I felt it was a bit light on putting the system energy efficiency/losses up front. I am sure they're stated but it was hard to work out how it compared to normal PV efficiency, or steam turbine efficiency.
Heat exchangers are applicable to lots of things. I am skeptical that this is significant because almost any heat energy process does reclaim and preheat, and so the size of the thermal mass and efficiency here would be exceptionally well studied and if they have made improvements, they may be as, or more valuable as IPR overall. So while it looks amazing, unless they are spinning it out into wider industry it will be a small increment over things in deployment.
5,000 W/kg sounds great on paper compared to 150 W/kg for batteries and is even in the same ballpark as gasoline at 12,000 W/kg, but I think that's just the figure for the fuel. I don't think it includes storage, the solar panels, the burner, etc... The cost is an open ended question as well. Maybe this will pan out for aircraft?
The stated energy density is "> 500 watthours/liter".
But higher on the page we see a relative-energy-density bar graph shows lightcell at 5x the energy density of lithium batteries, and (38/5 =) 7.6x less dense then petrol. This implies an energy density for lightcell of 1250 Wh/liter, as (according to Google) petrol clocks in just under 9500 Wh/liter, and (again according to Google) lithium batteries can reach 300 Wh/liter so let's call it 250 for the math to work out.
I'm curious which number is closer to truth: 500Wh/liter, or 1250? Is 1250 the theoretical max and 500 the current output in a test rig?
also, “/liter”, for gases such as hydrogen, can be made larger by using higher pressures in your tank.
On the other hand, they also say “target efficiency: ≥ 40% wire to wire”, and 40% of 1250 is 500, so it may be that.
I know next to nothing about the field / tech, but a portion of folks seem to be like "incredible visionary etc. etc." and the another portion like "fringe science / complete bullshit / this is as realistic as cold fusion" kind of thing.
Very interested to hear from folks more in the know of like, high level long term viability / what the implications are etc.
I read this all as: "this is a POC we have, and if we can get it to 40% efficiency than it might make sense (otherwise who cares, just use a conventional generator)"
Concentrating cells are at 47.6% [2]
[1] https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/S2542-4351(22)00191-X
[2] https://publica-rest.fraunhofer.de/server/api/core/bitstream...
Basically big if true, but this thing's 40% and photovoltaics' 20% aren't comparable efficiency numbers.
* They say wire to wire, IDK exactly what that means, but if it includes the losses from green hydrogen production then it seems like pretty wild efficiency. This doesn't line up with the numbers though, as H2 with 1250Wh/L * 0.4 = 500 Wh/L claimed density.
Basically burning fuel (any fuel, really) with added sodium to create very bright monochromatic light that can then be converted into electricity using very high efficiency solar cells.
Since the light they’re making is nearly monochromatic, it’s a lot easier to get higher efficiency. That’s kind of the whole point of the invention.
1. How much of the fuel's energy is released as heat? They have a heat recapture device, but that's only used to preheat air/fuel, and not used to generate electricity. Is the energy in the heat simply discarded?
2. Can this be made to work without the process of burning? i.e. can it function purely from heat? If it can, it might be able to replace steam turbines in, for example, nuclear plants or CSP plants. That could be hugely beneficial.
2. Thermophotovoltaics in general can operate with any heat source, though this device is clearly optimized for combustion. However, the efficiency is far too low to compete in the large-scale power generation segment. This is almost certainly aimed at light aviation, heavy drones, military applications, etc., where there are not a lot of alternatives that combine small size, high power density and good efficiency.
Multi-junction cells beat that limit, but they're still horribly expensive to manufacture which confines them to niche uses like spacecraft.
Normally to produce electricity from fuel you would spin a turbine, either with a mechanical engine or using vapour. But here the energy is captured through a photo cell, and the author claims that mixing sodium into certain fuels leads to a very significant part of fuel energy going into light at specific wavelength.
2. There are thermovoltaic generators, but they're limited by the need to cool one side of the material. These are typically used in deep space probes that use Pu 240 to power them. To my knowledge thermovoltaic generation is not scalable or practical on Earth at this time.
But they say other fuels work, in which case it wouldn't be "wire-to-wire", and then it'd be more appropriate to compare this to a power generator fueled by natural gas or gasoline. A generator with no pistons or turbines, just a fuel pump, sounds fantastic, if they can make it work. But you'd have to supply sodium.
Thanks for a clarification which makes sense.
thanks to curl-up who posted this, whoever you are.
since it came up, "wire-to-wire" efficiency is what I intended to coin a synonym for electrical to electrical efficiency, with hydrogen storage. for example, an 80% electrical to hydrogen efficiency, and a 50% hydrogen to electrical efficiency, would yield a 40% wire to wire (electrical to electrical) efficiency. of course, people are working on 95% electric to hydrogen efficiency, and 50% fuel to electrical efficiency is a target.
here's an illustrative energy flow diagram for us trying to hit 60% -- even more aggressive. https://x.com/DanielleFong/status/1775595848887677138
For that matter, could you maybe put sodium in a sealed container and then heat the whole container? Like a sodium vapor lamp but causing it to glow by throwing heat at it instead of passing electricity through it.
we're exploring fully sealed experiments, but, you have to get the heat into the sealed cell somehow.