What would you compare the tools on? Be specific
The article is just “why we chose breva” and is very specific to you. As far as I can tell you didnt even use half of the offerings since they were ruled out purely due to pricing models.
EDIT: just an example. If I wanted to know about sendgrid and how it compares, the only information this page gives me is “it has an overage charge”. How am I supposed to consume this article as an informative comparison?
You didn’t even read the article!
The degree to which your emails actually reach people’s inbox is the most important thing BY FAR and there is considerable variability between platforms on this metric.
I also find Mailchimp’s pricing and dark patterns extremely frustrating but it also has the best deliverability of any platform I have tried by a mile, which can’t just be hand-waved away.
I tried every gym in the world, but I can only pick those in my local area due to location concerns. So of the six gyms in my area...