It failed the requirements and was then repurposed by TI?
It failed the requirements and was then repurposed by TI?
Source: David Pitts, who worked on the platform.
so maybe I'm mis-remembering it. But wasn't the 990 already planned as being a cost reduced version of the 960 and 980? Though in those days it seemed like a lot of computer systems were being built for specific customers. The story I heard about the 8008 and TMX1795 were they were built exclusively to win the DataPoint terminal contract.
More info on the TMX1795 from Ken Sherriff:
Thx for the reference in your post, but it doesn't say anything about the 990 being developed for a Hotel Chain (though I have a distinct memory of it being used as a prop in the TV series "Hotel" -- ) Maybe you saw the hotel reference on a different page?