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A 10-Year Battery for AirTag

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TuringNYC ◴[] No.42465986[source]
Nice solution, but the bigger problem is how AirTags can basically be turned off, which makes it poor for many use cases.

Of course, I get it from Apple's perspective, they dont want AirTags to be used to tail others. However, that precludes it from being used for theft tracking.

For example, I use an AirTag on my bicycle. If someone steals the bicycle, they are literally informed "an air tag is following you" https://support.apple.com/en-us/119874

There are a lot of things I'd love to put long-term AirTags on (luggage, snow-blower, childrens' backpacks) but if theft isnt really deterred, then the case for a bulkier AirTag is quite reduced.

replies(6): >>42466060 #>>42466306 #>>42468052 #>>42468073 #>>42471326 #>>42479082 #
unsupp0rted ◴[] No.42466060[source]
Theft-tracking is sort of an "off-label" use for AirTags, from Apple's perspective.

They'd rather make AirTags less generally useful than make them both more generally useful + open to stalking occurrences and lawsuits.

replies(3): >>42466231 #>>42470553 #>>42472003 #
1. TuringNYC ◴[] No.42466231[source]
Agreed on the trade-off. And there are some absolutely 1000% winning use cases (lost cats, lost dogs, lost luggage). However, lets look at the constraints and outcomes:

- Me or other people need to be around (since airtags jump off others' devices)

This removes use cases like tracking lost marine goods, tracking lost drones, etc.

- Item being tracked has to be big enough to be worth the extra size/weight of the long life battery wrapper

This removes most common use cases like wallets, remotes, etc.

- Item being tracked has to be something you actually lose w/o wrongdoing. Makes sense for backpacks, purses, parked cars.

But, most capital equipment wouldnt be "lost" it would be stolen, so that is out.


replies(1): >>42468732 #
2. theultdev ◴[] No.42468732[source]
> This removes most common use cases like wallets, remotes, etc.

I use an airtag for my wallet and apple remote.



replies(2): >>42470491 #>>42470649 #
3. Diti ◴[] No.42470491[source]
For 10 USD more than the carbon case, I prefer using the following item for my wallet. https://nomadgoods.com/products/tracking-card
replies(1): >>42471904 #
4. TuringNYC ◴[] No.42470649[source]
Were talking about the extended battery case, are you saying you put this giant thing in your wallet and on your remotes?! https://www.elevationlab.com/blogs/news/introducing-timecaps...
replies(1): >>42471846 #
5. theultdev ◴[] No.42471846{3}[source]
Yes, I clearly linked containers that aren't the device in question. I don't see the need for the extended battery case in those use-cases.

I also don't see my cat wearing that thing either. Maybe a large dog.

But things like wallets, remotes, cats, dogs, are usually in your possession frequently and only lost for short periods of time before you notice.

Luggage would be a good use case, and possibly bikes and other large equipment. But I would opt for something more discreet vs a larger battery.

6. theultdev ◴[] No.42471904{3}[source]
My wallet is rfid blocking, that wouldn't work.

Plus one less card space in it, even if it did work.