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ikmckenz ◴[] No.42474139[source]
Teens aren't doing drugs, smoking, drinking, or having sex. And the suicide rate has never been higher.
replies(4): >>42474219 #>>42474328 #>>42475115 #>>42475794 #
1. mmooss ◴[] No.42475794[source]
> Teens aren't ... having sex.

Nor are people in their 20s (that is, both groups are having much less sex). That is the most worrying thing to me. People are not even engaging in the most fundamental, unavoidable, pleasurable human drive.

They seem very much like traumatized people, on a massive scale, just trying to survive.

replies(7): >>42476800 #>>42476924 #>>42477280 #>>42477350 #>>42478380 #>>42479743 #>>42480377 #
2. ◴[] No.42476800[source]
3. reocha ◴[] No.42477271[source]
Disregarding the weird response, you do know 20-29 year olds have the lowest average BMI for adult age groups right?
replies(1): >>42477341 #
4. Henchman21 ◴[] No.42477280[source]
I think we all realize deep down there are too many humans on this planet.
replies(4): >>42477589 #>>42477663 #>>42477777 #>>42479739 #
5. llm_trw ◴[] No.42477341{3}[source]
Higher than the 40-50 year olds when I was that age.
6. robertoandred ◴[] No.42477350[source]
When you don't get matches, it's pretty easy to avoid sex.
replies(3): >>42477378 #>>42482513 #>>42484600 #
7. bonestamp2 ◴[] No.42477378[source]
... and if everyone is always on screens it's hard to avoid the dating apps where they're not getting matches.
8. jpcom ◴[] No.42477589[source]
We can comfortably host 100B or more on this beautiful planet. Just gotta be strategic about it.
9. kridsdale1 ◴[] No.42477663[source]
It’s possible to have infinite sex without influencing the population quantity. Well, you could decrease it.
10. nozzlegear ◴[] No.42477777[source]
I fundamentally disagree with this take, it's at odds with my belief in growth and dynamism.
replies(1): >>42477881 #
11. ◴[] No.42477881{3}[source]
12. globular-toast ◴[] No.42478380[source]
I'm starting to think many people just aren't into sex that much, in the same way many people aren't into food.

Many people just get hungry and inhale the most convenient thing they can to scratch the hunger itch. McDonald's is always busy. People would be there on Christmas day if it was open. These people aren't into food as pleasure, they just don't want to be hungry. Of course with meal replacements bottles etc McDonald's isn't even the bottom of that particular barrel.

It's the same with sex. I've met people who define themselves by their sexuality. They consider it a primary pursuit in life. But for others it's just scratching an itch. I've realised I'm basically that way. It doesn't mean that much to me, it's just something my body makes me do. Porn is now everywhere and more easily accessible than drugs. People are now able to reach for McDonald's or the meal replacement, but for sex.

replies(1): >>42482307 #
13. BeFlatXIII ◴[] No.42479739[source]
Quorum-sensing ain't just for bacteria.
14. BeFlatXIII ◴[] No.42479743[source]
On the flip side, imagine the tremendous spiritual development possible to be unlocked by a generation undistracted by carnal desire.
replies(2): >>42481468 #>>42482322 #
15. grecy ◴[] No.42480377[source]
> They seem very much like traumatized people, on a massive scale, just trying to survive.

Every few years I like to leave the world for a bit and do something else to reset a bit. For example I just finished walking 779km on the Camino in Spain.

What you said is essentially true for the vast majority of people in our modern world. What we have built is terrible for us, and we’re all suffering and very sick.

16. doctorwho42 ◴[] No.42481468[source]
But instead are distracted by modern algorithms built for a slow drip of dopamine!
17. mmooss ◴[] No.42482307[source]
You should do what you feel, of course, and there is no right or wrong. I still think that, generally, we have evolved to have a strong sex drive and to very much desire and enjoy it.
18. mmooss ◴[] No.42482322[source]
Our sex drive is an essential, wonderful part of our spirit, IMHO.

But more to your point, they are not undistracted, meditating peacefully. They are traumatized into submission. That's not a good state for spiritual development.

19. badpun ◴[] No.42482513[source]
Women get tons of matches though.
20. mmooss ◴[] No.42484600[source]
That doesn't explain why people would have less sex now than in the past.