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617 points jbegley | 23 comments | | HN request time: 1.617s | source | bottom
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A4ET8a8uTh0_v2 ◴[] No.42940660[source]
I want to be upset over this in an exasperated expression of oddly naive "why can't we all get along?" frame of mind. I want to, because I know how I would like the world to look like, but as a species we, including myself, continually fail to disappoint when it comes nearly guaranteed self-destruction.

I want to get upset over it, but I sadly recognize the reality of the why this is not surprising to anyone. We actually have competitors in that space, who will do that and more. We already have seen some of the more horrifying developments in that area.. and, when you think about it, those are the things that were allowed to be shown publicly. All the fun stuff is happening behind closed doors away from social media.

replies(9): >>42940696 #>>42941054 #>>42941060 #>>42941115 #>>42941183 #>>42941453 #>>42941855 #>>42941871 #>>42941899 #
dgfitz ◴[] No.42940696[source]
Could you imagine how the entire world would look if they took truth serum for an entire year, how different the world might be?

Lies run the planet, and it stinks.

replies(9): >>42940743 #>>42940790 #>>42941628 #>>42941773 #>>42941779 #>>42941833 #>>42942022 #>>42942031 #>>42942171 #
1. ziddoap ◴[] No.42940849[source]
Your point could be made, probably even stronger than it is currently, by omitting the insult at the start.
replies(1): >>42940974 #
2. yubblegum ◴[] No.42940860[source]
replies(1): >>42940937 #
3. iwontberude ◴[] No.42940889[source]
moralistic relativism creates cover for egocentrism to destroy us
replies(1): >>42940936 #
4. dgfitz ◴[] No.42940937[source]
Ah nuts, I’m not trying to project anything at all. Sincerely.
5. turbojet1321 ◴[] No.42940936[source]
Yes but unfortunately that doesn't make it false.
6. explodes ◴[] No.42940944[source]
Insults are not part of the community guidelines
replies(1): >>42941134 #
7. ziddoap ◴[] No.42940988{3}[source]
>than a chatgpt style

Literally just remove the first 4 words and keep the rest of the comment the same, and it's a better comment. No idea what chatgpt has to do with it.

replies(1): >>42941047 #
8. justonenote ◴[] No.42941047{4}[source]
That would be removing information and strictly worse that including it.

Communication is about communicating information, sometimes a terse short and aggressive style is the most effective way. It activates neurons in a way a paragraph of polite argumentation doesn't.

replies(1): >>42941182 #
9. mv4 ◴[] No.42941064[source]
I don't think they meant the "truth" truth but people saying what they really think and being open about their motivations.
replies(1): >>42942137 #
10. lioeters ◴[] No.42941088{3}[source]
Similarly your point would have communicated better without the unnecessary and adolescent final sentence.
replies(1): >>42941128 #
11. cortesoft ◴[] No.42941114{3}[source]
“More effective” at what? No one is ever going to be convinced by an argument that begins with an insult. So what do you mean by it will be more effective?
replies(1): >>42941211 #
12. justonenote ◴[] No.42941128{4}[source]
It was for effect.

Maybe you'd prefer if we were all maximally polite drones but that's not how humans are, going back to GPs point, and I don't think it's a state than anyone truly wants either.

13. iwontberude ◴[] No.42941134[source]
Being childlike is a blessing and a compliment in my book.
14. justonenote ◴[] No.42941146{4}[source]
No comment.
15. Hello71 ◴[] No.42941182{5}[source]
the contention of your respondents and downvoters is that regardless of your intention, the extra information actually communicated is "i'm an asshole".
replies(1): >>42941278 #
16. justonenote ◴[] No.42941211{4}[source]
Do you honestly think an insult never brought about a change in a person? You never think a carefully landed and accurate insult made someone reconsider their position?

Weird, because in my experience, that has happened to every single person I know and myself. Whether it's at the start or end of a comment is not really the point.

replies(2): >>42941281 #>>42941450 #
17. justonenote ◴[] No.42941278{6}[source]
Fine, that's still extra information.

More accurately in the context of the comment, its "Im gonna be an asshole to you because I think you don't have the life experience I do", which is at least, some kind of signal.

I wasn't the original responder btw.

18. dgfitz ◴[] No.42941281{5}[source]
Welp, in this specific instance, your insults are a microcosm of the election results.

Stinks, huh?

replies(1): >>42941344 #
19. leptons ◴[] No.42941282[source]
The only people who don't think truth matters are those who would profit from lies.
20. justonenote ◴[] No.42941344{6}[source]
Things are very black and white these days, no room for shades.
21. gessha ◴[] No.42941429[source]
“Grownups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
22. mrbungie ◴[] No.42941450{5}[source]
It may do depending in context, but that's not the point and in fact is widely recognized as a ad hominem argument and fallacious by definition.

Most emotionally mature people would stop arguing after something like that.

23. TheSpiceIsLife ◴[] No.42942137[source]
Sounds horrible.

Deception is bad enough, knowing people’s true motivations and opinions surely would be worse.

What truly motivates other people is largely a mystery, and what motivates oneself is wildly mysterious to that oneself indeed.