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The C23 edition of Modern C

397 points bwidlar | 120 comments | | HN request time: 1.275s | source | bottom
1. belter ◴[] No.41850897[source]
Important reminder just in the Preface :-)

Takeaway #1: "C and C++ are different: don’t mix them, and don’t mix them up"

replies(6): >>41850960 #>>41851047 #>>41851166 #>>41851693 #>>41853183 #>>41855660 #
2. pjmlp ◴[] No.41850960[source]
Specially relevant to all those folks that insist on "Coding C with a C++ compiler", instead of safer language constructs, and standard library alternatives provided by C++ during the last decades.
replies(3): >>41851031 #>>41851082 #>>41851268 #
3. Spivak ◴[] No.41851031[source]
I mean as long as your goal is specifically to do that I think it's fine. Using a C++ compiler to compile a C program isn't that rare.
4. jpcfl ◴[] No.41851047[source]
Bjarne should have called it ++C.
replies(2): >>41851328 #>>41854437 #
5. com2kid ◴[] No.41851082[source]
Perfectly valid to do if you need to interface with a large C code base and you just want to do some simple OO here and there. Especially if you cannot have runtime exceptions and the like.

This is how I managed to sneak C++ into an embedded C codebase. We even created some templates for data structures that supported static allocation at compile time.

replies(2): >>41851140 #>>41852515 #
6. f1shy ◴[] No.41851140{3}[source]
What would be an example of "simple OO here and there" that cannot be done cleanly in plain C?
replies(6): >>41851225 #>>41851244 #>>41851407 #>>41851799 #>>41851998 #>>41854294 #
7. f1shy ◴[] No.41851166[source]
A couple of months ago, in the company I work, there was a talk from HR, where they explained how to make a good CV (the company is firing lots of people). She say: "if you have experience in programming C, you can writing just that, or, if you have lots of experience in C, is customary to write ``C++ Experience'' "

Sooo... yeah... I should definitely change company!

replies(3): >>41851294 #>>41852598 #>>41853090 #
8. raluk ◴[] No.41851225{4}[source]
replies(2): >>41851243 #>>41851451 #
9. f1shy ◴[] No.41851243{5}[source]
Is RAII Object orientation? I thought it was an idiom of C++ by Stroustrup.
replies(1): >>41851991 #
10. adamrezich ◴[] No.41851244{4}[source]
Namespaces, methods.
replies(1): >>41851261 #
11. f1shy ◴[] No.41851261{5}[source]
Namespaces is not object orientation, is it? Am I missing something? You can place functions (methods) inside of structs in C23, can't you?
replies(3): >>41851286 #>>41851339 #>>41851481 #
12. flohofwoe ◴[] No.41851268[source]
Funny because for a long time the Microsoft MSVC team explicitly recommended compiling C code with a C++ compiler because they couldn't be arsed to update their C frontend for over two decades (which thankfully has changed now) ;)

replies(2): >>41851659 #>>41852439 #
13. staunton ◴[] No.41851286{6}[source]
On a high level, "object orientation" means you think of your code as representing the state and interactions of objects. You can equally well do this in assembly. If you think of some namespace as a "singleton object" then that's what it is.

I guess what you're really asking is what are the best or most common ways to do OO in C?

replies(1): >>41851403 #
14. kstrauser ◴[] No.41851294[source]
That literally made me do a spit take, and it was fizzy water and it burned.

My god. That's amazing.

15. card_zero ◴[] No.41851328[source]
Because people choose to use pre-increment by default instead of post-increment?

Why is that?

replies(4): >>41851427 #>>41851557 #>>41851650 #>>41853498 #
16. adamrezich ◴[] No.41851339{6}[source]
Correct, and you did ask specifically for OO things, but I thought I'd list namespaces too as far as “C++ things you might use when writing C-like C++ code”.

Another big one that I always forget C still doesn't support is function overloading.

replies(1): >>41852319 #
17. f1shy ◴[] No.41851403{7}[source]
Oh. I learned that object orientation is primarily a way to structure data and code, such that the data is encapsulated with the code that works on it, in so called objects. So an Object is the Data, plus the functions that work on the data, an ensure that some invariants are kept. In OO parlance, that code gets executed by sending messages (calling methods).

Where can I find something about objects being "think of your code as representing the state and interactions of objects" honesty totally new to me.

So no, certainly I'm not asking ways to do OO in C. But it seems to be more definitions of object orientation as I thought...

replies(2): >>41851523 #>>41851677 #
18. bobmcnamara ◴[] No.41851407{4}[source]
Templating on pixel classes so that a blitter builds all supported pixel paths separately and inlines them.

Yes you can do it less cleanly with macros or inline functions. But you can't do it performantly with struct and function pointers.

19. jejdjdbd ◴[] No.41851427{3}[source]
Why would you use post increment by default? The semantics are very particular.

Only on very rare occasions I need post increment semantics.

And in those cases I prefer to use a temporary to make the intent more clear

replies(3): >>41851532 #>>41852965 #>>41856255 #
20. tjoff ◴[] No.41851451{5}[source]
The killer feature of RAII is when combined with exceptions. But sneaking in exceptions in an embedded C project isn't something I'd encourage or recommend.

C++ imo doesn't offer anything compelling for the embedded usecase. Especially not considering all the footguns and politics it brings.

You can of course be strict and diligent about it but if you are you are pretty much just writing C anyway. Better to do it explicitly.

Allowing the use of the C++ standard library has been one of my biggest regrets (not that it was my decision to make, I fought it).

replies(2): >>41852178 #>>41852332 #
21. int_19h ◴[] No.41851481{6}[source]
You can handcode vtables in C, just as you can handcode loops in assembly (i.e. it works but it's verbose, not particularly readable, and brings more footguns).

But why would you do that if you have an instrument that lets you work at the same level as C, but with methods provided as a proper abstraction that maps exactly to what you'd have written yourself anyway?

replies(1): >>41852301 #
22. int_19h ◴[] No.41851523{8}[source]
There's no clear definition of what OO is, so the best you can do pragmatically is look at mainstream languages that are broadly recognized as OO and try to deduce the commonalities.

If you do that, you'll notice that, for example, encapsulation is not a part of that de facto definition, because languages like Python and (until recently) JavaScript lack it, despite being considered OO.

Indeed, the only two things that appear to be consistently present in all OO languages are: 1) some notion of object identity as distinct from object state, and 2) runtime polymorphic dispatch.

23. card_zero ◴[] No.41851532{4}[source]
People seem to mostly write a typical for loop ending with ; ++i){

But I write ; i++){ and seeing it the other way round throws me off for a minute, because I think, as you put it, why would you use those very particular semantics?

But I guess this is only a semantic argument.

replies(4): >>41851721 #>>41852277 #>>41852443 #>>41852595 #
24. tialaramex ◴[] No.41851557{3}[source]
Why use this operator? Like most C and C++ features the main reason tends to be showing off, you learned a thing (in this case that there are four extra operators here) and so you show off by using it even if it doesn't make the software easier to understand.

This is not one of those beginner -> journeyman -> expert cycles where coincidentally the way you wrote it as a beginner is identical to how an expert writes it but for a very different reason. I'd expect experts are very comfortable writing either { x = k; k += 1; } or { k += 1; x = k; } depending on which they meant and don't feel an itch to re-write these as { x = k++; } and { x = ++k; } respectively.

I'm slightly surprised none of the joke languages add equally frivolous operators. a%% to set a to the remainder after dividing a by 10, or b** to set b as two to the power b or some other silliness.

replies(3): >>41851920 #>>41852158 #>>41854621 #
25. int_19h ◴[] No.41851650{3}[source]
It should be ++C because with C++ the value you get from the expression is the old one.

If you're asking why people use pre-increment by default instead of post-increment, it's mostly historical. The early C compilers on resource-constrained platforms such as early DOS were not good at optimization; on those, pre-increment would be reliably translated to a simple ADD or INC, whereas code for post-increment might generate an extra copy even if it wasn't actually used.

For C++ this was even worse with iterators, because now it depended on the compiler's ability to inline its implementation of postfix ++, and then prove that all the copies produced by that implementation have no side effects to optimize it to the same degree as prefix ++ could. Depending on the type of the underlying value, this may not even be possible in general.

The other reason is that all other unary operators in C are prefix rather than postfix, and mixing unary prefix with unary postfix in a single expression produces code that is easy to misunderstand. E.g. *p++ is *(p++), not (*p)++, even though the latter feels more natural, reading it left-to-right as usual. OTOH *++p vs ++*p is unambiguous.

replies(2): >>41851765 #>>41854531 #
26. rdtsc ◴[] No.41851659{3}[source]
That thing always baffled me, this huge company building a professional IDE couldn't figure out how to ship updates to the C compiler.

> it is hard to say no to you, and I’m sorry to say it. But we have to choose a focus, and our focus is to implement (the standard) and innovate (with extensions like everyone but which we also contribute for potential standardization) in C++.

I mean, yeah if it came from a two member team at a startup, sure focus on C++, understandably. But Microsoft, what happened to "Developers! Developers! Developers!"?

replies(3): >>41851811 #>>41851984 #>>41852459 #
27. epcoa ◴[] No.41851677{8}[source]
> Where can I find something about objects being "think of your code as representing the state and interactions of objects" honesty totally new to me.

I’m scratching my head how you think this is materially different than what you described in your first para. s/state/data and s/interactions/methods.

If anything though I would say the GP is more aligned with the classic definition as it highlights the focus is more on the messages (interactions) themselves rather than the implementation.

28. jasode ◴[] No.41851693[source]
>Takeaway #1: "C and C++ are different: don’t mix them, and don’t mix them up"

Where "mixing C/C++" is helpful:

- I "mix C in with my C++" projects because "sqlite3.c" and ffmpeg source code is written C. C++ was designed to interoperate with C code. C++ code can seamlessly add #include "sqlite3.h" unchanged.

- For my own code, I take advantage of "C++ being _mostly_ a superset of C" such as using old-style C printf in C++ instead of newer C++ cout.

Where the "C is a totally different language from C++" perspective is helpful:

- knowing that compilers can compile code in "C" or "C++" mode which has ramifications for name mangling which leads to "LINK unresolved symbol" errors.

- knowing that C99 C23 has many exceptions to "C++ is a superset of C" :

replies(4): >>41851853 #>>41852165 #>>41852449 #>>41856015 #
29. johannes1234321 ◴[] No.41851721{5}[source]
> why would you use those very particular semantics?

The difference is that i++ has to keep a copy to the original around as the return value is the pre-increment value, while with ++i that isn't needed as the resulting value is being returned.

In the for loop that shouldn't matter as a) for an integer it is essentially for free (it is just reordering when the relevant register is set) and b) that value is hopefully optimized out anyways by the compiler, however as there are cases where it matters some people prefer the ++i style, some just think it looks better.

30. card_zero ◴[] No.41851765{4}[source]
K&R seems to use pre-increment early on, then post-increment consistently (or a lot, anyway, I haven't done a thorough check) after chapter 3, in situations where either would do. In fact, after introducing post-increment at 2.8.
31. ◴[] No.41851799{4}[source]
32. Jtsummers ◴[] No.41851811{4}[source]
It's not baffling, it's remarkably consistent. They implemented Java as J++ and made their version incompatible in various ways with the standard so it was harder to port your code away from J++ (and later J#). They implemented things in the CSS spec almost exactly opposite the specification to lock people into IE (the dominant browser, if you have to make your site work with 2+ incompatible systems which will you focus on?). Not supporting C effectively with their tools pushed developers towards their C++ implementation, creating more lock-in opportunities.
33. accelbred ◴[] No.41851853[source]
C++ can seamlessly include C89 headers.

The C library headers for libraries I write often include C11/C99 stuff that is invalid in C++.

Even when they are in C89, they are often incorrect to include without the include being in an `extern "C"`.

replies(3): >>41851979 #>>41852136 #>>41852251 #
34. cozzyd ◴[] No.41851920{4}[source]
It's more useful for pointers than for values, IMO
35. nuancebydefault ◴[] No.41851979{3}[source]
Extern "C" around the prototypes is mandatory, otherwise your linker will search for C++ symbols, which cannot be found in the C libraries you pass it.
36. AlotOfReading ◴[] No.41851984{4}[source]
Funnily enough, the intellisense parser does support C syntax because it's using a commercial frontend by edison under the hood. MSVC's frontend doesn't.
37. runevault ◴[] No.41851991{6}[source]
It doesn't necessarily have to be OO no. Rust uses RAII and it uses traits instead of traditional OO style inheritance etc. You do need something like destructors/drop trait for it to work as far as I know though.
38. cozzyd ◴[] No.41851998{4}[source]
39. Conscat ◴[] No.41852136{3}[source]
Clang supports C11 - 23 in C++, as well as some future C features like fixed-point integers. The main pain points with Clang are just the fundamental differences like void* and char, which don't typically matter much at an interoperability layer.
replies(1): >>41856217 #
40. layer8 ◴[] No.41852158{4}[source]
The idiomatic

    void strcpy(char *s, char *t)
        while (*s++ = *t++)
(straight from K&R) wouldn’t work without it.
replies(1): >>41853132 #
41. tialaramex ◴[] No.41852165[source]
The entire I/O streams (where std::cout comes from) feature is garbage, if this was an independent development there is no way that WG21 would have taken it, the reason it's in C++ 98 and thus still here today is that it's Bjarne's baby. The reason not to take it is that it's contradictory to the "Don't use operator overloading for unrelated operations" core idea. Bjarne will insist that "actually" these operators somehow always meant streaming I/O but his evidence is basically the same library feature he's trying to justify. No other language does this, and it's not because they can't it's because it was a bad idea when it was created, it was still a bad idea in 1998, the only difference today is that C++ has a replacement.

The modern fmt-inspired std::print and std::println etc. are much nicer, preserving all the type checking but losing terrible ideas like stored format state, and localisation by default. The biggest problem is that today C++ doesn't have a way to implement this for your own types easily, Barry illustrates a comfortable way this could work in C++ 26 via reflection which on that issue closes the gap with Rust's #[derive(Debug)].

replies(8): >>41852524 #>>41852543 #>>41853207 #>>41853365 #>>41854242 #>>41854396 #>>41855139 #>>41855859 #
42. AlotOfReading ◴[] No.41852178{6}[source]
C++ offers lots of compelling things for embedded use cases, like enum classes (finally fixed in C23), constexpr, std::optional, namespaces, and atomics/generics that are much smaller dumpster fires.

There's an effort to extract the good parts and make it work for embedded use cases or even bring them into C. Khalil Estelle on WG21 has been working on an experimental, deterministic runtime for exception handling, to give one example. Constexpr is an example of the latter that's now showing up in C23.

replies(1): >>41852427 #
43. kccqzy ◴[] No.41852251{3}[source]
Yeah plenty of headers first have `#ifdef __cplusplus` and then they add `extern "C"`. And of course even then they have to avoid doing things unacceptable in C++ such as using "new" as the name of a variable.

It takes a little bit of an effort to make a header work on C and C++. A lot less effort than making a single Python file work with Python 2 and 3.

replies(1): >>41856228 #
44. layer8 ◴[] No.41852277{5}[source]
In C++ the semantics can differ, in that copying an object for post-increment might require a memory allocation internally (for example in the case of a BigInt class), which may fail and throw an exception. For consistency, using pre-increment by default and unless you really need post-increment, is a good habit.
45. uecker ◴[] No.41852301{7}[source]
I don't know, I never found the "proper abstraction" be more than irrelevant syntactic sugar. And the cost of C++ is that you end up putting everything in the header (IMHO the biggest design flaw of the language) and then compile time start to get long....
46. uecker ◴[] No.41852319{7}[source]
Function overloading is a feature that makes code less self-documenting without providing any meaningful value. Operator overloading is more interesting, because you can build you domain language with nice syntax. But I also tend to think that this is not really worth it.
replies(1): >>41853276 #
47. kccqzy ◴[] No.41852332{6}[source]
There are a lot of large C++ shops that purposefully disable exceptions and yet still use RAII usefully. It's so useful that in many C codebases you see people using RAII. For example Gtk has g_autoptr and g_autofree.

One of the most compelling things C++ offers to embedded use case is moving runtime initialization to compile-time initialization by liberally using constexpr functions. You literally ask the compiler to do work that would otherwise be done at runtime.

replies(1): >>41853043 #
48. tjoff ◴[] No.41852427{7}[source]
I don't disagree, but these are in the ~2% convenience at most. With the huge baggage of including C++ in a project. The cost of learning C++ easily outweighs all those benefits. If you happen to have a proficient C++ team (that actually know embedded), go for it!
replies(1): >>41852592 #
49. pjmlp ◴[] No.41852439{3}[source]
Yeah, 12 years ago, when governments couldn't care less about nation state cyberattacks, and Microsoft was yet to be called by the Congress to testify on their failures.
50. Quekid5 ◴[] No.41852443{5}[source]
I've seen either style, but it the argument about which is proper is pointless. Any modern compiler will optimize either equally well, unless you're doing something that actually depends on the order of the increment.
replies(1): >>41852642 #
51. Someone ◴[] No.41852449[source]
> C++ code can seamlessly add #include "sqlite3.h" unchanged.

Almost seamlessly. You have to do

  extern “C” {
    #include "sqlite3.h"
replies(2): >>41852651 #>>41853127 #
52. pjmlp ◴[] No.41852459{4}[source]
It was on purpose, Microsoft was done with C, the official message was to move on to C++.

The change of heart was the new management, and the whole Microsoft <3 FOSS.

replies(1): >>41852886 #
53. pjmlp ◴[] No.41852515{3}[source]
Yeah, but one should provide C++ type safe abstractions on top.

Just like one doesn't use Typescript to keep writing plain old JavaScript, then why bother.

54. pjmlp ◴[] No.41852524{3}[source]
Perfectly iostreams happy user since 1993.
replies(6): >>41852904 #>>41853058 #>>41853344 #>>41853427 #>>41854676 #>>41854939 #
55. lugu ◴[] No.41852543{3}[source]
Thank you.
56. AlotOfReading ◴[] No.41852592{8}[source]
Speaking more broadly than just the std implementation, but result types like optional shouldn't be a 2% convenience, they should be used in most function calls that return errors. Rust is the obvious example here.
replies(1): >>41853150 #
57. secondcoming ◴[] No.41852595{5}[source]
It makes no difference if the increment is done on an int, but it can make a different if your `i` is some object with its own ++ operator.
58. ◴[] No.41852598[source]
59. kanbankaren ◴[] No.41852642{6}[source]
No, for fundamental datatypes pre/post-increment doesn't matter, but for classes that overload those operators, the postfix form creates a temporary object hence people write

for(auto it = begin(v); it != end(v); ++it)

60. ◴[] No.41852651{3}[source]
61. rdtsc ◴[] No.41852886{5}[source]
> It was on purpose, Microsoft was done with C

Indeed, and yet here we are with C23

> The change of heart was the new management, and the whole Microsoft <3 FOSS.

Yeah, agree. To me the turning point was when they created WSL.

replies(2): >>41855699 #>>41856495 #
62. codr7 ◴[] No.41852904{4}[source]
Same, as long as I stay the hell away from locales/facets.

Type safe input/output stream types and memory backed streams served on a silver plate is a pretty decent improvement over C.

63. codr7 ◴[] No.41852965{4}[source]
If you're used to the idiom, the intent couldn't be clearer.

I miss it when switching between C/++ and other languages.

64. tjoff ◴[] No.41853043{7}[source]
RAII is useful without exceptions yes. I guess it is the other way around. Exceptions are not useful without RAII (sorry not sorry most garbage collected languages ;)).

But without exceptions it is mostly syntactic sugar anyway.

If compile time initialization is the most compelling usecase I'll rest my case. Good feature, yes! Hardly worth switching language for.

65. Dwedit ◴[] No.41853058{4}[source]
int a;

cin >> a;

Then the program goes berserk as soon as the first non-number is read out of standard input. All the other "cin >> integer" lines are immediately skipped.

Yes, I know about error checking, clearing error condition, discarding characters. But it's a whole lot of stuff you need to do after every single "cin>>" line. It makes the simplicity of cin not worth it.

replies(3): >>41853339 #>>41853403 #>>41855407 #
66. thenipper ◴[] No.41853090[source]
How many pluses until you should just say you have D experience?
replies(1): >>41856899 #
67. cornstalks ◴[] No.41853127{3}[source]
If we're nitpicking then sqlite3.h already has `#ifdef __cplusplus` and `extern "C" {`. So yes, from the user's perspective it is seamless. They do not need to play the `extern "C" {` game.
68. n_plus_1_acc ◴[] No.41853132{5}[source]
Which many people find unreadable compared to other versions.
69. tjoff ◴[] No.41853150{9}[source]
If you argue for Rust I'm all for it, arguably much less of a learning curve than C++ too.
70. MathMonkeyMan ◴[] No.41853183[source]
My brief foray into microcontroller land has taught me that C and C++ are very much mixed.

It's telling that every compiler toolchain that compiles C++ also compiles C (for some definition of "C"). With compiler flags, GCC extensions, and libraries that are kinda-sorta compatible with both languages, there's no being strict about it.

_My_ code might be strict about it, but what about tinyusb? Eventually you'll have to work with a library that chokes on `--pedantic`, because much (most?) code is not written to a strict C or C++ standard, but is "C/C++" and various extensions.

replies(1): >>41856074 #
71. dieortin ◴[] No.41853207{3}[source]
> The biggest problem is that today C++ doesn't have a way to implement this for your own types easily

I’m not sure about the stdlib version, but with fmtlib you can easily implement formatters for your own types.

replies(1): >>41853483 #
72. adamrezich ◴[] No.41853276{8}[source]
In C++ where you have methods? Sure. It would be nice to have in C, though. But, alas, ABI compatibility.
73. tightbookkeeper ◴[] No.41853339{5}[source]
You’re holding it wrong. Like nan, the point is you don’t have to error check every operation.

You check error for the whole batch.

74. tightbookkeeper ◴[] No.41853344{4}[source]
Yep, it’s very clean once you get the hang of it.
75. tightbookkeeper ◴[] No.41853365{3}[source]
What’s wrong with it?
76. eMSF ◴[] No.41853403{5}[source]
How could you ever continue after the second statement without checking if you actually read an integer or not? How would you know what you can do with a?
replies(2): >>41854295 #>>41855723 #
77. einpoklum ◴[] No.41853427{4}[source]
Then I suppose you don't care about:

* Performance

* Support for localization (as the format string and positions of values to format differ between languages).

* Code reuse & dogfooding - the data structures used in iostreams are not used elsewhere, and vice-versa

* C and OS interoperability - as you can't wrap a stream around a FILE* / file descritor

* bunch of other stuff...

iostreams work, but are rather crappy.

replies(1): >>41853587 #
78. tialaramex ◴[] No.41853483{4}[source]
I think the problem is that your idea of "easy" is "Here's a whole bunch of C++ you could write by hand for each type" while the comparison was very literally #[derive(Debug)]. I wasn't abbreviating or referring to something else, that's literally what Rust programmers type to indicate that their type should have the obvious boilerplate implementation for this feature, in most types you're deriving other traits already, so the extra work is literally typing out the word Debug.
79. wpollock ◴[] No.41853498{3}[source]
The PDP-11 that C originally targeted had address modes to support the stack. Pre-increment and post-decrement therefore did not require a separate instruction; they were free. After the PDP-11 went the way of the dodo, both forms took a machine cycle so it (mostly) became a stylistic issue. (The two operators have different semantics, but the trend to avoid side-effects in expressions means that both are most often used in a single expression statement like "++x;" or "x++;", so it comes down to your preferred style.)
replies(1): >>41855124 #
80. pjmlp ◴[] No.41853587{5}[source]
I care about performance, when it actually matters to acceptance testing.

The less C the merrier.

If you care about correct use of localisation, standard C and C++ libraries aren't really what you're looking for, or even C and C++ to start with.

replies(2): >>41854253 #>>41855144 #
81. wakawaka28 ◴[] No.41854242{3}[source]
>No other language does this, and it's not because they can't it's because it was a bad idea when it was created, it was still a bad idea in 1998, the only difference today is that C++ has a replacement.

Hindsight is 20/20, remember that. Streams are not that bad of an idea and have been working fine for decades. You haven't named a problem with it other than the fact the operators are used for other stuff in other contexts. But operator overloading is a feature of C++ so most operators, even the comma operator, can be something other than what you expect.

>The biggest problem is that today C++ doesn't have a way to implement this for your own types easily, Barry illustrates a comfortable way this could work in C++ 26 via reflection which on that issue closes the gap with Rust's #[derive(Debug)].

You can trivially implement input and output for your own types with streams.

You appear to be a Rust guy whose motive is to throw shade on C++ for things that are utterly banal and subjective issues.

replies(1): >>41855426 #
82. wakawaka28 ◴[] No.41854253{6}[source]
C and C++ are the bedrock of operating systems with the best performance and extensive support for all languages.

The only reason why iostreams are slow is because of its incompatible buffering scheme, and the fact that C and C++ need to stay in sync when linked together. And that brand of slow is still faster than other languages, except sometimes those that delegate i/o to pure C implementations.

replies(1): >>41856448 #
83. com2kid ◴[] No.41854294{4}[source]
You can do anything in C that you want to. Of course one can make v-tables and all of that, and even do inheritance.

But having the "class" keyword is nice. Having built in support for member functions is nice.

Sometimes a person just wants the simplicity of C++ 2003.

(In reality I was working on a project where our compiler only supported C++ 2003 and we had a UI library written in C++ 2003 and honestly pure C UI libraries kind of suck compared to just sprinkling in a bit of C++ sugar.)

replies(1): >>41855255 #
84. jvanderbot ◴[] No.41854295{6}[source]
You couldn't or wouldn't. but why have a read statement like cin>> which looks so nice and clean when you then have to go and check everything with flags and boolean casts on stateful objects.

I agree. It's lunacy. just be explicit and use functions or equivalent like literally every other language.

85. spacechild1 ◴[] No.41854396{3}[source]
Remember that C++ originally didn't have variadic templates, so something like std::format would have been impossible back in the day. Back in the day, std::iostream was a very neat solution for type safe string formatting. As you conceded, it also makes it very easy to integrate your own types. It was a big improvement over printf(). Historic perspective is everything.
86. wnoise ◴[] No.41854437[source]
Nah. It's just the natural semantics -- he added stuff to C, but returned something that wasn't actually more advanced...
87. jpcfl ◴[] No.41854531{4}[source]
> It should be ++C because with C++ the value you get from the expression is the old one.

You get it!

88. trealira ◴[] No.41854621{4}[source]
They can be useful when adding things to an array in a loop. A trivial example which removes a character from a null terminated string:

  void remove_char(char *s, char c) {
    size_t i, j;

    for (i = j = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
      if (s[i] != c)
        s[j++] = c;
    s[j] = '\0';

This might be better expressed with a higher order filter function, but C is too low level for things like that.

There are also idioms for stack manipulation using them: "stack[sp++] = pushed" and "popped = stack[--sp]".

C code does a lot of incrementing and decrementing by one, and so having dedicated syntax for it is convenient.

replies(1): >>41855882 #
89. fra ◴[] No.41854676{4}[source]
This was a tip my hatn excellent to you
90. johnisgood ◴[] No.41854939{4}[source]
91. zabzonk ◴[] No.41855124{4}[source]
Please explain what you mean by "a separate instruction".
replies(1): >>41855741 #
92. throwaway2037 ◴[] No.41855139{3}[source]
Over the years, I have heard numerous complaints about C++ I/O streams. Is there a better open source replacement? Or do you recommend to use C functions for I/O?
93. throwaway2037 ◴[] No.41855144{6}[source]

    > If you care about correct use of localisation, standard C and C++ libraries aren't really what you're looking for, or even C and C++ to start with.
What do you recommend instead?
replies(2): >>41855414 #>>41856784 #
94. throwaway2037 ◴[] No.41855255{5}[source]

    > You can do anything in C that you want to.
How about destructors?
replies(1): >>41856788 #
95. PaulDavisThe1st ◴[] No.41855407{5}[source]

   fscanf (STDIN, "%d", &a);
the program goes beserk as soon as the first non-number is read out of standard input.

in both cases, you need error checking (which you "know about").

replies(1): >>41856642 #
96. PaulDavisThe1st ◴[] No.41855414{7}[source]
_("some text") ... aka gettext and friends.
97. PaulDavisThe1st ◴[] No.41855426{4}[source]
What they mean is this:

     struct Foo {
       int a;
       float b;
       std::string c;

     Foo foo;
     std::cout << foo;
with no extra code. It's called reflection, where the compiler can generate good-enough code to generate a character-stream serialization of an object without any human intervention.
replies(1): >>41856808 #
98. emmelaich ◴[] No.41855660[source]
If you want a language with a great C FFI, C++ is hard to beat!
99. kragen ◴[] No.41855699{6}[source]
Microsoft didn't create C23 and they don't <3 FOSS. They're accepting that they have to deal with FOSS, but installing Windows will still make your Linux system unbootable until you fix it with a rescue disk, among numerous other unfriendly things they do.
replies(1): >>41855935 #
100. chongli ◴[] No.41855723{6}[source]
Well in a language like Haskell you could solve this with monads and do-notation. The general idiom in Haskell is to use a Maybe or Either monad to capture success/failure and you assume you’re on the happy path. Then you put the error handling at the consumer end of the pipeline when you unwrap the Maybe or Either.

I believe Rust has adopted similar idioms. I’ve heard the overall idea referred to as Railway-oriented programming.

In C++ you could implement it with exceptions, though they bring in a bunch of their own baggage that you don’t have to deal with when using monads.

101. spc476 ◴[] No.41855741{5}[source]
Some idiomatic C code to copy a string (I'm not saying this is good C code, but it's just an example):

    while(*d++ = *s++)
On the Motorola 68000 (based somewhat on the PDP-11) the code would look like:

    loop:       move.b  (a0)+,d0
                move.b  d0,(a1)+
                bne     loop
while on the x86 line, it would be:

    loop:       mov     al,[rsi]
                mov     [rdi],al
                inc     rsi     ; extra instruction!
                inc     rdi     ; extra instruction!
                cmp     al,0
                jne     loop
Yes, there are better ways to write that code for both the 68K and x86, but I hope this gets the point across.
102. alexvitkov ◴[] No.41855859{3}[source]
> Don't use operator overloading for unrelated operations

This disn't stop with <iostream>, they keep doing it - the latest example I can think of is std::ranges operations being "piped" with |.

103. jancsika ◴[] No.41855882{5}[source]
Note that in your example there appear to be three distinct meanings:

1. prefix incr/decr precedence: "stack[--sp]"

2. postfix incr/decr precedence: "s[j++]"

3. i have no particular preference for the precedence and am just using a shorthand I inherited from my ancestors whose use cases are no longer relevant to me: "i++" in your for loop

My rank speculation is that C programmers get in a habit of #3 and then forget to consider precedence in an expression where it matters.

In any case, it would be interesting to do a scan of github to see how often prefix and suffix incr/decr had to get switched up in a bugfix patch.

104. alexvitkov ◴[] No.41855935{7}[source]
I haven't seen Windows fuck up the EFI partition or delete the other entries in a while now. After installing it the machine will usually boot directly into it, but it should be just a toggle in the firmware to switch back to GRUB.
replies(1): >>41856064 #
105. rramadass ◴[] No.41856015[source]
Yep; I think of it as "C/C++" and not "C" and/or "C++" i.e. one "multi-paradigm" language with different sets of mix-and-match.
replies(1): >>41856842 #
106. kragen ◴[] No.41856064{8}[source]
That's an improvement! When did they fix that?
107. rramadass ◴[] No.41856074[source]
> because much (most?) code is not written to a strict C or C++ standard, but is "C/C++" and various extensions.

Absolutely true. I generally insist on folks learning C and C++ interoperability before diving in to all the "Modern C or C++" goodness. It helps them in understanding what actually is going on "under the hood" and makes them a better programmer/debugger.

See also the book Advanced C and C++ Compiling by Milan Stevanovic.

108. flohofwoe ◴[] No.41856217{4}[source]
There's a lot of subtle differences between 'proper' C and the C subset of C++, since C++ uses C++ semantics everywhere, even for its C subset.

Many C++ coders are oblivious to those differences (myself included before I switched from 'mainly C++' to 'mainly C') because they think that the C subset of C++ is compatible with 'proper' C, but any C code that compiles both in a C++ and C compiler is actually also a (heavily outdated) subset of the C language (so for a C coder it takes extra effort to write C++ compatible C code, and it's not great because it's a throwback to the mid-90s, C++ compatible C is potentially less safe and harder to maintain).

For instance in C++ it's illegal to take the address of an 'adhoc-constructed' function argument, like:

    sum(&(bla_t){ .a = 1, .b = 2, .c = 3, .d = 4 });

Interestingly, Objective-C leaves its C subset alone, so it is always automatically compatible with the latest C features without requiring a new 'ObjC standard'.

replies(1): >>41856478 #
109. flohofwoe ◴[] No.41856228{4}[source]
The '#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { }' thing only removes C++ name mangling from exported symbols, it doesn't switch the C++ language into "C mode" (unfortunately).
110. flohofwoe ◴[] No.41856255{4}[source]
I rarely use pre-increment tbh, but post-increment all the time for array indices (since typically the array should be indexed with the value before the increment happens).

If the pre- or post-increment behaviour isn't actually needed, I prefer `x += 1` though.

111. pjmlp ◴[] No.41856448{7}[source]
Historical baggage, they weren't the first system programming languages, got lucky with UNIX's license allowing for widespread adoption, and won't be the last one standing either.
112. pjmlp ◴[] No.41856478{5}[source]
Because Objective-C initial proposal is that everything that isn't touched by Smalltalk like code, clearly in brackets or @annotarions, is plain C.

The pre-processor original compiler, before the GCC fork, would leave everything else alone, blindly copying into the generated C file.

113. pjmlp ◴[] No.41856495{6}[source]
Microsoft doesn't take part on WG14, and MSVC only does up to C17 nowadays.
114. unwind ◴[] No.41856642{6}[source]
No actual C programmer who has been around the block more than halfway should do that. The mantra is: "read into a character buffer, then parse that".

It's more code, sure, but it buys you a lot of good things. I/O is hard.

115. maccard ◴[] No.41856784{7}[source]
QT, unfortunately.
replies(1): >>41856862 #
116. com2kid ◴[] No.41856788{6}[source]
You can obviously build any runtime system you desire in C, including one that parses and executes C code with additional features added in. The wisdom of doing this is questionable.

Though I've actually seen macro systems that do things akin to destructors, although less automatically.

117. wakawaka28 ◴[] No.41856808{5}[source]
I know what reflection is of course. C++ makes it easy to implement IO. If you're asking for a reflection-based solution with less effort, you are practically asking for zero extra code. Anyway, C++ does not yet have reflection but who's to say how anyone wants any particular data to be dumped? A default implementation is nice but less useful than you make it sound. In any case, there are libraries approximating what you described (usually with macros and stuff) and reflection is totally coming at some point.
118. varjag ◴[] No.41856842{3}[source]
kinda like python and ruby
119. throwaway2037 ◴[] No.41856862{8}[source]
Why do you "unfortunately"?
120. varjag ◴[] No.41856899{3}[source]
Possibly three. Four pluses is naturally C#.