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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 34 comments | | HN request time: 1.865s | source | bottom
1. zie ◴[] No.42951459[source]
Fake/Vegetarian eggs are priced the same here, so I made the switch and am only using fake eggs now for most of my cooking.
replies(5): >>42951522 #>>42951579 #>>42951856 #>>42952336 #>>42955692 #
2. whimsicalism ◴[] No.42951522[source]
arent eggs already vegetarian
replies(6): >>42951577 #>>42951587 #>>42951610 #>>42951655 #>>42951991 #>>42952165 #
3. epistasis ◴[] No.42951577[source]
The usage of the term "vegetarian" in the US is not consistent enough to come up with a precise definition, probably due to the mixture of so many cultures bringing their variation and translations. So it's always good to clarify on particular food items in my experience. Some will consider eggs part of a vegetarian diet, others will be practically offended at the ridiculousness of the idea.
replies(1): >>42955007 #
4. PyWoody ◴[] No.42951579[source]
Are there any particular brands that you like?
replies(2): >>42951616 #>>42955372 #
5. zie ◴[] No.42951587[source]
Some vegetarians make exceptions for eggs, but I wouldn't call it "vegetarian" personally. You do you though.
6. vips7L ◴[] No.42951610[source]
Technically since they're not meat and aren't born, but they're not vegan or ethical. The treatment of hens is inhumane.
replies(1): >>42951657 #
7. zie ◴[] No.42951616[source]
I've only ever tried one brand. It's the only brand my local grocery store carries. It's a yellow carton with black writing, if that helps. I'm too lazy to go walk into the kitchen at the moment though.
replies(1): >>42952318 #
8. dastbe ◴[] No.42951655[source]
Eggs are definitely a grey area for vegetarians, to the point where vegetarians will describe ovo-lacto-vegetarians where they are ok with eggs (and animal milk) whereas others aren't.
replies(2): >>42951672 #>>42951869 #
9. whimsicalism ◴[] No.42951657{3}[source]
i'm vegan, just describing the state of modern american understandings of words
replies(1): >>42952807 #
10. ◴[] No.42951672{3}[source]
11. niceice ◴[] No.42951856[source]
Did you find some that aren't filled with terrible oils and other bad-for-you ingredients? I haven't in my area yet.
replies(1): >>42952352 #
12. sonar_un ◴[] No.42951869{3}[source]
I've been vegan for over 15 years, but even when I was vegetarian, I never really considered eggs to be vegetarian. Though some people do.
13. mullingitover ◴[] No.42951991[source]

Vegetarians don’t eat meat (including fish, although some religious sects have a marketing deal with fishermen to count fish as a vegetable for some reason), do eat animal products.

Vegans don’t eat meat and also don’t eat animal products.

replies(1): >>42953261 #
14. OJFord ◴[] No.42952165[source]
It's not a strictly defined term, in the UK people generally mean lacto-ovo-vegetarian by it (they will eat eggs and milk) but many combinations are possible and what's most common varies geographically - in India for example it would generate taken to mean lacto-vegetarian (milk, no eggs).

Wikipedia has a nice table:

15. chneu ◴[] No.42952318{3}[source]
Just Egg! Is the brand. It's really simple and easy to make at home too. It's just mung beans and black salt blended very well. You can bulk order yellow mung beans for super cheap.
replies(1): >>42954075 #
16. camel-cdr ◴[] No.42952336[source]
One packet of Kala Namak salt goes a long way.
replies(1): >>42955066 #
17. chneu ◴[] No.42952352[source]
Just fyi the whole "vegan foods are full of toxins and chemicals" is mostly nonsense pushed by the dairy and beef industries. They've spent a lot of money paying fitness, alt-right, and trad-wife influencers to push nonsense about vegan foods.

The one I love is the "there will be mass famine" if everyone goes vegan narrative that meat-heavy eaters like to talk about.

replies(1): >>42953484 #
18. vips7L ◴[] No.42952807{4}[source]
Sorry I didn’t mean to come off as “hot”.
replies(1): >>42952860 #
19. whimsicalism ◴[] No.42952860{5}[source]
on reflection you didn't, another reply did
20. dml2135 ◴[] No.42953261{3}[source]
I always found this a funny etymological thing. Going just by the words themselves, if you asked me to guess which was which, I'd say they should be reversed -- "vegetarian" seems to clearly imply "eats a diet made up of vegetables" whereas "vegan" is more ambiguous and seems to fit "mostly eats vegetables but also will eat some non-meat animal products".

But what I'm guessing happened is that the less-strict diet came first (at least in the modern era), so got the "vegetarian" moniker, and then we just needed another work for the strict no-animal-products diet so had to come up with "vegan".

replies(2): >>42954613 #>>42955336 #
21. niceice ◴[] No.42953484{3}[source]
Just fyi fake eggs and fake meat and fake butter are highly processed and include bad ingredients like other highly processed food.
replies(2): >>42955006 #>>42957993 #
22. myvoiceismypass ◴[] No.42954075{4}[source]
The book "Making Vegan Meat" by Mark Thompson has a great recipe for this (amongst other things). It was kinda wild how easy it was to make well.
replies(1): >>42957941 #
23. mullingitover ◴[] No.42954613{4}[source]
The term goes back to the Vegetarian Society in England, and was also popularized by Seventh Day Adventists in the US. The SDA church is fairly large at about 22 million members, and they’ve always promoted vegetarianism, meaning meat free diet with animal products.
24. hombre_fatal ◴[] No.42955006{4}[source]
Canola oil consumption is associated with same the human health outcomes as olive oil.

Despite what you hear on social media, "seed oils" and margarine (which doesn't have trans fats anymore) are still preferable to butter.

People who really want butter and other foods to be good for them tend to have a blind spot where if they convince themselves that X is bad, then butter is good because it's not X. And because of this, they weaken their epistemic standard when it comes to proving that X is bad, often satisfied with story-telling about how it must be bad, because it's connected to their belief that not-X is good. Just something I've noticed in the seed oils social media fad.

25. 0xffff2 ◴[] No.42955007{3}[source]
Huh? I'm American and even used to work as a professional line cook. Vegetarian has only ever meant "no meat products" to me. Vegan means "no animal products of any kind", and anything else requires a more specific phrase like "I'm vegetarian, and also I don't eat eggs", or "I can't eat any dairy products at all", or whatever.
replies(1): >>42961286 #
26. hombre_fatal ◴[] No.42955066[source]
This tofu scramble recipe became an instant staple in my diet:

Tastes more eggy and hearty than real eggs. And, like eggs, it's a good base for throwing in other ingredients like chopped tempeh, seitan, some sort of grain, mushrooms, etc.

It's a good gateway recipe into eating tofu in general.

replies(1): >>42958284 #
27. ◴[] No.42955336{4}[source]
28. stickmangallows ◴[] No.42955372[source]
I use different things based on what it's for. Ground flax seeds for baking, aquafaba for souffles, tofu with black salt for scrambles, "Just Egg!" for egg wash when frying, and maple syrup for egg wash on breads. Of those, I mostly bake, so keeping the flax seeds around is much more convenient for me than regularly buying eggs anyway.
29. pkaye ◴[] No.42955692[source]
Which one do you use? I was looking up the Just Egg brand in the US and it was more expensive than the free range chicken eggs brand we use. We've been trying have a more plant based diet but just stick with chicken eggs for now because we don't use it every day.
replies(1): >>42956935 #
30. zie ◴[] No.42956935[source]
My local grocery store only has 1 brand, so I use that one. I don't know the brand, but apparently others say it's "Just Egg". I have no idea. I don't pay attention. If I ever got another option, I'd try that one too and then perhaps care :)

I agree if the pricing wasn't basically the same I wouldn't have even attempted the switch.

I just happened to notice the cost of eggs going up again and saw fake eggs at the same price and thought, well I'll try those, why not!

31. chneu ◴[] No.42957941{5}[source]
There are a bunch of really good vegan cookbooks. I have indian, korean, african and south american vegan cookbooks. They're great and most of the recipes are really easy to make. I'd also add the fermentation bible to that.
32. chneu ◴[] No.42957993{4}[source]
what do you mean by highly processed? Are you aware of what the words you're using actually mean? I've worked in food production for 20+ years and "processed" is one of the most misused terms in food.

To be clear, if you cook food you have processed it. If you mechanically separate food it is now processed. If you chemically treat any ingredient for any reason(bleaching, cleaning, etc) it is now processed. The term is meaningless without context. Do you also say there are "chemicals in water"?

Just because something is "processed" does not mean it is bad. "Fake Eggs" are "processed" because they're mechanically blended and have a pretty standard emulsifier in it. There are no health trade offs here. The product is not "bad" because it's been blended or has an all-natural emulsifier. It's just nonsense to call something like that "highly processed".

Most "highly processed" vegan products are about as "processed" as a loaf of standard bread you'd buy in the aisle at the store. If mixing flour with oil is "highly processed" then you have no idea what you're talking about.

The hysteria towards veg products being "highly processed" is nonsense from the beef/dairy/carnivore misinformation machine. This is up there with the myth that "vegan diets are more expensive", lol.

Be aware that when you say the things you said, you're appealing to the misinformed crowd. The words lack meaning and context. These words, "highly processed" and such, are used to evoke an emotional reaction. It isn't based in data or science.

Context is extremely important. Without context you're not saying anything intelligent. It's the same thing that flat earthers or anti-vaxxers do. They appeal to emotion, not reality.

Furthermore, even with the hysteria around "high processed vegan foods", they're STILL associated with better health outcomes. That's the funny part of this. When put into context, even the "bad vegan foods" are still much better for most people than the "all-natural animal products". You can even expand on this further by including the environmental cost. Vegan products are about 20x less resource intensive from an environmental viewpoint than animal products. So, better health, cheaper, better for the environment. Wins all around.

33. christophilus ◴[] No.42958284{3}[source]
Gonna try that out. I just made her latest Chinese-style tofu and rice... super good.

Derek Sarno has some really good vegan breakfasts, too, if you haven't tried them.

34. notTooFarGone ◴[] No.42961286{4}[source]
Yeah poeple are overcomplicating the shit out of that.

The times I have to explain people "It's just not meat" is through the roof.