That said, even AT&T is jumping ship:
To think that the migration away from VMWare would cost $40-50m but have a "very quick payback" presumably means that AT&T is a gigantic customer paying a ton of money, so if they're not in the top 10% contracts worth keeping then who is?
Say what you like about Sun or Oracle or Novell, their pricing was much more reasonable than CA’s. Plus we were a public university, and CA didn’t seem to believe in education discounts, whereas Oracle gave us a standard education discount of over 90% off list price.
CA was famously the place where mainframe software went to die. When I worked for Oracle, I had some very limited exposure to CA TopSecret and ACF2, which are mainframe security products (RACF competitors) that CA bought, which an Oracle product I was working on integrated with. No idea what the licensing was but I’m sure it wasn’t cheap.
"My landlord's 34% rent rise felt like an eviction" - BBC on|6 days ago
"UK households who rent face £200 being added to payments" - Birmingham Mail on|12 days ago
"Rents now 'unaffordable' across most of the UK" - PropertyWire|5 days ago - "Monthly rents have been labelled 'unaffordable' in every region of the UK except for the North East, data from analytics company TwentyCi has revealed. The ONS [Office of National Statistics] defines a rental property as affordable if the median rent is 30% or less of the median income of private renting households."
"UK Cities See Rents Surge More Than 40% in Four Years" - Financial News|7 days ago
"Revealed - where rent has risen over 30% in the past year" -|7 days ago - "The figures show that, across Britain, the average monthly cost of renting has increased by 8.7% over the last 12 months"
"UK tenants hit by highest inflation in September" - The Financial Times|5 days ago