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858 points cryptophreak | 6 comments | | HN request time: 0.393s | source | bottom
1. kerblang ◴[] No.42934547[source]
English is a terrible programming language.
replies(4): >>42934599 #>>42934642 #>>42934705 #>>42935896 #
2. amelius ◴[] No.42934599[source]
LLMs are what COBOL was supposed to be.
3. krainboltgreene ◴[] No.42934642[source]
I suspect there's a gradient for language: One side is clarity, the other side is poetry. English definitely is farther to the poetry side than the clarity side, where programming languages are significantly closer to the clarity side.

I suspect there's an 100 year old book describing what I'm saying but much more eloquently.

4. px43 ◴[] No.42934705[source]
Language evolves. As much as we are training computers to understand us, they are training us to understand them.

The level of precision required for highly complex tasks was never necessary before. My four year old has a pretty solid understanding of how the different AI tools she has access to will behave differently based on how she phrases what she says, and I've noticed she is also increasingly precise when making requests of other people.

5. remoquete ◴[] No.42935896[source]
No it's not! :-) https://github.com/theletterf/english-lang
replies(1): >>42936109 #
6. kerblang ◴[] No.42936109[source]
Well if I can't have intelligent replies I'll gladly take the amusing ones, thanks