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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0.002s | source
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1970-01-01 ◴[] No.42951309[source]
Eggs store very well when refrigerated and are naturally optimal in terms of physical volume. Buy eggs in bulk and store them in a large mixing bowl or other round container in your refrigerator.
replies(6): >>42951369 #>>42951378 #>>42951471 #>>42951514 #>>42951546 #>>42951772 #
jeffbee ◴[] No.42951369[source]
Eggs store pretty poorly in the fridge because liquids transpire through the shell. Within a month your egg will be 20% air.
replies(1): >>42951428 #
zo1 ◴[] No.42951428[source]
This is disturbing and not what I found with eggs at all - Are eggs somehow different in the US compared to the rest of the world?
replies(9): >>42951496 #>>42951508 #>>42951518 #>>42951521 #>>42951528 #>>42951573 #>>42951585 #>>42951815 #>>42952205 #
1. wongarsu ◴[] No.42951585[source]
Yes. In the US eggs are washed with soap and hot water after being laid. Most of the rest of the world doesn't do that. We simply arrange things so eggs don't lie in poop, then deliver them to the customer unwashed.

Both methods work, but the washing process removes a protective layer from the eggs, causing them to require refrigeration and generally last not as long

replies(1): >>42951833 #
2. ars ◴[] No.42951833[source]
US eggs last exactly the same amount of time, and they do not actually require refrigeration, it's basically a custom at this point that customers expect.
replies(1): >>42952464 #
3. rsynnott ◴[] No.42952464[source]
Once the egg has been refrigerated (which it will be in shipping and in the supermarket) breaking the cold chain is, at best, risky; you'll potentially get condensation which can lead to contamination.
replies(1): >>42953086 #
4. ars ◴[] No.42953086{3}[source]
I'm not just theorizing here, I've actually done it. Multiple times, as in, every day.

I don't refrigerate my US eggs, I've been doing that for years, with zero problems.

replies(1): >>42954375 #
5. arjie ◴[] No.42954375{4}[source]
This is so fascinating. I believe you, but I am one month from a newborn so I can't perform the experiment. It's like how for years on end I'd read explanations on Hacker News for why Japan's traffic lights were blue instead of green and I went there and they were identical to US lights. So I'm sceptical of these folk explanations that always go around. One day, years from now, I shall test it myself.