(1): >>42949208 #
8. anuramat ◴[] No.42947773[source]
> not the defining characteristic

Did anyone claim otherwise? Besides, I imagine bridges aren't rebuilt every week -- poor blueprints can only cause a finite amount of pain.

9. skydhash ◴[] No.42947832{3}[source]
That’s because the few hard rules you have to comply with have workarounds and matters rarely. In house construction, you have to care about weight, material degradation, the code, etc… there’s no such limitation on software so you can get something to work even if it’s born out of a LSD trip.

But we do have some common concepts. But they’re theoretical, so only the people that read the books knows the jargon.

replies(1): >>42949919 #
10. watt ◴[] No.42947976{3}[source]
don't stress about it so much: look how many variations of plugs and sockets are for this one quite simple thing:
11. desdenova ◴[] No.42948411[source]
Fortunately nowadays formatting issues can be delegated to autoformatting in any popular language.

Some people still argue over autoformatter parameters, but then people will always find a bike shed to argue about.

replies(2): >>42949255 #>>42950758 #
12. drcongo ◴[] No.42948818[source]
First thing I thought of was the tiny Stone Henge in Spinal Tap.
13. atkevindsouza ◴[] No.42948888[source]
Let's talk about in the way you seem to interpret it.

Imagine if Blueprint A used imperial units while others used metric units.

That's what inconsistent code style does to you.

replies(1): >>42970017 #
14. DarkPlayer ◴[] No.42949115[source]
> However at a minimum formatting changes shouldn’t regularly complicate doing a diff.

If the code needs to be reformatted, this should be done in a separate commit. Fortunately, there are now structural/semantic diff tools available for some languages that can help if someone hasn't properly split their formatting and logic changes.

replies(1): >>42950934 #
15. skeeter2020 ◴[] No.42949208[source]
experience gives you some possible ideas for how it will be used in the future, but after a long time I'm coming to the position you're fooling yourself if you think you can predict where with any accuracy. It's still valuable and important to try, just not as critical to be right as I used to think. Example: I've completely flip-flopped from interface simplicity to implementation simplicity.

I agree that a house is a bad analogy, for your reasons and because you can "live" in software that as a building would not be fit for human habitation.

replies(1): >>42949995 #
16. noahjk ◴[] No.42949255{3}[source]
Maybe a new paradigm for code formatting could be local-only. Your editor automatically formats files the way you like to see them, and then de-formats back to match the codebase when pushing, making your changes match the codebase style.
replies(4): >>42949766 #>>42949774 #>>42950418 #>>42954006 #
17. psychoslave ◴[] No.42949256[source]
>I'm fond of saying that anything that doesn't survive the compilation process is not design but code organization.

Maybe not at the same level, but code organization is also a design.

I don’t care that much about the exact linter rules applies (but I do prefer blue, hmm, nooo). But getting rid of merge conflicts that come from lake of common linter rules, this is a great pipeline process improvement, and this is some kind of code contribution pipeline design.

18. animuchan ◴[] No.42949591[source]
In many languages, types don't survive the compilation process (e.g. TypeScript, Java). Yet types describe which data structures are used.
19. asdajksah2123 ◴[] No.42949745[source]
> stressing over the formatting and conventions of the blueprint (to use a civil engineering metaphor)

This is incredibly important.

This is the kind of stuff that prevents shit like half the team using metric and the other half thinking they're imperial, or you coming up with the perfect design, but then the manufacturer makes a mirrored version of it because you didn't have the conventions agreed upon.

replies(1): >>42950046 #
20. tele_ski ◴[] No.42949766{4}[source]
It's a decent idea, but it's weird reviewing code you wrote in saying GitHub, it looks totally different. Imo not a show stopper but a side effect you have to get used to.
replies(1): >>42962163 #
21. asdajksah2123 ◴[] No.42949774{4}[source]
This is pretty common now. At least my Vim/git combo does this, where I always open source code with my preferred formatting but by the time it's pushed to the server it's changed to match the repo preferences.
22. namaria ◴[] No.42949919{4}[source]
I mean why should we expect software to have hard rules? Flexibility is the point, no?
replies(2): >>42950883 #>>42953330 #
23. skydhash ◴[] No.42949995{3}[source]
You have to be pragmatic about it, balancing between the speed of only implementing the now and the flexibility of taking care of the future. It's not predicting, mostly it's about recognizing the consequences of each choice (for later modifications) and and either accepting it or ensuring that it will not happen.
replies(1): >>42950841 #
24. tehologist ◴[] No.42950046[source]
Imperial vs Metric is a hard requirement not a convention or formatting. I have a co-worker who wants everything to be a one liner, doesn't like if/else statements, thinks exception handling is bad and will fail a code review over a variable that he feels isn't cased properly.

This makes code reviews super slow and painful, it also means you aren't focusing on the important stuff. What the code actually does and if it meets the requirements in functionality. You don't have time for that stuff, you are too busy trying to make this one person happy by turning an if else into a ternary and the end of sprint is a day away.

replies(2): >>42950802 #>>42952573 #
25. ruined ◴[] No.42950418{4}[source]
this works for pure formatting, but falls apart when you start linting to exclude certain syntax or patterns
26. singron ◴[] No.42950567[source]
I'm immediately reminded of Apple's "goto fail" bug, which was in part overlooked because of poor formatting and/or style:
replies(2): >>42959506 #>>42960814 #
27. Braini ◴[] No.42950758{3}[source]
This was such a relieve for us. Looking back its unbelievable how much combined time we wasted complaining about and fixing formatting issues in code reviews and reformatting in general.

With clang-format & co. on Save plus possibly a git hook this all went away. It might not always be perfect (which is subjective anyway) but its so worth it.

28. atq2119 ◴[] No.42950802{3}[source]
> will fail a code review over a variable that he feels isn't cased properly

Many projects have fairly strict rules about identifier naming conventions, so this doesn't feel so far fetched to me.

The example about if/else vs ? : is pretty damning though.

replies(1): >>42952653 #
29. dowager_dan99 ◴[] No.42950841{4}[source]
> It's not predicting, mostly it's about recognizing the consequences of each choice (for later modifications)

This is the exact trap I'm describing. It sounds very reasonable, but how is it not prediction when you're asking people to "recognize the <future> consequences of each choice"? You have very little to no understanding of the context, environment or application of today's creations. Smart, experienced people got us into the current microservice, frontend JS, "serverless" cloud messes.

replies(1): >>42951007 #
30. HeyLaughingBoy ◴[] No.42950883{5}[source]
No. Flexibility is a side effect. Sometimes it's a useful side effect, other times it bites you in the ass.
31. gmueckl ◴[] No.42950934{3}[source]
Reformatting comitts still leaves the issue that you deprive yourself of any possibility to reliably diff across such commits (what changes from there to there?) Or attribute a line of code to a specific change (why did we introduce this code?).

What we should have instead is syntax-aware diffs that can ignore meaningless changes like curly braces moving into another line or lines getting wrapped for reasons.

replies(2): >>42951146 #>>42951620 #
32. skydhash ◴[] No.42951007{5}[source]
Risk management is a fact of all activities. It's not predicting that some thing is going to happen, but it's evaluating that if we can afford the consequences if it really happens. If we can, let's go ahead with the easy choice. If we cannot, let's make sure that it won't affect us as much.

> Smart, experienced people got us into the current microservice, frontend JS, "serverless" cloud messes.

Those are solutions to real problems. The real issue is the cargo cult, aka "Google is doing it, let's do it too". If you don't have the problem, don't adopt the solution (which always bring its own issues). It's always a balancing act as there is no silver bullet.

33. DarkPlayer ◴[] No.42951146{4}[source]
> What we should have instead is syntax-aware diffs that can ignore meaningless changes like curly braces moving into another line or lines getting wrapped for reasons.

These diffs already exist (at least for some languages) but aren't yet integrated into the standard tools. For example, if you want a command line tool, you can use or if you are interested in a VS Code extension / GitHub App instead, you can give a try.

34. zelphirkalt ◴[] No.42951412[source]
And some specific people with lots of experience in teaching as well as in developing real life useful systems will tell you, that code is first and foremost written for people to understand, and only incidentally for a computer to run. Human understanding of what is going on is the one most important thing. If we do not have that, everything else will go to shit.
35. ryandrake ◴[] No.42951450[source]
Yea, I've always considered craftsmanship to be about paying attention to the details and making everything high quality--even the things that the end user will never see, but you know are there. The Steve Jobs quote sums it up nicely:

> "When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it faces the wall and nobody will ever see it. You’ll know it’s there, so you’re going to use a beautiful piece of wood on the back. For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through."

replies(2): >>42964216 #>>42964322 #
36. dasil003 ◴[] No.42951552[source]
Software, being arbitrary logic, just doesn't have the same physical properties and constraints that have allowed civil engineering and construction code to converge on standards. It's often not clear what the load bearing properties of software systems are since the applications and consequences of errors are so varied. How often does a doghouse you built in your backyard turn into a skyscraper serving the needs of millions over a few short years?
37. VonGallifrey ◴[] No.42951607{3}[source]
> I brought over the blueprints, and the technician found the schedule of beams and columns within seconds

Is that really an example of the standardization you want? It shows that the blueprint was done in a way that the technician expected it to be, but I am not sure that these blueprints are standardized in that way globally. Each country has its standards and language.

If an architect from a different country did that blueprint, I would bet that it would be significantly different from the blueprint you have.

Software Engineering doesn't have a problem with country borders, but different languages would require different standards and conventions. Unless you can convince everyone to use the same language (which would be a bad idea; CRUD apps and rocket systems have different trade-offs), I doubt there could be an industry-wide standard.

replies(1): >>42953502 #
38. oasisbob ◴[] No.42951620{4}[source]
Not a full solution, but .git-blame-ignore-revs can help, and is automatically supported by GitHub:

39. maccard ◴[] No.42952254[source]
This is the best argument I've ever heard for editorconfig, commiting a standardised format to the repos, and viewing it in whatever way you want to view it on your own machine
40. plorkyeran ◴[] No.42952573{3}[source]
If a reviewer is regularly rejecting PRs because the variable names have incorrect capitalization then that's a problem with the author, not the reviewer. That is the incredibly basic shit you decide on at the start of a codebase and then follow regardless of your personal thoughts on what scheme is preferable.

If/else vs ternaries is something where consistency is a lot less important, but if you know that a team member has a strong preference for one over the other and you think it's unimportant then you should just write it how they prefer to begin with. Fight over things you think are important, not things that you think don't matter.

replies(1): >>42954115 #
41. mindcrime ◴[] No.42952653{4}[source]
Sure, but if there are actual rules, agreed to and accepted by the entire team (as opposed to one guy's idiosyncratic preferences) then there should be a commit-hook to run the code through a linter and reject the commit if the rules are violated.
replies(1): >>42964361 #
42. s1mplicissimus ◴[] No.42952786[source]
The construction metaphor isn't a very good fit here in my opinion. No building is expected to have the amount of adaptability that is expected of software. It falls completely apart for interpreted languages. When is a PHP app constructed in this metaphor? On every single request? The metaphor assumes a "design once, build once" approach, which is basically no software I've ever seen used in real life. Hardware, OS, language, collaborator/dependency updates all require changes to the application code more often than not. And that's assuming the feature set stays stable, which, in my experience is also quiet rare. Maintainability is therefore a quality dimension of software, and reduced cognitive load usually results in increased maintainability (curious if someone has a counterexample to that)

That is not to say I'm one of those people who need a specific code style to have their weird brain satisfied. But not using a linter/autoformatter at all [when available] in 2025 sounds like the opposite of "work smart, not hard"

43. wongarsu ◴[] No.42952836{3}[source]
Construction and civil engineering have been unable to agree on global conventions and standards, and they have a multi-millenia head start over software engineering. The US may claim to follow the "International Building Code", but it's just called that because a couple of small countries on the Americas have adopted it. For all intents and purposes it's a national standard. Globally we can't even agree on a system of units and measurements, never mind anything more consequential than that.
replies(1): >>42953293 #
44. Ma8ee ◴[] No.42953293{4}[source]
I’d say that globally we have agreed on a system of units and measurements. It’s just the US and a handful of third world countries that don’t follow that system.
replies(1): >>42961289 #
45. Ma8ee ◴[] No.42953330{5}[source]
The rules are what make it flexible. The rules let me understand what the heck is going on in the code you wrote so I can change it. Code that is faster to rewrite from scratch isn’t flexible.
46. lanstin ◴[] No.42953502{4}[source]
But I can't look at the design from my desk-mate and hope to understand it quickly. We wall love to invent as much as possible ourselves, and we lack a common design language for the spaces we are problem solving in. Personally I don't entirely think it's a problem of discipline of software engineering, but a reflection of the fact that the space of possible solutions is so high for software, and the [opportunity] cost of missing a great solution because it is too different from previous solutions is so high (difference between 120 seconds application start and 120 milliseconds application start, for instance).
47. withinboredom ◴[] No.42954006{4}[source]
This is disastrously easy to implement with just a few filters on git (clean & smudge).

I highly recommend it though, especially if you worked for a long time at one company and are used to a specific way of writing code. Or if you like tabs instead of spaces...

48. withinboredom ◴[] No.42954115{4}[source]
wtf... no.

I worked with a guy where you would try to predict what he would bitch about next. In this example, you would write it as a ternary so you don't have to hear about it ... and he'd suggest it be an if-else statement.

Nobody fucking cares which one it is; is it readable? That's the real question. Your preference of which version of "readable" it is only applies when you are the author. If you're that picky about it, write it yourself. That's what we eventually did to that guy after the team got sick of it. Anytime he'd complain about something like that, we would invite him to write a PR to our PR, otherwise, get over it. Then, we would merge our PR before he could finish.

He eventually got fired for no longer able to keep up with his work due to constantly opening refactor PR's to the dev branch.

49. dranudin ◴[] No.42955524{3}[source]
That is largely due to a difference in complexity.I would say that the level of complexity of a blueprint of a house is on par with a 20-30 line python solution of a leet code easy excercise to a programmer. If the one reading the blue print is an engineer and the one reading the python code is a programmer. A crud app is more like the blue prints for a vacuum cleaner or something like that.
50. HeyLaughingBoy ◴[] No.42955652{3}[source]
I don't know that we'll ever be able to agree on "global standards" though. Software is too specialized for that.

The only software standard that I'm reasonably familiar with is which is specific to Medical Devices. In a 62304-compliant project, we might be able to do something like your example, but it could take a while. OTOH, I'm told that my Aviation counterparts following DO-178 would almost certainly be able to do something comparable.

It is going to be very industry dependent, where "industry" means aviation, or maritime, or railroad, or Healthcare, etc... Just "software" is too general to be meaningful these days.

replies(1): >>42959275 #
51. tremon ◴[] No.42955720[source]
52. bellBivDinesh ◴[] No.42956620[source]
So writing brittle code that’s impossible to change isn’t a failure of design? It can still compile and run just fine
53. chausen ◴[] No.42957839[source]
I overall agree. The one thing I will say is that what you call code organization (anything pre-compilation) also includes structuring the code to improve maintainability, extensibility, and testability. I would therefore disagree that code organization is only basic hygiene, not part of design, and not a large part of the “craft” (use of that word is something I’ve changed my opinion on—while it feels good to think of it that way, it leads to exactly the thing we’re discussing; putting too much emphasis on unimportant things).

Code style though, I do agree isn’t worth stressing about. I do think you may as well decide on a linter/style, just so it’s decided and you can give it minimal energy moving forward.

54. forgetfreeman ◴[] No.42958226[source]
By your own analogy, blueprints have a very strict set of guidelines on stuff like line styling, font selection, displaying measurements, etc. This is absolutely critical as nobody wants to live with the kind of outcomes generated when there's any meaningful ambiguity in the basic conventions of critical design documents. At the same time, having to hack through a thicket of clashing code style adds to the cognitive load of dealing with complex codebases without offering any improvement in functionality to balance the tradeoff. I've literally seen open source developers lose their commit access to projects over style issues because the maintainers correctly concluded that the benefits of maintaining an authoritarian grip on the style of code committed to the project outweighed humoring the minority of fussy individualists who couldn't set aside their preferences long enough to satisfy the needs of the community.
55. kmoser ◴[] No.42959275{4}[source]
The very point of ISO is to define international standards, many of which are used in software engineering.
replies(1): >>42963538 #
56. throwaway2037 ◴[] No.42959506{3}[source]
But not poor testing?
57. aqueueaqueue ◴[] No.42959595[source]
You defined anything that doesn't survive the balloon as keeping the s77 rad-ishes.
58. dsego ◴[] No.42960814{3}[source]
I feel like this is a failure of language and syntax that allows formatting to be deceiving.
59. ahel ◴[] No.42961043[source]
Thanks for writing this. It makes me question if I'm too much concerned with code hygiene vs my coworkers.
60. Vilian ◴[] No.42961289{5}[source]
Only USA, Myanmar and Libera are switching to metric
replies(1): >>42966489 #
61. zcfan ◴[] No.42961444[source]
I don't care about code styles of my colleagues, as long as it remains consistent and sane. But sadly it usually isn't.
62. maccard ◴[] No.42962163{5}[source]
I’d like to think that GitHub would be able to display with my editor format settings.
63. TeMPOraL ◴[] No.42963313{3}[source]
> The problem is that after a half a century, software engineering discipline has been unable to agree on global conventions and standards.

It can't, and it won't, as long as we insist on always working directly on the "single source of truth", and representing it as plaintext code. It's just not sufficient to comprehensibly represent all concerns its consumers have at the same time. We're stuck in endless fights about what is cleaner or more readable or more maintainable way of abstracting / passing errors / sizing functions / naming variables... and so on, because the industry still misses the actual answer: it depends on what you're doing at the moment. There is no one best representation, one best function size. In fact, one form may be ideal for you now, and the opposite of it may be ideal for you five minutes later, as you switch from e.g. understanding the module to debugging a specific issue in it.

We've saturated the expressive capability of our programming paradigm. We're sliding back and forth along the Pareto frontier, like a drunkard leaning against a wall, trying to find their way back to a pub without falling over. No, inventing even more mathematically complex category of magic monads won't help, that's just repackaging complexity to reach a different point on the Pareto frontier.

Hint: in construction, there is never one blueprint everyone works with. Try to fit all information about geometry, structural properties, material properties, interior arrangement, plumbing, electricity, insulation, HVAC, geological conditions, hydrological conditions, and tax conditions onto a single flat image, and... you'll get a good approximation of what source code looks like in programming as it is today.

replies(2): >>42966186 #>>42969983 #
64. HeyLaughingBoy ◴[] No.42963538{5}[source]
Yes, of course. My point is that those standards apply only to specific domains where software is applied, not to the software development industry as a whole.
65. james_marks ◴[] No.42964216[source]
To take it a bit further, the "unseen quality" does surface periodically, like when the proverbial chest of drawers ends its first life, and goes to the dump or gets restored.

The same is true in software when a developer inherits a codebase.

Those signs of quality turn into longevity, even when they face away from the user.

66. Illotus ◴[] No.42964322[source]
If you look at back pieces of old classic furniture made during hand powered tools era, its mostly very roughly finished. Professionals rarely had time to spend dicking around with stuff that isn't visible.
67. tisdadd ◴[] No.42964361{5}[source]
Yes indeed. I'm a fan of getting the team to pick an already existing lint ruleset and then doing this. You can also set to only lint changed files if you want a gradual change over in existing codebase.
68. nijave ◴[] No.42964637[source]
Code is read much more frequently than a blueprint.

I'd argue that code is more akin to a paper map than blueprint.

69. buescher ◴[] No.42964672{3}[source]
It's telling I think that the discussion becomes about standards, which software people like, rather than say, clear communication to technical stakeholders beyond the original programmer. I have a list somewhere I made of everyone that might eventually need to read an electronics schematic. Particularly to emphasize clarity to younger engineers and (ex-)hobbyists that think schematics are a kind of awkward source code or data entry for layout. It's not short: test, legal, quality control, manufacturing, firmware, sustaining/maintenance, sometimes even purchasing, etc.

Whoever drew your blueprints knew they would be needed beyond getting the house up. What would the equivalent perspective and effort for software engineering be?

70. ◴[] No.42966186{4}[source]
71. gadflyinyoureye ◴[] No.42966489{6}[source]
You don’t think of those other two having their shit together. — Archer international man of mystery.
72. gbro3n ◴[] No.42969983{4}[source]
I think we have to think of software like books and writing. It is about conveying information, and while there are grammatical rules to language and conventions around good and bad writing, we're generally happy to leave it there because too many rules is so constructive as to remove the ability to express information in the way we feel we need to. We just have to accept that some are better writers than others, or we like the style of some authors better.
replies(1): >>42971295 #
73. gbro3n ◴[] No.42970017[source]
No it doesn't, the units remain the same. Only legibility changes. Style doesn't affect semantics.
74. TeMPOraL ◴[] No.42971295{5}[source]
That would make sense if code was written solely for the enjoyment of its readers, but it isn't.

Code uses text, sometimes even natural-language prose, but isn't like "books and writing". It has to communicate knowledge, not feels. It also ultimately have to be precise enough to give unambiguous instructions to a machine.

In this sense, code is like mathematical proofs and like architectural blueprints, which is a different category to drawings, paintings and literature. One is about shared, objective, precise understanding of a problem. The other is about sharing subjective, emotional experiences; having the audience understand the work, much less everyone understand it the same way, is not required, usually not possible, and often undesirable.