This week wrote an article on this, since I found there's a lot to explain wrt this topic:
On HN:
This week wrote an article on this, since I found there's a lot to explain wrt this topic:
On HN:
While I have not used EdgeDB, I have used Hasura, which I really liked.
Wrt the syntax of queries, I know of which is kind of similar of EdgeQL.
Funny that EdgeDB says on its page it tries to solve the ORM problem: I strongly believe ORMs do not solve any problem, they merely create problems (as I argue in the linked article).
Wrt my thoughts: the EdgeQL queries are usually still strings (no compile time type checking, not IDE tooling). With Hasura the GraphQL interface (that EdgeDB also supports) allows one to generate a client library based on the GraphQL schema: this allows one to have compile time checks on the queries, which is really neat.