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612 points meetpateltech | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.208s | source
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pmayrgundter ◴[] No.42951372[source]

I tried voice chat. It's very good, except for the politics

We started talking about my plans for the day, and I said I was making chili. G asked if I have a recipe or if I needed one. I said, I started with Obama's recipe many years ago and have worked on it from there.

G gave me a form response that it can't talk politics.

Oh, I'm not talking politics, I'm talking chili.

G then repeated form response and tried to change conversation, and as long as I didn't use the O word, we were allowed to proceed. Phew

replies(8): >>42951630 #>>42954680 #>>42954716 #>>42954903 #>>42957687 #>>42963388 #>>42963959 #>>42996033 #
xnorswap ◴[] No.42951630[source]

I find it horrifying and dystopian that the part where it "Can't talk politics" is just accepted and your complaint is that it interrupts your ability to talk chilli.

"Go back to bed America." "You are free, to do as we tell you"


replies(7): >>42951810 #>>42951817 #>>42952683 #>>42953278 #>>42953705 #>>42954874 #>>42959435 #
bigstrat2003 ◴[] No.42954874[source]

There's nothing wrong with (and in fact much to be said in favor of) a "no politics" rule. When I was growing up it was common advice to not discuss politics/religion in mixed company. At one point I thought that was stupid fuddy-duddy advice, because people are adults and can act reasonably even if they disagree. But as I get older, I realize that I was wrong: people really, really can't control their emotions when politics comes up and it gets ugly. Turns out that the older generation was correct, and you really shouldn't talk politics in mixed company.

Obviously in this specific case the user isn't trying to talk politics, but the rule isn't dystopian in and of itself. It's simply a reflection of human nature, and that someone at Google knows it's going to be a lot of trouble for no gain if the bot starts to get into politics with users.

replies(3): >>42956231 #>>42956712 #>>42965288 #
63 ◴[] No.42956712[source]

It's challenging because one person's "politics" is another person's "my extended family is being actively slaughtered in the middle east, how can I think or talk about anything else." Is the person wrong for that? The line for what is and isn't politics is incredibly blurry and is almost always drawn on the side of whoever already has the most privilege

replies(3): >>42960617 #>>42963650 #>>42973226 #
MrScruff ◴[] No.42960617[source]

That would still be politics, yes. What would be the benefit of discussing it at work? The particular example you give is one which is especially divisive. If someone feels emotionally affected by an issue to the point where they cannot focus on work they should take a leave of absence.

replies(1): >>42960775 #
viraptor ◴[] No.42960775[source]

It's called being an understanding human. Unless you limit the topics to the weather and definitely not in the changing climate style, you will talk about real life quite often. And someone's real life may be a school dropoff one day and a grenade landing on their brother digging trenches in Ukraine the day after. If you hard nope out of tougher subjects, they're unlikely to talk much to you afterwards.

replies(2): >>42962500 #>>42963600 #
MrScruff ◴[] No.42963600[source]

If you're unable to focus at work because of some personal trauma, then the best thing to do at most companies is talk to your line manager about it to explain the situation. That's entirely reasonable and I would think that most people will respond empathetically in that situation.

I don't think that's typically what is meant when discussing 'leaving politics out of work' though.

replies(1): >>42970518 #
1. viraptor ◴[] No.42970518[source]

Not sure where you got the "unable to focus at work" part from. It's not about anything affecting work, just normal conversation.