As a test or something, he came around spraying without telling me. I was in my office when I felt my sinuses starting to swell and my chest started tightening. When I walked out into the common room and saw him smiling at me with a “see, told you it’s your imagination” grin, my coworkers had to drag me outside because I was ready to kill him.
Look, man, I’d freaking love not to have asthma and other allergy stuff. I don’t like taking handfuls of antihistamines. I’m not trying to be a pain in the ass. I just don’t, like, enjoying dying.
Look, man, shut up.
> Just do x, y, z
Ok then you take the story.
> Oh but I don't know frontend.
But you know the estimate is wrong?
I hate the word "just"
This is one of those things that someone pointed out to me, I agreed with them and have since tried to avoid saying "just do ...", "why not just ...", etc.
However, that means I now really notice it from others. sigh
That was like 15 years ago and I've at least mentioned that rule to every team I've been a part of ever since. It usually works.