They already dumped "do no evil" many years ago and they are now all in on fuck the poor and fuck the rest: I'm making profits and all is fine.
Google makes money and they don't appear to care how - its all about the money.
They already dumped "do no evil" many years ago and they are now all in on fuck the poor and fuck the rest: I'm making profits and all is fine.
Google makes money and they don't appear to care how - its all about the money.
Plus, in a healthy economy if everyone is bribing the government shouldn’t it all cancel out? Well it turns out the poor don’t bribe the government very often, so they are easily ignored.
And suddenly, when the government is co-opted into believing anything that gets in the way of “business” is bad, they figure out that money that could be spent on social services could also be spent on corporate tax incentives! Eventually the entire country becomes one big profit maximizer.
Of course it's not that as bad as you describe because it's not as simple as you describe.