I would not write a blog post advertizing how I filed a bug with WebKit for my own coding 101 error: unsafe assumptions and relying on side effects and heuristics.
Actually not just 101, it's basically with all of us at all levels and for life. So they're in good company having made a mistake everyone makes all the time, but it was a mistake on their part not a bug in WebKit, nore even a "interoperability issue" in WebKit or any browser.
They say they weren't aware that negative values were possible and that different browsers produce different values.
Ok, but neither of those matters.
If the function is even allowed to contain or express a negative value (IE right at the lowest basic level, is the returned data type actually a uint, or is it anything else? a regular int? a string?) then negetive values were always a possibility even if you personally never saw one before. Saying "I didn't expect a number below 0" is barely any different from saying "I didn't expect a number above 10000".
The discrepency between browsers doesn't matter and isn't the browsers fault that it tripped you up. You just made a standard boring unsafe assumption like every other programmer ever.
The entire problem is that you cared about something you don't actually care about.
You assumed that there was meaning in the absolute position of the window or the mouse pointer, when there never was, and you don't actually care about those anyway. The absolute position is like the actual internal-only row number in a db. Every row has a unique one, but it's none of your business what it is. There is only meaning in it's position relative to something else like a button, or relative to it's previous position to track movement.
Similarly checking for 0,0 and assuming that means keyboard is just another false heuristic that doesn't actually prove any such thing. The specs may or may not promise that the value will be 0,0 in the event of a keyboard initiated click, but no way it says that it can't be 0,0 any other way.
Don't de ashamed of this error because it's common, but don't be proud of calling these WebKit or browser interoperability bugs.
Do write up and publish the experience though as a warning and lesson to new developers about assumptions and heuristics and relying on side effects that just happen to work on the developers laptop when they tried it once and shipped it.
Also "it's for accessibility" doesn't change anything. Trying to be too smart just makes it worse. Actually that's true just generally for everything.