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617 points jbegley | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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A4ET8a8uTh0_v2 ◴[] No.42940660[source]
I want to be upset over this in an exasperated expression of oddly naive "why can't we all get along?" frame of mind. I want to, because I know how I would like the world to look like, but as a species we, including myself, continually fail to disappoint when it comes nearly guaranteed self-destruction.

I want to get upset over it, but I sadly recognize the reality of the why this is not surprising to anyone. We actually have competitors in that space, who will do that and more. We already have seen some of the more horrifying developments in that area.. and, when you think about it, those are the things that were allowed to be shown publicly. All the fun stuff is happening behind closed doors away from social media.

replies(9): >>42940696 #>>42941054 #>>42941060 #>>42941115 #>>42941183 #>>42941453 #>>42941855 #>>42941871 #>>42941899 #
mkolodny ◴[] No.42941899[source]
A vague “stuff is happening behind closed doors” isn’t enough of a reason to build AI weapons. If you shared a specific weapon that could only be countered with AI weapons, that might make me feel differently. But right now I can’t imagine a reason we’d need or want robots to decide who to kill.

When people talk about AI being dangerous, or possibly bringing about the end of the world, I usually disagree. But AI weapons are obviously dangerous, and could easily get out of control. Their whole point is that they are out of control.

The issue isn’t that AI weapons are “evil”. It’s that value alignment isn’t a solved problem, and AI weapons could kill people we wouldn’t want them to kill.

replies(4): >>42941949 #>>42942109 #>>42942160 #>>42942495 #
1. scottyah ◴[] No.42942160[source]
How about 30k drones come from a shipping vessel in the port of Los Angeles that start shooting at random people? To insert a human into the loop (somehow rapidly wake up, move, log hundreds of people in to make the kill/nokill decision per target) would be accepting way more casualties. What if some of the 30k drones were manned? The timeframes of battles are drastically reduced with the latest technology to where humans just can't keep up.

I guess there's a lot missing in semantics, is the AI specifically for targeting or is a drone that can adapt to changes in wind speed using AI considered an AI weapon?

At the end of the day though, the biggest use of AI in defense will always be information gathering and processing.

replies(1): >>42946451 #
2. bamboozled ◴[] No.42946451[source]
How about 30k drones come from a shipping vessel in the port of Los Angeles that start shooting at random people?

It's going to happen.

replies(1): >>42947022 #
3. doublerabbit ◴[] No.42947022[source]
I better get started on building those Metal Gear Rays.
replies(1): >>42947428 #
4. bamboozled ◴[] No.42947428{3}[source]
I guess it won't be long until there are drones which can take out drones autonomously. Somewhat neutralizing the threat...providing you have enough capable drones yourself :)
replies(1): >>42956009 #
5. mikrotikker ◴[] No.42956009{4}[source]
Check out Andurils Anvil