First, I noticed that enforcing a JSON format on output generally lowered the quality of the results. Referring to JSON seemed to primed the LLM to be more "programmatical."
Second, I noticed that forcing LLM to answer with a single word is next to impossible. It won't do it consistently, and generally, it lowers quality.
Here's what I eventually learned: Markdown is a machine-readable enough for post-processing and easy output format for LLMs. I give the structure (a list of headings) for the LLM, which conforms to them 100% of the time. I always had a section called "Final Comments" where the LLM can blather away the things that it sometimes just needs to say after giving the answer. This can be then ignored when parsing the answer.
Also, it is good to understand that LLMs do better when you allow them to "think aloud." This Markdown output is good for that.