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410 points jjulius | 25 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source | bottom
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bastawhiz ◴[] No.41889192[source]
Lots of people are asking how good the self driving has to be before we tolerate it. I got a one month free trial of FSD and turned it off after two weeks. Quite simply: it's dangerous.

- It failed with a cryptic system error while driving

- It started making a left turn far too early that would have scraped the left side of the car on a sign. I had to manually intervene.

- In my opinion, the default setting accelerates way too aggressively. I'd call myself a fairly aggressive driver and it is too aggressive for my taste.

- It tried to make way too many right turns on red when it wasn't safe to. It would creep into the road, almost into the path of oncoming vehicles.

- It didn't merge left to make room for vehicles merging onto the highway. The vehicles then tried to cut in. The system should have avoided an unsafe situation like this in the first place.

- It would switch lanes to go faster on the highway, but then missed an exit on at least one occasion because it couldn't make it back into the right lane in time. Stupid.

After the system error, I lost all trust in FSD from Tesla. Until I ride in one and feel safe, I can't have any faith that this is a reasonable system. Hell, even autopilot does dumb shit on a regular basis. I'm grateful to be getting a car from another manufacturer this year.

replies(24): >>41889213 #>>41889323 #>>41889348 #>>41889518 #>>41889642 #>>41890213 #>>41890238 #>>41890342 #>>41890380 #>>41890407 #>>41890729 #>>41890785 #>>41890801 #>>41891175 #>>41892569 #>>41894279 #>>41894644 #>>41894722 #>>41894770 #>>41894964 #>>41895150 #>>41895291 #>>41895301 #>>41902130 #
TheCleric ◴[] No.41890342[source]
> Lots of people are asking how good the self driving has to be before we tolerate it.

There’s a simple answer to this. As soon as it’s good enough for Tesla to accept liability for accidents. Until then if Tesla doesn’t trust it, why should I?

replies(9): >>41890435 #>>41890716 #>>41890927 #>>41891560 #>>41892829 #>>41894269 #>>41894342 #>>41894760 #>>41896173 #
bdcravens ◴[] No.41890927[source]
The liability for killing someone can include prison time.
replies(3): >>41891164 #>>41894710 #>>41896926 #
TheCleric ◴[] No.41891164[source]
Good. If you write software that people rely on with their lives, and it fails, you should be held liable for that criminally.
replies(11): >>41891445 #>>41891631 #>>41891844 #>>41891890 #>>41892022 #>>41892572 #>>41894610 #>>41894812 #>>41895100 #>>41895710 #>>41896899 #
1. viraptor ◴[] No.41892572[source]
That's a dangerous line and I don't think it's correct. Software I write shouldn't be relied on in critical situations. If someone makes that decision then it's on them not on me.

The line should be where a person tells others that they can rely on the software with their lives - as in the integrator for the end product. Even if I was working on the software for self driving, the same thing would apply - if I wrote some alpha level stuff for the internal demonstration and some manager decided "good enough, ship it", they should be liable for that decision. (Because I wouldn't be able to stop them / may have already left by then)

replies(3): >>41892970 #>>41893594 #>>41895839 #
2. presentation ◴[] No.41892970[source]
To be fair maybe the software you write shouldn’t be relied on in critical situations but in this case the only place this software could be used in are critical situations
replies(1): >>41893226 #
3. viraptor ◴[] No.41893226[source]
Ultimately - yes. But as I mentioned, the fact it's sold as ready for critical situations doesn't mean the developers thought/said it's ready.
replies(2): >>41893722 #>>41893726 #
4. kergonath ◴[] No.41893594[source]
It’s not that complicated or outlandish. That’s how most engineering fields work. If a building collapses because of design flaws, then the builders and architects can be held responsible. Hell, if a car crashes because of a design or assembly flaw, the manufacturer is held responsible. Why should self-driving software be any different?

If the software is not reliable enough, then don’t use it in a context where it could kill people.

replies(1): >>41894185 #
5. elric ◴[] No.41893722{3}[source]
I think it should be fairly obvious that it's not the individual developers who are responsible/liable. In critical systems there is a whole chain of liability. That one guy in Nebraska who thanklessly maintains some open source lib that BigCorp is using in their car should obviously not be liable.
replies(1): >>41894847 #
6. gmueckl ◴[] No.41893726{3}[source]
But someone slapped that label on it and made a pinky promise that it's true. That person needs to accept liability if things go wrong. If person A is loud and clear that something isn't ready, but person B tells the customer otherwise, B is at fault.

Look, there are well established procedures in a lot of industries where products are relied on to keep people safe. They all require quite rigorous development and certification processes and sneaking untested alpha quality software through such a process would be actively malicious and quite possibly criminal in and of itself, at least in some industries.

replies(1): >>41893832 #
7. viraptor ◴[] No.41893832{4}[source]
This is the beginning of the thread

You're in violent agreement with me ;)

replies(1): >>41893935 #
8. latexr ◴[] No.41893935{5}[source]
No, the beginning of the thread is earlier. And with that context it seems clear to me that the “you” in the post you linked means “the company”, not “the individual software developer”. No one else in your replies seems confused by that, we all understand self-driving software wasn’t written by a single person that has ultimate decision power within a company.
replies(1): >>41894186 #
9. krisoft ◴[] No.41894185[source]
I think the example here is that the designer draws a bridge for a railway model, and someone decides to use the same design and sends real locomotives across it. Is the original designer (who neither intended nor could have foreseen this) liable in your understanding?
replies(3): >>41894354 #>>41894366 #>>41894816 #
10. viraptor ◴[] No.41894186{6}[source]
If the message said "you release software", or "approve" or "produce", or something like that, sure. But it said "you write software" - and I don't think that can apply to a company, because writing is what individuals do. But yeah, maybe that's not what the author meant.
replies(1): >>41894422 #
11. ndsipa_pomu ◴[] No.41894354{3}[source]
That's a ridiculous argument.

If a construction firm takes an arbitrary design and then tries to build it in a totally different environment and for a different purpose, then the construction firm is liable, not the original designer. It'd be like Boeing taking a child's paper aeroplane design and making a passenger jet out of it and then blaming the child when it inevitably fails.

replies(3): >>41894574 #>>41894653 #>>41895101 #
12. kergonath ◴[] No.41894366{3}[source]
Someone, at some point signed off on this being released. Not thinking things through seriously is not an excuse to sell defective cars.
13. latexr ◴[] No.41894422{7}[source]
> and I don't think that can apply to a company, because writing is what individuals do.

By that token, no action could ever apply to a company—including approving, producing, or releasing—since it is a legal entity, a concept, not a physical thing. For all those actions there was a person actually doing it in the name of the company.

It’s perfectly normal to say, for example, “GenericCorp wrote a press-release about their new product”.

14. ◴[] No.41894574{4}[source]
15. wongarsu ◴[] No.41894653{4}[source]
Or alternatively, if Boeing uses wood screws to attach an airplane door and the screw fails that's on Boeing, not the airline, pilot or screw manufacturer. But if it's sold as aerospace-grade attachment bolt with attachments for safety wire and a spec sheet that suggests the required loads are within design parameters then it's the bolt manufacturers fault when it fails, and they might have to answer for any deaths resulting from that. Unless Boeing knew or should have known that the bolts weren't actually as good as claimed, then the buck passes back to them

Of course that's wildly oversimplifying and multiple entities can be at fault at once. My point is that these are normal things considered in regular engineering and manufacturing

16. f1shy ◴[] No.41894816{3}[source]
Are you serious?! You must be trolling!
replies(1): >>41895151 #
17. f1shy ◴[] No.41894847{4}[source]
It depends. If you do bad sw and skip reviews and processes, you may be liable. Even if you are told to do something, if you know is wrong, you should say it. Right now I’m in middle of s*t because of I spoked up.
replies(1): >>41896160 #
18. krisoft ◴[] No.41895101{4}[source]
> That's a ridiculous argument.

Not making an argument. Asking a clarifying question about someone else’s.

> It'd be like Boeing taking a child's paper aeroplane design and making a passenger jet out of it and then blaming the child when it inevitably fails.

Yes exactly. You are using the same example I used to say the same thing. So which part of my message was ridiculous?

replies(1): >>41895440 #
19. krisoft ◴[] No.41895151{4}[source]
I assure you I am not trolling. You appear to have misread my message.

Take a deep breath. Read my message one more time carefully. Notice the question mark at the end of the last sentence. Think about it. If after that you still think I’m trolling you or anyone else I will be here and happy to respond to your further questions.

20. ndsipa_pomu ◴[] No.41895440{5}[source]
If it's not an argument, then you're just misrepresenting your parent poster's comment by introducing a scenario that never happens.

If you didn't intend your comment as a criticism, then you phrased it poorly. Do you actually believe that your scenario happens in reality?

replies(2): >>41895781 #>>41897990 #
21. lcnPylGDnU4H9OF ◴[] No.41895781{6}[source]
It was not a misrepresentation of anything. They were just restating the worry that was stated in the GP comment.

And the only reason the commenter I linked to had that response is because its parent comment was slightly careless in its phrasing. Probably just change “write” to “deploy” to capture the intended meaning.

22. sigh_again ◴[] No.41895839[source]
>Software I write shouldn't be relied on in critical situations.

Then don't write software to be used in things that are literally always critical situations, like cars.

23. Filligree ◴[] No.41896160{5}[source]
> Right now I’m in middle of s*t because of I spoked up.

And you believe that, despite experiencing what happens if you speak up?

We shouldn’t simultaneously require people to take heroic responsibility, while also leaving them high and dry if they do.

replies(1): >>41896521 #
24. f1shy ◴[] No.41896521{6}[source]
I do believe I am responsible. I recognize I’am now in a position that I can speak without fear. If I get fired I would make a party tbh.
25. krisoft ◴[] No.41897990{6}[source]
> you're just misrepresenting your parent poster's comment

I did not represent or misrepresent anything. I have asked a question to better understand their thinking.

> If you didn't intend your comment as a criticism, then you phrased it poorly.

Quite probably. I will have to meditate on it.

> Do you actually believe that your scenario happens in reality?

With railway bridges? Never. It would ring alarm bells for everyone from the fabricators to the locomotive engineer.

With software? All the time. Someone publishes some open source code, someone else at a corporation bolts the open source code into some application and now the former “toy train bridge” is a loadbearing key-component of something the original developer could never imagine nor plan for.

This is not theoretical. Very often I’m the one doing the bolting.

And to be clear: my opinion is that the liability should fall with whoever integrated the code and certified it to be fit for some safety critical purpose. As an example if you publish leftpad and i put it into a train brake controller it is my job to make sure it is doing the right thing. If the train crashes you as the author of leftpad bear no responsibility but me as the manufacturer of discount train brakes do.