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turtlebits ◴[] No.42068395[source]
Is this really an AWS issue? Sounds like you were just burning CPU cycles, which is not AWS related. WebSockets makes it sound like it was a data transfer or API gateway cost.
replies(2): >>42068522 #>>42068890 #
VWWHFSfQ ◴[] No.42068522[source]
> Is this really an AWS issue?

I doubt they would have even noticed this outrageous cost if they were running on bare-metal Xeons or Ryzen colo'd servers. You can rent real 44-core Xeon servers for like, $250/month.

So yes, it's an AWS issue.

replies(1): >>42068676 #
JackSlateur ◴[] No.42068676[source]

  You can rent real 44-core Xeon servers for like, $250/month.
Where, for instance ?
replies(3): >>42068729 #>>42068739 #>>42068788 #
VWWHFSfQ ◴[] No.42068788[source]
There are many colos that offer dedicated server rental/hosting. You can just google for colos in the region you're looking for. I found this one

replies(1): >>42068853 #
1. petcat ◴[] No.42068853[source]
I don't know anything about Colo Crossing (are they a reseller?) but I would bet their $60 per month 4-core Intel Xeons would outperform a $1,000 per month "compute optimized" EC2 server.
replies(2): >>42068909 #>>42069533 #
2. fragmede ◴[] No.42068909[source]
What benchmark would you like to use?
replies(1): >>42069043 #
3. petcat ◴[] No.42069043[source]
This blog is about doing video processing on the CPU, so something akin to that.
4. phonon ◴[] No.42069533[source]
For $1000 per month you can get a c8g.12xlarge (assuming you use some kind of savings plan).[0] That's 48 cores, 96 GB of RAM and 22.5+ Gbps networking. Of course you still need to pay for storage, egress etc., but you seem to be exaggerating a bit....they do offer a 44 core Broadwell/128 GB RAM option for $229 per month, so AWS is more like a 4x markup[1]....the C8g would likely be much faster at single threaded tasks though[2][3]

[0] [1] [2] [3]

replies(2): >>42070292 #>>42075157 #
5. petcat ◴[] No.42070292[source]
> That's 48 cores

That's not dedicated 48 cores, it's 48 "vCPUs". There are probably 1,000 other EC2 instances running on those cores stealing all the CPU cycles. You might get 4 cores of actual compute throughput. Which is what I was saying

replies(1): >>42070456 #
6. phonon ◴[] No.42070456{3}[source]
That's not how it works, sorry. (Unless you use burstable instances, like T4g) You can run them at 100% as long as you like, and it has the same performance (minus a small virtualization overhead).
replies(1): >>42070772 #
7. petcat ◴[] No.42070772{4}[source]
Are you telling me that my virtualized EC2 server is the only thing running on the physical hardware/CPU? There are no other virtualized EC2 servers sharing time on that hardware/CPU?
replies(1): >>42071053 #
8. phonon ◴[] No.42071053{5}[source]
If you are talking about regular EC2 (not T series, or Lambda, or Fargate etc.) you get the same performance (within say 5%) of the underlying hardware. If you're using a core, it's not shared with another user. The pricing validates this...the "metal" version of a server on AWS is the same price as the full regular EC2 version.

In fact, you can even get a small discount with the -flex series, if you're willing to compromise slightly. (Small discount for 100% of performance 95% of the time).

replies(1): >>42071531 #
9. petcat ◴[] No.42071531{6}[source]
This seems pretty wild to me. Are you saying that I can submit instructions to the CPU and they will not be interleaved and the registers will not be swapped-out with instructions from other EC2 virtual server applications running on the same physical machine?
replies(3): >>42072496 #>>42072775 #>>42072840 #
10. phonon ◴[] No.42072496{7}[source]
Welcome to the wonderful world of multi-core CPUs...
11. nostrebored ◴[] No.42072775{7}[source]
Yes — you can validate this by benchmarking things like l1 cache
12. doctorpangloss ◴[] No.42072840{7}[source]
Only the t instances and other VM types that have burst billing are overbooked in the sense that you are describing.
13. spwa4 ◴[] No.42075157[source]
Wouldn't c8g.12xlarge with 500g storage (only EBS is possible), plus 1gbps from/to the internet is 5,700 USD per month, that's some discount you have.

If I try to match the actual machine. 16G ram. A rough estimate is that their Xeon E3-1240 would be ~2 AWS vCPU. So an r6g.large is the instance that would roughly match this one. Add 500G disk + 1 Gbps to/from the internet and ... monthly cost 3,700 USD.

Without any disk and without any data transfer (which would be unusable) it's still ~80USD. Maybe you could create a bootable image that calculates primes.

These are still not the same thing, I get it, but ... it's safe to say you cannot get anything remotely comparable on AWS. You can only get a different thing for way more money.

(made estimates on )

replies(1): >>42078593 #
14. phonon ◴[] No.42078593{3}[source]
What do you mean by "1gbps from/to the internet"?

125 MB per second × 60 seconds per minute × 60 minutes per hour × 24 hours per day x 30 days = 324 TB?

If you want 1 Gbps unmetered colo pricing, AWS is not competitive. So set up your video streaming service elsewhere :-) offers unmetered for $2,500 additional per month, for the record.

If you have high bandwidth needs on AWS you can use AWS Lightsail, which has some discounted transfer rates.

replies(1): >>42081474 #
15. spwa4 ◴[] No.42081474{4}[source]
Even just the compute, without even disk, is barely competitive.
replies(1): >>42090674 #
16. phonon ◴[] No.42090674{5}[source]
I'm not sure I understand your point anymore.