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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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simple10 ◴[] No.42951093[source]
I live in CA and saw a massive jump in prices when the state ordered chickens to be euthanized due to bird flu. It was also the first time I saw grocery store shelves completely empty of eggs for days at a time.

Prices for organic eggs have somewhat returned to pre-bird flu levels but the regular sales and discounts have stopped. Non-organic eggs are still significantly higher.

replies(4): >>42951228 #>>42951232 #>>42951524 #>>42951834 #
themaninthedark ◴[] No.42951228[source]
My understanding is that free range law have recently gone into effect in CA.

Were the organic eggs already free range? That would explain the price stability there and variation of the non organic.

replies(2): >>42951337 #>>42951741 #
jeffbee ◴[] No.42951337[source]
Do you mean cage-free hen regulation? This statewide regulation has been in effect since 2022.
replies(1): >>42951640 #
ars ◴[] No.42951640[source]
Free ranging chickens is the proximate cause of Bird Flu. Chickens get it from wild birds that land near them.

States are going to have to repeal those laws and confine chickens in sealed buildings to protect them.

replies(2): >>42951943 #>>42952461 #
1. thomasjudge ◴[] No.42952461{3}[source]
I would say that the H5 bird flu virus the the proximate cause of bird flu
replies(1): >>42953773 #
2. ars ◴[] No.42953773[source]
Maybe I'm using the word wrong, but H5 is the root cause, while free range is the proximate cause.