At WWDC24, we shared a session on embedded Swift, which is available on YouTube:
More documentation on embedded Swift tooling here:
(Disclosure: I work at Apple.)
This is the kind of thing that makes you want to quit your job and just tinker all day again.
Thus it is more an issue of Swift embedded toolchain being able to be used alongside FreeRTOS on the specific hardware target.
Probably the biggest roadbump for something like FreeRTOS is the asynchronous support though. Embedded Swift's async support is still extremely rudimentary and I didn't find much about how to extend it/attach it to other control loops. I think it only supports single-threaded execution right now as well.
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
So presumably yes?This is actually a very good quality. I'm exploiting that for all it's worth in a job project where I'm gradually (file by file) converting a legacy codebase from Objective-C to Swift.
Providing an exit-strategy for Objective-C is good enough reason for me to at least have a basic working knowledge of the language.
The thing is, when it comes to applications, both Apple and Microsoft compete with their own customers; which makes a pretty solid motivation for providing shitty developer experiences.
It doesn’t have all the whizbang features of Jetbrains IDEs, but my experience is that those sorts of features only work correctly sometimes and can be as much of a hindrance as they are a help.
Meanwhile Android Studio or VS Syudio are tools which are a joy to use and are built to help you and not to be constantly on your way
Fact is Apple should do like Google and admit there are better ides out there
> Xcode used to be good at around version 3.
before the merging of interface builder into xcode: it never recovered...Yeah Xcode has its quirks but so does everything else. Nothing is perfect in this world.
What actually bothers me is Apple is now apparently trying to copy other IDEs (poorly) and making theirs worse for it. E.g. the new commit view which is an atrocity. They had something buggy yes, but at least decent. Now they have something buggy AND with a terrible UX.