Which makes it obvious that the entire idea is pretty pointless, burn fossil fuels to generate energy to then use it to unburn fossil fuels. To do it with renewable energy, we still need the same capacity as the fossil fuel capacity and when we have that - ignoring issues like fluctuations in renewable sources - it makes more sense to just use the renewable sources directly instead of using them to undo burning fossil fuels.
If you want to use the process to pull carbon out of the atmosphere, then you first have to replace all fossil fuels with renewable ones, then you can use additional renewable capacity to remove carbon. Add additional 10 % capacity to the world energy capacity to undo one year of carbon emissions every decade, at least to a first approximation.
To come back to the initial question, you essentially need an industry the same order of magnitude as the fossil fuel industry to have a meaningful impact. Not going to happen anytime soon.
Amine based carbon capture at the smokestack captures about 90% of CO2 with a 20% energy penalty. There's a new natural gas turbine design that captures 100% at no energy penalty (Allam cycle).