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ikmckenz ◴[] No.42474139[source]
Teens aren't doing drugs, smoking, drinking, or having sex. And the suicide rate has never been higher.
replies(4): >>42474219 #>>42474328 #>>42475115 #>>42475794 #
1. hathawsh ◴[] No.42474219[source]
I'm not contradicting you, but it appears that the suicide rate hasn't changed since 2018. See this interactive chart and switch the Injury Type to Suicide:


That chart shows the rate has hovered around 4000 per month for years. That's 4000 too many, but at least it's not increasing.

replies(3): >>42474283 #>>42474475 #>>42476798 #
2. ecshafer ◴[] No.42474283[source]
But we are also seeing shrinking amounts of children. So a steady suicide amount in raw terms is an increasing rate.
3. kube-system ◴[] No.42474475[source]
That is the raw number, not the rate.

Since the spread of social media, suicide rates are up for children, significantly: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db471.pdf

> The suicide rate for people aged 15–19 did not change significantly from 2001 through 2009, then increased 57% from 2009 through 2017

> For people aged 10–14, the suicide rate tripled from 2007 through 2018

replies(3): >>42477610 #>>42477836 #>>42477994 #
4. mr_toad ◴[] No.42476798[source]
> I'm not contradicting you, but it appears that the suicide rate hasn't changed since 2018.

Peak social media?

5. ◴[] No.42477610[source]
6. moralestapia ◴[] No.42477836[source]
I don't follow.

If the rate has gone and population as well, how come the total number is about the same?

replies(1): >>42479935 #
7. zeroonetwothree ◴[] No.42477994[source]
How are you disagreeing? The comment you responded to said it hasn’t changed since 2018.
replies(1): >>42478306 #
8. ◴[] No.42478306{3}[source]
9. Schiendelman ◴[] No.42479935{3}[source]
It decreased for older folks, and there are fewer kids now.
replies(1): >>42480350 #
10. moralestapia ◴[] No.42480350{4}[source]
Oh, I see it now. Thanks!