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turtlebits ◴[] No.42068395[source]
Is this really an AWS issue? Sounds like you were just burning CPU cycles, which is not AWS related. WebSockets makes it sound like it was a data transfer or API gateway cost.
replies(2): >>42068522 #>>42068890 #
VWWHFSfQ ◴[] No.42068522[source]
> Is this really an AWS issue?

I doubt they would have even noticed this outrageous cost if they were running on bare-metal Xeons or Ryzen colo'd servers. You can rent real 44-core Xeon servers for like, $250/month.

So yes, it's an AWS issue.

replies(1): >>42068676 #
JackSlateur ◴[] No.42068676[source]

  You can rent real 44-core Xeon servers for like, $250/month.
Where, for instance ?
replies(3): >>42068729 #>>42068739 #>>42068788 #
VWWHFSfQ ◴[] No.42068788[source]
There are many colos that offer dedicated server rental/hosting. You can just google for colos in the region you're looking for. I found this one


replies(1): >>42068853 #
petcat ◴[] No.42068853[source]
I don't know anything about Colo Crossing (are they a reseller?) but I would bet their $60 per month 4-core Intel Xeons would outperform a $1,000 per month "compute optimized" EC2 server.
replies(2): >>42068909 #>>42069533 #
fragmede ◴[] No.42068909{3}[source]
What benchmark would you like to use?
replies(1): >>42069043 #
1. petcat ◴[] No.42069043{4}[source]
This blog is about doing video processing on the CPU, so something akin to that.