This week wrote an article on this, since I found there's a lot to explain wrt this topic:
On HN:
This week wrote an article on this, since I found there's a lot to explain wrt this topic:
On HN:
While I have not used EdgeDB, I have used Hasura, which I really liked.
Wrt the syntax of queries, I know of which is kind of similar of EdgeQL.
Funny that EdgeDB says on its page it tries to solve the ORM problem: I strongly believe ORMs do not solve any problem, they merely create problems (as I argue in the linked article).
Wrt my thoughts: the EdgeQL queries are usually still strings (no compile time type checking, not IDE tooling). With Hasura the GraphQL interface (that EdgeDB also supports) allows one to generate a client library based on the GraphQL schema: this allows one to have compile time checks on the queries, which is really neat.
Edgedb ends up being an extremely performant ORM if used that way. And since your database is fully aware of your object graph, it's just as or more type safe than graphql.