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    617 points jbegley | 12 comments | | HN request time: 0.318s | source | bottom
    1. gerdesj ◴[] No.42941439[source]
    Why on earth would a for profit company refuse a potential line of profit?

    They already dumped "do no evil" many years ago and they are now all in on fuck the poor and fuck the rest: I'm making profits and all is fine.

    Google makes money and they don't appear to care how - its all about the money.

    replies(4): >>42941460 #>>42941554 #>>42941828 #>>42941850 #
    2. bbqfog ◴[] No.42941460[source]
    This is the case for boycotts, so a for-profit company loses when they make immoral decisions that destroy the brand and impact the bottom line.
    replies(1): >>42941934 #
    3. burningChrome ◴[] No.42941554[source]
    >> Why on earth would a for profit company refuse a potential line of profit?

    On the one hand I think they were afraid many of their employees might protest again like they have in the past, signaling that Google isn't that awesome, progressive place everybody should work. This would mean they could be potentially losing some of the top notch SV talent that they are in constant competition with from other companies.

    On the other hand, they've made it clear they aren't above firing employees who do protest as they just did when 28 employees were fired over the recent Nimbus Project contract worth an estimated $1.2B dollars with Israel:

    They staged sit-in protests in Google's offices in Silicon Valley, New York City and Seattle – more than 100 protestors showed up. A day later, Google fired Montes and 27 other employees who are part of the No Tech for Apartheid group.

    I think they try too hard to tow the line between the two, but like you said, its clear they're really all about the money.

    replies(2): >>42941686 #>>42941920 #
    4. gerdesj ◴[] No.42941686[source]
    "they're really all about the money."

    When you publicly quote: You are mostly lost to reason and profit is everything! That's why you do it.

    If you have other intentions then go with a Not for Profit (I'm sure most countries have a similar structure) or similar setup.

    5. tmnvdb ◴[] No.42941828[source]
    Google is a company that relies to a large extent on users to trust them with their data and for advertisers to want to be associated with them. Hence they have a stronger incentive to avoid being seen as an evil corp then some other companies. This is also important for recruitment, as many engineers do not want to (be seen to) work at a privacy invading evil corp, so it is important that google creates plausible deniability for those engineers as well.
    6. janalsncm ◴[] No.42941850[source]
    The problem with this is that if companies are just profit maximizers then one of the things it should do is to realign the government. After all, a friendlier government can help to decrease regulation and increase incentives.

    Plus, in a healthy economy if everyone is bribing the government shouldn’t it all cancel out? Well it turns out the poor don’t bribe the government very often, so they are easily ignored.

    And suddenly, when the government is co-opted into believing anything that gets in the way of “business” is bad, they figure out that money that could be spent on social services could also be spent on corporate tax incentives! Eventually the entire country becomes one big profit maximizer.

    replies(2): >>42941941 #>>42944811 #
    7. scarface_74 ◴[] No.42941920[source]
    As if anyone working for an adtech company thought they were changing the world for the better.

    I’m sure they are clutching their pearls while waiting for their money to be deposited into their bank account and their RSUs to be deposited into their brokerage accounts.

    Yes I did a stint at BigTech. But I didn’t lie to myself and think the company I worked for was above reproach as my adult son literally peed in bottles while delivering packages for the same company.

    8. scarface_74 ◴[] No.42941934[source]
    Yes, because this is crossing the line…
    9. asdfman123 ◴[] No.42941941[source]
    Companies already are just profit maximizers and they already have done a lot to realign the government.

    Of course it's not that as bad as you describe because it's not as simple as you describe.

    10. danans ◴[] No.42944811[source]
    > The problem with this is that if companies are just profit maximizers then one of the things it should do is to realign the government

    What do you think is happening right now?

    replies(1): >>42953546 #
    11. janalsncm ◴[] No.42953546{3}[source]
    What is happening is the US is reaping what it sowed 45 years ago with Reagan-era privatization and short-term thinking. It is structurally incapable of executing plans which take more than 2-4 years. So any adversary can outmaneuver the US by simply planning on longer timelines.

    Oh look, China has 5 year plans.

    Of course the efficiency of a one party state comes at the cost of stability: there are no internal checks on corruption. A two party state is more stable (the US has lasted 240 years) but not infinitely stable.

    replies(1): >>42956519 #
    12. danans ◴[] No.42956519{4}[source]
    But at this moment what's happening is that Capital is completing what Reagan started by finalizing the realignment of government totally toward its interests, at the expense of labor and the precariat. But sure, it all started a while back.