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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 25 comments | | HN request time: 1.628s | source | bottom
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cortesoft ◴[] No.42951014[source]
Yeah, bird flu is really bad.
replies(7): >>42951084 #>>42951089 #>>42951101 #>>42951106 #>>42951123 #>>42951207 #>>42951225 #
llamaimperative ◴[] No.42951089[source]
This is why we must freeze USDA funding, halt all public health communications from our federal government, and urgently (TOP PRIORITY!!!) scrub all mentions of the word "women" from every public-facing piece of scientific content we can find.
replies(5): >>42951144 #>>42951148 #>>42951175 #>>42951214 #>>42951919 #
1. Xunjin ◴[] No.42951148[source]
I hope they stop this cultural war and focus on the real problems that actually affects the population,for example, high prices.
replies(8): >>42951173 #>>42951222 #>>42951233 #>>42951285 #>>42951370 #>>42951929 #>>42952494 #>>42964082 #
2. UncleMeat ◴[] No.42951173[source]
Musk and Trump have both publicly said that people will need to accept higher prices.
replies(3): >>42951185 #>>42951195 #>>42951291 #
3. llamaimperative ◴[] No.42951185[source]
(After getting elected on promises to lower prices on day one)
4. Xunjin ◴[] No.42951195[source]
I'm not doubtful that happened, but could you provide a source?
replies(4): >>42951237 #>>42951381 #>>42951512 #>>42952397 #
5. jayd16 ◴[] No.42951233[source]
Prepare to keep hoping.
6. asveikau ◴[] No.42951237{3}[source]
The recording I saw was Trump saying we need to accept pain. He's asked frequently why his actions make very little sense and he typically responds incoherently.
7. lawn ◴[] No.42951285[source]
The cultural with tariffs you mean?
8. butlike ◴[] No.42951291[source]
Please stop the precedent of saying both their names in the same breath
replies(1): >>42951534 #
9. rcpt ◴[] No.42951370[source]
Prices aren't high on anything except for housing.

No politician, either past present or future, will ever run on a platform of reducing housing prices.

replies(2): >>42951671 #>>42954550 #
10. tzs ◴[] No.42951381{3}[source]
I don't have a specific cite but I saw it in quotes from when he was announcing 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico.

He said they could cause price increases and pain in the US but that they would cause more pain in Canada and Mexico.

11. verdverm ◴[] No.42951512{3}[source]
Its in one of his screeds on Truth or Musk Social

Colbert has a good bit and quip about it

12. SketchySeaBeast ◴[] No.42951534{3}[source]
They seem to be joined at the hip now, what with Elon being granted carte blanche. If it helps, I prefer "fat man and little boy".
replies(1): >>42952540 #
13. llamaimperative ◴[] No.42951671[source]
Here are several specific proposals to do just that:

Not a fan of credits to buyers (just inflates prices further) but I'm a big fan of credits to developers, streamlining permitting, and making some federal land available for development.

Regardless of whether you think these are good policies or an effective platform, it is patently false to say no one would run on such a promise.

replies(2): >>42951854 #>>42959270 #
14. rcpt ◴[] No.42951854{3}[source]
Those are all great policies. And yes credits to buyers is pretty stupid.

But this is still a far cry from "vote for me and your home value will go down".

replies(1): >>42952047 #
15. ◴[] No.42951929[source]
16. llamaimperative ◴[] No.42952047{4}[source]
Because why would you say that?

You would say "we're going to build more housing."

replies(1): >>42952762 #
17. dekhn ◴[] No.42952397{3}[source]
Trump said it directly in a news conference.

"We may have short-term, a little pain, and people understand that,"

18. rsynnott ◴[] No.42952494[source]
Thing is, that would be difficult, whereas randomly breaking government agencies is quite easy. If you happen to be Donald Trump, and you're looking for ways to please your supporters, culture war nonsense is the easy approach, provided you don't care at all about the consequences.
19. rsynnott ◴[] No.42952540{4}[source]
Poor ol' JD Vance is presumably

(The _third_ WW2-era bomb design, an impractically long plutonium gun-type. Much like Vance, it was rather pointless and impractical, and was never really heard from again.)

20. rcpt ◴[] No.42952762{5}[source]
People say that about eggs.
replies(2): >>42953501 #>>42954046 #
21. llamaimperative ◴[] No.42953501{6}[source]
Well no, one person (a moron and a liar) said that about eggs
22. wholinator2 ◴[] No.42954046{6}[source]
Eggs are not treated as the most important investment of your life, the value of which you hedge the entire rest of your life against, and which is expected to increase in value to support an growing rather than shrinking lifestyle. Eggs are nothing like houses economically
23. justin66 ◴[] No.42954550[source]
> Prices aren't high on anything except for housing.

And health care, and education, and child care.

24. jquery ◴[] No.42959270{3}[source]
I'd rather the government build the houses directly, I'm tired of America's solution to everything is to let middlemen skim huge profits (same issue in health care and education).
25. Nasrudith ◴[] No.42964082[source]
Those who would give up essential liberties for cheap eggs deserve neither and will lose both.