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yowayb ◴[] No.42949712[source]
Those of us in the west tend to forget that much of what we see is a form of propaganda, whether by governments or businesses, or even a large number of people. When you keep this in mind, everything you see becomes an opinion and your mind can comfortably (or at least not emotionally/hurriedly) form your own opinion over time.
replies(9): >>42949944 #>>42949956 #>>42950292 #>>42953321 #>>42954164 #>>42954171 #>>42954445 #>>42955648 #>>42956301 #
browningstreet ◴[] No.42949956[source]
I agree that most messaging is propaganda, but that doesn't really counter the real pain that is being inflicted upon large populations of people by these government (and corporate) moves, and being cheered on by pretty large masses of people. The propaganda is like environmental pollution -- hard not to breathe it in. That said, I have no answer here..
replies(5): >>42950249 #>>42952440 #>>42953345 #>>42954329 #>>42961193 #
gadders ◴[] No.42953345[source]
There was just as much "large pain" being inflicted on people in the previous 4 years, it just didn't affect you personally.
replies(4): >>42953487 #>>42954267 #>>42955443 #>>42955809 #
1. scelerat ◴[] No.42955809[source]
Examples, please.

If you are trans, you were just de-personed by executive order and your passport was invalidated. If you also happened to be an incarcerated female, you are being transferred to male facilities. These are actions which will have life-altering consequences.

That's only one thing among many others (ICE immigrant raids which also sweep up legal immigrants and citizens who don't "look American") just in the first few days. What "large pain" are you talking about?

replies(3): >>42956103 #>>42956116 #>>42959009 #
2. genewitch ◴[] No.42956103[source]
so things that affect less than 1% in the former and less than 0.01% in the latter, of the population, that's what we're basing "large pain" on? I'm not entirely sure you want to play this game.

edit: and vis a vis the USAID thing the former president of Kenya summed it up "Why you are crying? you don't pay american taxes! we need to take care of ourselves!" https://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/other/us-aid-suspension-wak...

replies(2): >>42958046 #>>42958686 #
3. ◴[] No.42956116[source]
4. blackle ◴[] No.42958046[source]
Any percentage of people being de-personed is bad. If the state is permitted to withhold travel documents of people indefinitely (and the supporting documents they sent in to get their passport renewed[1]), do you really live in a free state?

Also, and I know people knee-jerk at the comparison, but historically speaking Jews comprised less than 1% of the population of Weimar Germany.[2] The smallness of the percentage shouldn't be cause to dismiss the harm of their discrimination as "no big deal." It's been shown where that leads.

[1] https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2025/01/28/state-... [2] https://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/pdf/eng/JEW_RELIGIONZUG...

replies(1): >>42958958 #
5. scelerat ◴[] No.42958686[source]
I’m more curious about what you think the “large pain” the previous administration was inflicting on people than learning about your indifference to minorities
6. philwelch ◴[] No.42958958{3}[source]
No US citizen is unable to get a passport. The only issue is that their passport needs to reflect their biological sex rather than their gender identity. I personally think this policy is excessive but nobody is being "de-personed".
replies(1): >>42959594 #
7. philwelch ◴[] No.42959009[source]
Some Americans were left behind in Afghanistan, and thirteen Marines were killed there due to the incompetent execution of the withdrawal. Other Americans were taken hostage by Hamas with next to no serious effort to recover them. Many were fired from their jobs or discharged from the military if they refused to take an experimental vaccine. Others who took the vaccine suffered myocarditis and other vaccine injuries. Many people have overdosed on fentanyl or fallen victim to gangs like Tren de Aragua that simply walked across the open southern border. Tens of thousands of US construction jobs were destroyed by the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline. I can keep going but I think I've made my point.

And if you're not just counting US citizens, there's a war in Ukraine that's killed over a million people and another war in Gaza, the latter of which was precipitated by the bloodiest mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust.

8. scelerat ◴[] No.42959594{4}[source]
The new policy’s notion of binary “biological sex” is completely divorced from genetic, biological, physiological, and psychological reality