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    Paper Apps

    673 points bluebirdfirewin | 19 comments | | HN request time: 0.216s | source | bottom
    1. lifefeed ◴[] No.42962861[source]
    I had the Dungeon Notebook. It was fun. I played it until I got bored, which was quick, then gave it away.

    The ability to "give away" these little games are part of the fun. I'd like to see a game like this where "giving it away" is part of the game. Something you can pass around a school or a con. Like an analog version of Chain World, which was a mini-Minecraft-on-a-USB-stick that you were supposed to pass on. ( )

    replies(4): >>42962953 #>>42963122 #>>42963610 #>>42968187 #
    2. jacoblambda ◴[] No.42962953[source]
    Subnautica has a somewhat related concept which is that at the end of the game you have the ability to send a single time capsule to the maps of new players. They contain text, a picture (taken with the in game camera), and a handful of items.

    It's a cute little feature that allows you to send something helpful (or just amusing) to the next generation of players.

    replies(2): >>42963571 #>>42964992 #
    3. mhb ◴[] No.42963122[source]
    Wait until you hear about PaperBooks. They're like a Kindle download except, once you finish reading one, you can give it to anyone else to read. And BookNotes are completely portable - anything you write in it stays with the PaperBook and can be read by any other person.
    replies(3): >>42963175 #>>42964004 #>>42976450 #
    4. benbristow ◴[] No.42963175[source]
    You're going to be blown away when you hear about DRM free eBooks and LibGen...
    replies(1): >>42963242 #
    5. tutuca ◴[] No.42963242{3}[source]
    I believe he was being sarcastic and talking about old fashioned, actual paper books.
    replies(2): >>42963280 #>>42963450 #
    6. benbristow ◴[] No.42963280{4}[source]
    Nothing gets past you!
    7. cafeinux ◴[] No.42963450{4}[source]
    Reminds me when in school I had to do a presentation about ways to defend against malware. I showed a few software examples (among other things) and ended with "the most powerful anti-malware ever, compatible with every other anti-malware, adds a strong security layer to them, protects your passwords, prevents you from opening spam, from clicking unknown links, from replying to phishing, almost impossible to uninstall by a hacker, and lots of other powerful features: Common Sense™".

    One of the other students came to me after class and said "hey, that last software seems really promising, but I never heard about it. What was it again?"

    replies(1): >>42965035 #
    8. lifefeed ◴[] No.42963571[source]
    I got a little fish in my first capsule (along something useful that I can't remember, maybe a suit). I kept it the whole game, then passed it on in my own capsule. It's silly, but I still think about that fish.
    9. itishappy ◴[] No.42963610[source]
    Scrawl it! *thump. clap. thump thump clap thump*

    Erase it! *thump. clap. thump thump clap thump*

    Pass it! *dun dun dun dun dun dun*

    10. rchaud ◴[] No.42964004[source]
    This reminds me of a scene in Parks and Recreation where a local fashionista in a small town is pitching the latest evolution of almond milk and oat milk....beef milk.

    11. cbm-vic-20 ◴[] No.42964992[source]
    Sounds like a NetHack "bones level" that gets created when you die, and may appear in someone else's game. Full of cursed items, of course.

    replies(1): >>42965193 #
    12. SpaceNoodled ◴[] No.42965035{5}[source]
    You should have asked them how they managed to uninstall it.
    replies(1): >>42966324 #
    13. IgorPartola ◴[] No.42965193{3}[source]
    Nothing like finding your own bones and being attacked by your ghost.
    replies(1): >>42966852 #
    14. patcon ◴[] No.42966324{6}[source]
    As the sort of absent-minded human who (no matter how much I learn) will always have a deep-seated irrational fear of being "that student", I must say: sick burn
    15. rkowalick ◴[] No.42966852{4}[source]
    Sounds like the nethack equivalent of seeing bad code, running

      git blame
    and finding out it was me.
    16. julianeon ◴[] No.42968187[source]
    I've seen this in the wild: for sale at Gamescape in San Francisco.
    17. beretguy ◴[] No.42976450[source]
    You can give away Kindles too.
    replies(1): >>42977119 #
    18. mhb ◴[] No.42977119{3}[source]
    Yes. But that would be more like giving someone a bookshelf.
    replies(1): >>42993017 #
    19. muddi900 ◴[] No.42993017{4}[source]
    A bookshelf where all the books disappear unless you also give the person all your household purchase history.