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duxup ◴[] No.42724831[source]
I was pretty skeptical about the original Switch but bought it on a whim after being laid off.

It quickly became one of my favorite gaming consoles. The ability to play anywhere didn’t seem like a big deal until I could do it.

I have zero interest in being tied to a single spot like the traditional console experience now.

replies(5): >>42725144 #>>42725598 #>>42726700 #>>42729132 #>>42732428 #
_fat_santa ◴[] No.42726700[source]
The Switch was the first device where i saw how well the mobile + docked system worked and it was my favorite device until I got a Steam Deck. The Deck is killer IMO because it takes the same form factor of the Switch, gives you more power and no restrictions on games.
replies(4): >>42726939 #>>42727358 #>>42729742 #>>42747768 #
1. irrational ◴[] No.42726939[source]
No restrictions, except you can't play the Zelda, Mario, etc. games.
replies(2): >>42727993 #>>42730999 #
2. OtomotO ◴[] No.42727993[source]
Of course you can.
replies(1): >>42728208 #
3. philistine ◴[] No.42728208[source]
We all know about piracy buddy, but between having to deal with a Switch emulator and the major pain points of extracting keys to get Tears of the Kingdom to run and putting in a credit card, I'll take the credit card route.
replies(2): >>42729350 #>>42730018 #
4. thaumasiotes ◴[] No.42729350{3}[source]
You don't need to extract keys. Other people have already done that. The "pain point" is just positioning a file in a directory.
5. OtomotO ◴[] No.42730018{3}[source]
You talk about piracy, I talk about just having to bring a single device of the devices I own with me and using a paid product on another paid device.
6. NicuCalcea ◴[] No.42730999[source]
That's not a restriction, nobody's preventing Nintendo from bringing those games to the platform. I don't currently have pasta at my place, but that's because neither me nor my partner have bought any, not because it's banned from the house.
replies(1): >>42732821 #
7. squeaky-clean ◴[] No.42732821[source]
Obviously Nintendo is stopping them from going onto those platforms. It is very much like Spaghetti being banned from the house.
replies(1): >>42732868 #
8. NicuCalcea ◴[] No.42732868{3}[source]
But Steam doesn't restrict Nintendo from releasing their game on the platform, so the platform isn't restricted.

To put it another way, if I invite you to my birthday party, but you say you're busy, does that mean that my house is restricted to you? Are my other friends restricted from hanging out with you because you decided to stay home?

replies(1): >>42837463 #
9. squeaky-clean ◴[] No.42837463{4}[source]
It's not like saying I'm busy though. It's like you invite me to your birthday and I tell you "Please stop talking to me. I don't want to associate with you."

Or a more apt analogy, your child invites my child to their birthday party. And I tell little Timmy that he is not allowed to go to Johnny's house.