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146 points belter | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.617s | source
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skissane ◴[] No.42308551[source]
10x price increase? Sounds like a classic Computer Associates move. I think when Broadcom bought CA they also acquired this aspect of CA’s culture, and are now applying it to products which never had anything to do with CA.
replies(5): >>42308597 #>>42308671 #>>42308791 #>>42308872 #>>42309110 #
danudey ◴[] No.42308791[source]
What I've been hearing from others is that Broadcom wants to extract the most money possible from their top 10% of customers and shed the rest.

That said, even AT&T is jumping ship: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/10/broad...

To think that the migration away from VMWare would cost $40-50m but have a "very quick payback" presumably means that AT&T is a gigantic customer paying a ton of money, so if they're not in the top 10% contracts worth keeping then who is?

replies(1): >>42309181 #
1. kotaKat ◴[] No.42309181[source]
Bad news, AT&T settled. They knew they could extort Broadcom back by going public to get their discount.


replies(1): >>42309299 #
2. p_l ◴[] No.42309299[source]
Not everyone wants to go the court way to force a discount - lots of places are furiously looking at minimizing the time spent paying the hiked up prices.
replies(1): >>42309796 #
3. bluGill ◴[] No.42309796[source]
It would not surprise me if AT&T was playing with alternatives and just decided to pay up for a couple years while they learn more and figure out how to migrate. It is likely that the alternatives - with the influx of customers dropping vmware - get enough better in a couple years that vmware is much better.