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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 20 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source | bottom
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1970-01-01 ◴[] No.42951309[source]
Eggs store very well when refrigerated and are naturally optimal in terms of physical volume. Buy eggs in bulk and store them in a large mixing bowl or other round container in your refrigerator.
replies(6): >>42951369 #>>42951378 #>>42951471 #>>42951514 #>>42951546 #>>42951772 #
1. jeffbee ◴[] No.42951369[source]
Eggs store pretty poorly in the fridge because liquids transpire through the shell. Within a month your egg will be 20% air.
replies(1): >>42951428 #
2. zo1 ◴[] No.42951428[source]
This is disturbing and not what I found with eggs at all - Are eggs somehow different in the US compared to the rest of the world?
replies(9): >>42951496 #>>42951508 #>>42951518 #>>42951521 #>>42951528 #>>42951573 #>>42951585 #>>42951815 #>>42952205 #
3. kleton ◴[] No.42951496[source]
Commercially, they wash the cuticle off the eggs in the US before they are sold. This means they have to be refrigerated.
4. orev ◴[] No.42951508[source]
Eggs definitely have a permeable shell and water does evaporate out of them over time. 20% loss is absurd though; it would be more like 1%
5. giblfiz ◴[] No.42951518[source]
Yep. In the U.S. the eggs are all machine washed which removes a natural protective outer coating (as well as dirt).

This means that they don't store as well or as long, and really should be refrigerated. It _might_ reduce salmonella.

replies(2): >>42951589 #>>42951692 #
6. ◴[] No.42951521[source]
7. ◴[] No.42951528[source]
8. bryanlarsen ◴[] No.42951573[source]
Yes. Eggs in the US are washed thoroughly. Removes potential pathogens but also removes the protective coating on the egg. Eggs in Europe are not washed.
9. wongarsu ◴[] No.42951585[source]
Yes. In the US eggs are washed with soap and hot water after being laid. Most of the rest of the world doesn't do that. We simply arrange things so eggs don't lie in poop, then deliver them to the customer unwashed.

Both methods work, but the washing process removes a protective layer from the eggs, causing them to require refrigeration and generally last not as long

replies(1): >>42951833 #
10. ◴[] No.42951589{3}[source]
11. AuryGlenz ◴[] No.42951692{3}[source]
> as well as dirt

Well, more importantly, poop. The cloaca does all.

12. ars ◴[] No.42951815[source]
It's also not true. You can keep US eggs out of the fridge with zero problems, and they do not "transpire" in a month, that's simply not true. I keep my US eggs for months at a time, out of the fridge, with zero problems.

The whole washing thing causing problems, that multiple people have replied is a myth. They spray the eggs with mineral oil afterward which works just as well. There's nothing magical about the natural coating, it's just oil.

13. ars ◴[] No.42951833{3}[source]
US eggs last exactly the same amount of time, and they do not actually require refrigeration, it's basically a custom at this point that customers expect.
replies(1): >>42952464 #
14. jandrewrogers ◴[] No.42952205[source]
Eggs in the US, Canada, Japan, Scandinavia, and a couple other countries are washed, which removes a layer that seals the egg. Eggs are a major vector for salmonella contamination; washing them materially reduces the incidence rates.

It is not egg specific. The countries that wash their eggs have atypically strong standards for bacterial contamination hygiene in food processing. Many food products from Europe are prohibited from import into the US due to insufficient safeguards against bacterial contamination during processing. There is an entire business where Scandinavian factories process food from distant parts of Europe to satisfy US food safety requirements for export.

As a general principle, the US does not create exemptions in food processing regulations on the basis that the existing process is "traditional" or has a long history. Many other countries do.

replies(1): >>42953150 #
15. rsynnott ◴[] No.42952464{4}[source]
Once the egg has been refrigerated (which it will be in shipping and in the supermarket) breaking the cold chain is, at best, risky; you'll potentially get condensation which can lead to contamination.
replies(1): >>42953086 #
16. ars ◴[] No.42953086{5}[source]
I'm not just theorizing here, I've actually done it. Multiple times, as in, every day.

I don't refrigerate my US eggs, I've been doing that for years, with zero problems.

replies(1): >>42954375 #
17. adrian_b ◴[] No.42953150{3}[source]
Europeans do not wash their eggs like the Americans, because they believe that this is a poor method for preventing Salmonella contamination, which has the serious drawback of increasing the chance that the eggs will not be safe for consumption when stored for a too long time.

In Europe, poultry vaccination against Salmonella is the preferred method. In most places Salmonella occurrences are exceedingly rare.

In general, Europeans believe that USA has atypically weak standards of food safety and that all the cases when certain kinds of European food are prohibited for import into USA on grounds of food safety are just cover-up stories, because the real reason is to avoid competition.

It is weird that USA has a phobia of vaccines even for poultry, because in this case there is no doubt that vaccines would have prevented the great financial losses caused by bird flu.

replies(2): >>42953777 #>>42956722 #
18. wahern ◴[] No.42953777{4}[source]
There's some evidence that livestock vaccination accelerates viral pathogen evolution, similar to antibiotics with bacteria. Even with vaccination, modern sanitation and isolation procedures would and should still be required.
19. arjie ◴[] No.42954375{6}[source]
This is so fascinating. I believe you, but I am one month from a newborn so I can't perform the experiment. It's like how for years on end I'd read explanations on Hacker News for why Japan's traffic lights were blue instead of green and I went there and they were identical to US lights. So I'm sceptical of these folk explanations that always go around. One day, years from now, I shall test it myself.
20. jandrewrogers ◴[] No.42956722{4}[source]
The US FDA's position on this is well-reasoned.

US eggs are generally vaccinated against salmonella and washed. The vaccination part isn't mandatory but it is cost effective so producers do it anyway. The effectiveness of the salmonella vaccines is middling at best and unpredictable -- eggs are still a major source of salmonella outbreaks in Europe. The benefit of washing eggs versus vaccines is that it produces a reliable result whereas the vaccine effectiveness has high variance. Also, this isn't a "European" thing, some parts of Europe also wash their eggs for the same reason. The US only started washing eggs in the 1970s, in a successful effort to reduce salmonella incidence.

Salmonella vaccines that work consistently and effectively in poultry are still an active area of research, it isn't a solved problem.

Regardless of what you believe, US food regulations regarding bacterial contamination are significantly stricter than Europe outside of Scandinavia. There are a number of well-known cases where European producers modified or upgraded their production processes to meet US sanitary requirements to enable exports. Scandinavian countries notably don't have to do this because their standards are similar to the US.

There may be other dimensions of food safety that are better in Europe but mitigating bacterial contamination is famously not one of them.