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169 points constantinum | 88 comments | | HN request time: 2.761s | source | bottom
1. ◴[] No.40714502[source]
2. hellovai ◴[] No.40714509[source]
Hey everyone! One of the creators of BAML here! Appreciate sharing this post. For anyone interested in playing around with an interactive version of BAML online, check it out here:
replies(1): >>40714868 #
3. politelemon ◴[] No.40714738[source]
Structured output should not be assumed is limited to JSON. Claude performs very well with XML, as it has been trained with it, so there's no real need to put in extra work. Not XML as in conformant, schema-compliant XML, just XML as delimiters.

Give it examples and instructions in tags, ask it to output in tags, and force it to return early by completing for it. (Assistant:<output>).

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Even if the output is chatty, parsing it is easy because you're not looking for } which may or may not match an opening {, instead you're looking for </output> which is much easier to parse for.

replies(1): >>40714811 #
4. alhaad ◴[] No.40714792[source]
Are there fine tuned models that perform better for structured / parsable outputs?
replies(2): >>40714873 #>>40714875 #
5. hellovai ◴[] No.40714811[source]
XML is also a great option, but there are a few trade offs:

> XML is a many more tokens (much slower + $$$ for complex schemas)

> regardless of if you're looking for } or </output> its really a matter of "does your parser work". when you have three tokens that need to be correct "</" "output", ">", the odds of a mistake are higher, instead of when you just need "}".

That said, the parser is much easier to write, we're actually considering supporting XML in BAML. have you found any reductions of accuracy?

Also, not sure if you saw this, but apparently Claude doesn't actually prefer XML, it just happens to work well with it. Was recently new info for myself as well. (devrel @ Anthropic)

replies(1): >>40719935 #
6. CraftingLinks ◴[] No.40714816[source]
We just use openai function calls (tools) and then use Pydantic to verify the JSON. When validation fails we try the prompt again.
replies(2): >>40714832 #>>40715169 #
7. aaronvg ◴[] No.40714832[source]
[Other BAML creator here!] one time we told a customer to do this to fix small json mistakes but turns out their customers don't tolerate a +20-30s increase in latency for regenerating a long json structure.

We instead had to write a parser to catch small mistakes like missing commas, quotes etc, and parse content even if there's things like reasoning in the response, like here:

replies(1): >>40715136 #
8. JakaJancar ◴[] No.40714866[source]
AI noob question:

Why do OpenAI/Anthropic/... not support constraining token generation? I'd imagine producing valid structured output would be at the top of their feature request lists.

replies(3): >>40714901 #>>40715217 #>>40717249 #
9. dsign ◴[] No.40714868[source]
Really interesting library! In the docs, could you describe in a bit more detail which kind of JSON errors it tolerates? And which models currently work best with your parsing approach?
replies(1): >>40714932 #
10. StrauXX ◴[] No.40714872[source]
Did I understand the documentation for many of these libraries correctly in that they reprompt until they receive valid JSON? If so I don't understand why one would do that when token masking is a deterministicly verifyable way to get structured output of any kind (as done by Guidance and LMQL for instance). This is not meant to be snarky, I really am curious. Is there an upside to reprompting - aside from easier implementation.
replies(4): >>40714984 #>>40714988 #>>40715185 #>>40715620 #
11. _flux ◴[] No.40714873[source]
This isn't the answer to that question, but llama.cpp has a feature to constrain output to the provided grammar, such as

Others should really implement that as well. You still need to guide the model to produce e.g. JSON to get good results, but they will 100% guaranteed be valid per the grammar.

replies(1): >>40715014 #
12. cpursley ◴[] No.40714875[source] Firefunction is pretty good. Not GPT-level but it’s an open model.
13. hellovai ◴[] No.40714901[source]
not a noob question, here's how the LLM works:


prompt = "..."

output = []


  token_probabilities = call_model(prompt)

  best_token = pick_best(token_probabilities)

  if best_token == '<END>':


  output += best_token
while true

return output


basically to support generation they would need to modify pick_best to support constraining. That would make it so they can't optimize the hot loop at their scales. They support super broad output constraints like JSON which apply to everyone, but that leads to other issues (things like chain-of-thought/reasoning perform way worse in structured responses).

replies(1): >>40718510 #
14. thih9 ◴[] No.40714918[source]
This is an article written by BAML that shows BAML as the best.

Also, BAML seems to be a commercial product with no clear pricing.

> Our paid capabilities only start if you use Boundary Studio, which focuses on Monitoring, Collecting Feedback, and Improving your AI pipelines. Contact us for pricing details at

replies(3): >>40714966 #>>40715039 #>>40715330 #
15. hellovai ◴[] No.40714932{3}[source]
Thanks! We should add that to the docs haha. But the here's a few:

- keys without strings

- coercing singular types -> arrays when the response requires an array

- removing any prefix or suffix tags

- picking the best of many JSON candidates in a string

- unescaped newlines + quotes so "afds"asdf" converts to "afds\"asdf"

In terms of models, honestly, we tried as bad as llama2, and it seems to work in quite a few use cases

replies(1): >>40714962 #
16. gdiamos ◴[] No.40714954[source]
You totally ignored the Lamini JSON output mode - which is full speed and supports enums for classifiers

replies(1): >>40714977 #
17. dsign ◴[] No.40714962{4}[source]
Thanks! I see myself using the library soon :-)
18. hellovai ◴[] No.40714966[source]
our paid product is still in Beta actually as we're continuing to build it out, but BAML itself is and always will be open source (runs fully locally as well - no extra network calls).

in terms of parsing, I do think we're likely the best approach as of now. Most other libraries do reprompting or rely on constraining grammars which require owning the model. Reprompting = slow + $$, constraining grammars = require owning the model. we just tried a new approach: parse the output in a more clever way.

19. hellovai ◴[] No.40714977[source]
thats pretty cool! We'll update the page after taking a look at the library!
20. hellovai ◴[] No.40714984[source]
the main one is that most people don't own the model. so if you use openai / anthropic / etc then you can't use token masking. in that case, reprompting is pretty much the only option
replies(2): >>40716262 #>>40725394 #
21. frabcus ◴[] No.40714988[source]
My experience with models even about a year ago is that the model has firmly decided what it thinks by the time of the last layer, so the probabilities on that layer aren't very useful.

You either get the same (in this case wrong) thing differently worded, or worse you get effectively noise if the second probability is very much lower than the largest probability.

My guess is that applies here too. Better to let all the layers rethink the tokens, than force hallucination of eg a random letter when you don't expect an angle bracket

(Edit: above is assuming using logprobs and/or logit_bias with the OpenAI API, not some other masking technique)

replies(1): >>40715094 #
22. mg ◴[] No.40714992[source]
The baml config files look a lot like code. For example in baml:

    class Resume {
        name string
        education Education[] @description("Extract in the same order listed")
        skills string[] @description("Only include programming languages")
Could be expressed in Python like this:

    class Resume:
        name: str
        education: List[Education] # Extract in the same order listed
        skills: List[str] # Only include programming languages
Two benefits I see are that it would make the file leaner (because Python is nicely lean) and provide free parsing and syntax highlighting.

Is there a benefit of rolling your own DSL?

replies(3): >>40715066 #>>40715071 #>>40715322 #
23. wiradikusuma ◴[] No.40715002[source]
Can't we ask LLM/GenAI to summarize it and return structured output? /sarcasm (half?)
replies(1): >>40715145 #
24. alhaad ◴[] No.40715014{3}[source]
Agreed that others should implement it as well but coercing llama to output results with matching grammar needs work.
replies(1): >>40715063 #
25. martypitt ◴[] No.40715039[source]
> Also, BAML seems to be a commercial product with no clear pricing.

You've only presented half the story. They're also Open Source (Apache 2.0), with code on github.

As you mention, some features are gated, but they seem to have a fairly solid OSS offering.

replies(1): >>40715125 #
26. _flux ◴[] No.40715063{4}[source]
What kind of work? I've only given it a short try before moving to Ollama that doesn't have it, but it seemed to have worked there. (With ollama I need to use a retry system.)

edit: I researched a bit and apparently it can reduce performance, plus the streaming mode fails to report incorrect grammars. Overall these don't seem like deal-breakers.

27. hellovai ◴[] No.40715066[source]
that's a great question, there's three main benefits:

1. seeing the full prompt, even though that python code feels leaner, somehow you need to convert it to a prompt. a library will do that in some way, BAML has a VSCode playground to see the entire prompt + tokenization. If we had to do this off of python/ts, we would run into the halting problem and making the playground would be much much harder.

2. there's a lot of codegen we do for users, to make life easier, e.g. w/o BAML, to now do streaming for the resume, you would have to do something like this:

class PartialResume: name: Optional[str] education: List[PartialEducation] skills: List[str]

and then at some point you need to reparse PartialResume -> Resume, we can codegen all of that for you, and give you autocomplete, type-safety for free.

3. We added a lot of static analysis / jump to definition etc to JINJA (which we use for strings), and that is much easier to navigate than f-strings.

4. Since its code-gen we can support all languages way easier, so prompting techniques in python work the same exact way for the same code in typescript.

28. GeneralMayhem ◴[] No.40715071[source]
Two big advantages.

First, if you want a declarative config with limited, domain-specific options, rolling your own DSL instead of using something as complex as Python is much, much easier to implement. You're not actually going to be running the code either way, at least not in the normal way, and the Python syntax tree is pretty complicated.

Second, having code that looks like Python can lead your users to believe that it is in, in fact, Python. When you're doing things like using your DSL as configuration that happens at setup time, but then actually "running" the resulting config later on, that can lead to people getting themselves into trouble - for instance, they might try to use `` and end up embedding the time of the config parser as a constant in their workflow definition.

If you want to use Python as your language, you probably want to define your "DSL" as a Python library, so that you can use a normal interpreter to work with it. Maybe you have library functions that return config objects, and a user's "configuration" is an arbitrary Python file with a standard function name as an entry point. But then when you want to introspect over types, you probably need to start playing games with decorators, which is tricky again, and you have to be very careful to have that evaluation step return meaningful errors.

Starlark ( is an example of using Python-ish as a "configuration" language. That took an absolutely massive amount of engineering to get to be well-defined, and was only arguably worth it because they wanted a language that's a loop construct away from being Turing-complete. If they had wanted a basic declarative relationship language, they probably would have used textprotos or GCL.

29. HeatrayEnjoyer ◴[] No.40715094{3}[source]
Why not apply it at an earlier layer then?
replies(1): >>40716700 #
30. iAkashPaul ◴[] No.40715098[source]

1. Langchain not being used in production?

> How out of touch is that remark? Hard pressed to find agentic framework implementation outside of Langchain/Llamaindex.

2. Outlines is not expected to work with OpenAI API because it wasn't created to do that.

31. aredox ◴[] No.40715104[source]
... Am I the only one thinking all those contorsions to get something usable are completely mental? All to get something potentially completely wrong in a subtle way?

Those LLM not only suck megawatts of energy and TFLOPS of compute, but they also consume heaps of brain power - all that for what, in the end? What betterment?

32. thih9 ◴[] No.40715125{3}[source]
Yes. Their OSS offering is described in the article though. References to the paid offering are only on the landing page. My grandparent comment is the missing half to the article’s half of story.
33. b2v ◴[] No.40715136{3}[source]
I'm not sure I understand, in the docs for the python client it says that BAML types get converted to Pydantic models, doesn't that step include the extra latency you mentioned?
replies(1): >>40715308 #
34. hellovai ◴[] No.40715145[source]
;) (sorry bad syntax highlighting when including baml code in baml code)

{ author: "Sam Lijin"

key_points: [ "Structured output from LLMs, like JSON, is a common challenge."

  "Existing solutions like response_format: 'json' and function calling often disappoint."

  "The article compares multiple frameworks designed to handle structured output."

  "Handling and preventing malformed JSON is a critical concern."

  "Two main techniques for this: parsing malformed JSON or constraining LLM token generation."

  "Framework comparison includes details on language support, JSON handling, prompt building, control, model providers, API flavors, type definitions, and test frameworks."

  "BAML is noted for its robust handling of malformed JSON using a new Rust-based parser."

  "Instructor supports multiple LLM providers but has limitations on prompt control."

  "Guidance, Outlines, and others apply LLM token constraints but have limitations with models like OpenAI's."

take_way: "Consider using frameworks that efficiently handle malformed JSON and offer prompt control to get the desired structured output from LLMs."


35. intellectronica ◴[] No.40715164[source]
This is the best ... no, the only way to do real software with LLMs. Nice comparison, and not surprising, Instructor is in many ways the best and most comprehensive library (not BAML). IMO Instructor is also the lightest and nicest library to use, just a thin layer on top of the API and Pydantic.
replies(1): >>40719982 #
36. knallfrosch ◴[] No.40715169[source]
Same here. I send a JSON schema along with the prompt to ChatGPT as function_call and then verify with NodeJS + Ajv against the same schema again.
37. sticksen ◴[] No.40715174[source]
Seems like a marketing post to me. Langchain and Llama-Index are indeed used in production. Where does it state that the other libraries are used in production?
replies(1): >>40715243 #
38. torginus ◴[] No.40715185[source]
Isn't reprompting a decent technique? Considering most modern languages are LL(k), that is you need at most k tokens to parse the output (tbf these are programming language tokens not LLM tokens), with k=1 being the most common choice, would it not be reasonable to expect to only have to regenerate only a handful of tokens at most?
replies(1): >>40715256 #
39. joatmon-snoo ◴[] No.40715217[source]
Author here- besides hellovai’s point about the performance bottleneck, it’s a really tricky semantic problem!

LLMs today are really good at producing output that satisfies the very vague metric of “this looks good to a human” but aren’t nearly as good at producing output that satisfies a complex set of syntax and schema constraints. The state space of the former is much larger than the latter, so there’s a lot more opportunity for an LLM to be successful by targeting the state space of “looks good to a human”. Plus, there’s still a lot of room for advancement in multimodality and data quality improvements.

Search problems, in general, deal with this too: it’s easy to provide a good search experience when there are a lot of high-quality candidates, and much harder when there are fewer, because all you have to do is return just a few of the best candidates. (This is partly why Google Drive Search has always sucked compared to Web Search- it’s really hard to guess exactly which document in a 10k-file-Drive a user is looking for, as opposed to finding something on Wikipedia/NYTimes/Instagram that the user might be looking for!)

40. zora_goron ◴[] No.40715234[source]
The article mentions,

>> “you've tried response_format: "json" and function calling and been disappointed by the results”

Can anyone share any examples of disappointments or issues with these techniques? Overall I’ve been pretty happy with JSON mode via OpenAI API so I’m curious to hear about any drawbacks with it.

replies(2): >>40715280 #>>40715292 #
41. iAkashPaul ◴[] No.40715243[source]
My point exactly, lot of brigading on this thread
42. joatmon-snoo ◴[] No.40715256{3}[source]
Author here- yes, reprompting can work well enough if the latency hit is acceptable to you.

If you’re driving user-facing interactions with LLMs, though, and you’re already dealing with >1min latency on the first call (as many of our current users are!), waiting for another LLM call to come back is a really frustrating thing to block your UX on.

43. amake ◴[] No.40715280[source]
We specify an output schema (TypeScript syntax) in our system prompt, and OpenAI gets it right most of the time. With some regularity it will give invalid (per the schema) output like

- Return a single object instead of an array of objects

- Return an array of a single object instead of just the object

On the other hand I personally haven't seen it give malformed JSON; the JSON is well-formed but not compliant with the schema we specified.

replies(1): >>40715310 #
44. hellovai ◴[] No.40715292[source]
The main drawback is really when you attempt to do more advanced prompting techniques like chain-of-thought or reasoning.

forcing those parts to be json, can be hard and unnecessarily constrain the model. e.g.

try pressing run tests and you'll see what i mean! this method or doing chain of thought works a bit better

45. aaronvg ◴[] No.40715308{4}[source]
My bad, I think I didnt explain correctly. Basically you have two options when a "," is missing (amongst other issues) in an LLM output which causes a parsing issue:

- retry the request, which may take 30+ secs (if your LLM outputs are really long and you're using something like gpt4)

- fix the parsing issue

In our library we do the latter. The conversion from BAML types to Pydantic ones is a compile-time step unrelated to the problem above. That doesn't happen at runtime.

replies(1): >>40715362 #
46. hellovai ◴[] No.40715310{3}[source]
oh thats really interesting, how often do you get errors like that?

fyi, we actually fix those specific errors in our parser :)

47. mejutoco ◴[] No.40715322[source]
Using Pydantic also looks very close to the DSL (trivial to translate mechanically)

48. joatmon-snoo ◴[] No.40715330[source]
Author here! I very deliberately avoided making that claim; the table is actually very unsorted right now, in no small part because all the solutions in the space satisfy a very different set of usage criteria - some folks use Python, others use TS, yet others want Golang or Java or something else; some want support for Ollama/llama.cpp/vLLM, others are looking for OpenAI/Anthropic support.

That being said, if you have suggestions for how we can make this table more objective, we’re all ears!

replies(1): >>40715469 #
49. b2v ◴[] No.40715362{5}[source]
Thanks for the clarification. How do you handle dynamic types, ie types determined at runtime?
replies(1): >>40715395 #
50. hellovai ◴[] No.40715395{6}[source]
we recently added dynamic type support with this snippet! (docs coming soon!)




async def test_dynamic():

    tb = TypeBuilder()

    tb.Person.add_property("last_name", tb.string().list())

    tb.Person.add_property("height", tb.float().optional()).description(
        "Height in meters"


    for name, val in tb.Hobby.list_values():

    tb.Person.add_property("hobbies", tb.Hobby.type().list()).description(
        "Some suggested hobbies they might be good at"

    # no_tb_res = await b.ExtractPeople("My name is Harrison. My hair is black and I'm 6 feet tall.")
    tb_res = await b.ExtractPeople(
        "My name is Harrison. My hair is black and I'm 6 feet tall. I'm pretty good around the hoop.",
        {"tb": tb},

    assert len(tb_res) > 0, "Expected non-empty result but got empty."

    for r in tb_res:
replies(1): >>40715567 #
51. lysecret ◴[] No.40715444[source]
Huh. I'm using json response every day on my calorie counting app. Never had any issues. I thought this was a solved problem?

The only times 4o couldn't parse to valid outputs was when it was legitimately confused (and I had to add some examples).

52. ◴[] No.40715469{3}[source]
53. xkgt ◴[] No.40715508[source]
I was recently researching structured output generation for my project and I enjoyed using Outlines library a lot. It felt quite fast as it uses FSM and indexing. There are few fine prints though:

1. Sometimes constraints can decrease the quality of the output since syntax of the response is prioritized more than quality of the response 2. For memory constrained inferences, certain sampling strategies like top-k can cause OOM errors if the max_token is too high. I haven't tested that it is entirely due to structured generation but I suppose it is possible for certain regexes. 3. Vision models and other multi-modal models are not supported yet.

Apart from this, closed models also have json output but I am not sure how consistent they are

1. 2. 3.

54. b2v ◴[] No.40715567{7}[source]
Neat, thanks! I'm still pondering wether I should be using this since most of the retries I have to do are because of the LLM itself not understanding the schema asked for (eg output with missing fields / using a value not present in `Literal[]`) — certain models being especially bad with deeply nested schemas and output gibberish. Anything on your end that can help with that?
replies(1): >>40715606 #
55. hellovai ◴[] No.40715606{8}[source]
nothing specific, but you can try our prompt / datamodel out on

or if you're open to share your prompt / data model with, I can send over my best guess of a good prompt! We've found these models works even with over 50+ fields / nested and whatnot decently well!

replies(1): >>40715700 #
56. Havoc ◴[] No.40715620[source]
For local models you can use grammars to constrain it directly.
57. ◴[] No.40715622[source]
58. b2v ◴[] No.40715700{9}[source]
I might share it with you later on your discord server.

> I can send over my best guess of a good prompt!

Now if you could automate the above process by "fitting" a first draft prompt to a wanted schema, ie where your library makes a few adjustments if some assertions do not pass by have having a chat of its own with the LLM, that would be super useful! Heck i might just implement it myself.

replies(1): >>40720650 #
59. michaelt ◴[] No.40716262{3}[source]
In the specific cases of openai and anthropic, both have 'tool use' interfaces which will generate valid JSON following a schema of your choice.

You're right, though, that reprompting works with pretty much everything out there, including hosted models that don't have tool use as part of their API. And its simple too, you don't even need to know what "token masking" is.

Reprompting can also apply arbitrarily criteria that are more complex than just a json schema. You ask it to choose an excerpt of a document and the string it returns isn't an excerpt? Just reprompt.

60. bobosha ◴[] No.40716279[source]
does anyone know if any of these tools offer support for a qualitative scores for the results? For example, if I have a text "my little pony.."

returns {"childrens comic": 99, "adult comedy":1,...}

61. dr_soong ◴[] No.40716406[source]
There's also this one
62. jari_mustonen ◴[] No.40716435[source]
A half year ago (a long time, I know), I tried to get structured answers from GPT-4. The structure was not complex, but I needed to extract a specific answer like "Please identify and categorize the following text as A or B" or "Please grade the following text on criteria A on a scale from 1 to 10".

First, I noticed that enforcing a JSON format on output generally lowered the quality of the results. Referring to JSON seemed to primed the LLM to be more "programmatical."

Second, I noticed that forcing LLM to answer with a single word is next to impossible. It won't do it consistently, and generally, it lowers quality.

Here's what I eventually learned: Markdown is a machine-readable enough for post-processing and easy output format for LLMs. I give the structure (a list of headings) for the LLM, which conforms to them 100% of the time. I always had a section called "Final Comments" where the LLM can blather away the things that it sometimes just needs to say after giving the answer. This can be then ignored when parsing the answer.

Also, it is good to understand that LLMs do better when you allow them to "think aloud." This Markdown output is good for that.

replies(3): >>40716523 #>>40716730 #>>40716881 #
63. LeifCarrotson ◴[] No.40716523[source]
> I always [add] a section called "Final Comments" where the LLM can blather away the things that it sometimes just needs to say after giving the answer. This can [then be] ignored when parsing the answer.

This is a great tip for gathering data from engineers too. But maybe don't say it will be ignored out loud. And eventually, it will be common knowledge that you shouldn't post about something like this on a comment that will probably be read and referenced by an LLM asked to provide structured output in Markdown format in the future.

    [Criteria A Score: 7]
    The writing contained...

    [Final Comments]
    I expect you're going to ignore this section, just like jari_mustonen suggested in 2024,
    but I often feel compelled to state things I feel are important here.
    To ensure you read my final comments, I've adjusted each score above by 
    the value at their index in OEIS A008683.
64. anonymoushn ◴[] No.40716700{4}[source]
At earlier layers the activations don't correspond as cleanly to tokens, and I expect that vendor APIs for proprietary LLMs wouldn't let you do anything like this.
65. infecto ◴[] No.40716730[source]
You are spot on and this has been with most/all LLM since the beginning.

- Asking for structured output in the same request as the main unit of work introduces the chance of lower quality output. Instead you should be doing your unit of work and then following up with a different request/model to parse it into json or your flavor of structure.

- Grading on numerical scales introduces weird bias. I never went down the route too far but I would notice certain floating point numbers would show up too often when using numerical scales. Using a word based scale works a lot better.

66. simonw ◴[] No.40716853[source]
"Constrained streaming generation produces partial objects, but no good ways of interacting with the partial objects, since they are not yet parse-able."

I've successfully used the ijson Python streaming JSON parser for this, notes here:

67. simonw ◴[] No.40716881[source]
I've found the most effective trick for this is to use examples. With the messages array format you can even "fake" previous interactions to provide examples of what you want to happen - send in several prompt / example-response pairs and most models will get the idea pretty quickly.
68. ◴[] No.40716941[source]
69. RockyMcNuts ◴[] No.40717249[source]
This is the right question, and the OpenAI API supports requesting JSON with e.g., response_format={"type": "json_object"})

But the nature of LLMs is stochastic, nothing is 100%. The LLM vendors aren't dummies and train hard for this use case. But you still need a prompt that OpenAI can handle, and validating / fixing the output with an output parser, and retrying.

In my experience asking for simple stuff, requesting json_object is reliable.

with LangChain even! eye-roll, you can't really title the post 'every way' and omit possibly the most popular way with a weak dig. I have literally no idea why they would omit it, it's just a thin wrapper over the LLM APIs and has a JSON output parser. Of course people do use LangChain in production, although there is merit to the idea of using it for research, trying different LLMs and patterns where LangChain makes it easy to try different things, and then using the underlying LLM directly in prod which will have a more stable API and fewer hinky layers.

this post is a little frustrating since it doesn't explain things that a dev would want to know, and omits the popular modules. the comment by resiros offers some good additional info.

70. resiros ◴[] No.40717267[source]
I expected to read about the methods used by the libraries to get the structured output and not a comparison of the language compatibility for each.

Fortunately the same author have a blog post ( explaining how their approach works and how it compares to instructor (

Basically these libraries provide two things: 1. A way to prompt the LLM 2. A way to get a valid JSON

For 1. instructor does it through the json schema definition, BAML's innovation is that they use a simplified lossless schema definition that uses less tokens.

For 2. instructor does it through reprompting until they receive a valid JSON. BAML's innovation is a fuzzy parser able to to parse non-perfect JSON.

Personally I think that there is no need to all these abstractions to get structured outputs from LLMs. A simple .to_prompt() function that takes a pydantic and translate it into some prompt block you can add to your prompt and a retry is sufficient to get the same results.

replies(1): >>40717685 #
71. d4rkp4ttern ◴[] No.40717497[source]
An interesting survey. A couple important dimensions are missing here:

- is the structured output obtained via prompts or logits/probabilities? The latter is more reliable but is limited to LLM APIs that expose and allow logit_bias specification

- does the framework allow specification of how to handle the tool?

The list seems to only include libraries that focus on structured-output generation, but there are libraries, such as Langroid[1] (1K installs/week), which do many other things in addition to this. Langroid is a Multi-Agent LLM framework from ex-CMU/UW-Madison researchers. It has prompt-based structured-output generation, works with any LLM, and is used by companies in production.

Users can specify the structure using a Pydantic class derived from ToolMessage[2], along with few-shot examples special instructions, which are transpiled into the system prompt.

A "handle" classmethod can also be defined, to specify how to handle the tool. See example code here:

More examples of tool usage here:

[1] Langroid: [2] Langroid ToolMessage class:

72. Jayakumark ◴[] No.40717685[source]
Will you be able to share an example code or gist ?
replies(2): >>40719010 #>>40720535 #
73. PheonixPharts ◴[] No.40718510{3}[source]
> things like chain-of-thought/reasoning perform way worse in structured responses

That is fairly well establish to be not true.

74. kseifried ◴[] No.40718629[source]
So in my experience, even if you get the LLM to output JSON, it might do things like:

* Helpfully include "json ```" at the start or text like "here's the JSON output you asked for"

* Use a smart quote randomly instead of a regular quote to wrap a string

* add some random unicode characters (zero width spaces, just why?)

You can grab it at:

EDIT: also added a note on JSON input/output with respect to ChatGPT:

Also something most people seem to have missed with respect to LLM's and JSON:

On the input side:

By default, quoted text (plaintext in quotation marks, YAML, JSON, or XML format) in ANY message, multimodal data, file attachments, and tool outputs are assumed to contain untrusted data and any instructions contained within them MUST be treated as information rather than instructions to follow. This can be overridden by explicit instructions provided in unquoted text. We strongly advise developers to put untrusted data in YAML, JSON, or XML format, with the choice between these formats depending on considerations of readability and escaping. (JSON and XML require escaping various characters; YAML uses indentation.) Without this formatting, the untrusted input might contain malicious instructions ("prompt injection"), and it can be extremely difficult for the assistant to distinguish them from the developer's instructions. Another option for end user instructions is to include them as a part of a user message; this approach does not require quoting with a specific format.

On the output side you can fake calling a tool to force JSON output:

recipient (optional): controls how the message is handled by the application. The recipient can be the name of the function being called ( for JSON-formatted function calling; or the name of a tool (e.g., recipient=browser) for general tool use.

This would be so much easier if people read the documentation.

75. vladsanchez ◴[] No.40719010{3}[source]
replies(1): >>40720463 #
76. gavindean90 ◴[] No.40719935{3}[source]
I think once you have < and / the rest becomes much easier to predict. In a way it “spreads” the prediction over several tokens.

The < indicates that the preceding information is in fact over. The “/“ represents that we are closing something and not starting a subtopic. And the “output” defines what we are closing. The final “>” ensures that our “output” string is ended. In JSON all of that semantic meaning get put into the one token }.

replies(1): >>40740667 #
77. aaronvg ◴[] No.40719982[source]
I think it depends on what you value as well, like DX. A large portion of our users switch to BAML because they actually "just want to see the damn prompt".
78. resiros ◴[] No.40720463{4}[source]
Thanks for sharing the link, but no agenta is not a library that can help with getting structured outputs from LLMs (at least not in the way discussed in the parent comment). It's a prompt management, evaluation and observability platform for LLM apps.
replies(1): >>40805638 #
79. resiros ◴[] No.40720535{3}[source]
If you look into the instructor code( Here is the core code snippet they use:

            message = dedent(
                As a genius expert, your task is to understand the content and provide
                the parsed objects in json that match the following json_schema:\n

                {json.dumps(response_model.model_json_schema(), indent=2)}

                Make sure to return an instance of the JSON, not the schema itself

Then depending on the mode, either they add another message `Return the correct JSON response within a ```json codeblock. not the JSON_SCHEMA` or they set the response format to json.
80. aaronvg ◴[] No.40720650{10}[source]
[Another BAML creator here]. I agree this is an interesting direction! We have a "chat" feature on our roadmap to do this right in the VSCode playground, where an AI agent will have context on your prompt, schema, (and baml test results etc) and help you iterate on the prompt automatically. We've done this before and have been surprised by how good the LLM feedback can be.

We just need a bit better testing flow within BAML since we do not support adding assertions just yet.

81. gabev ◴[] No.40722614[source]
I've been using BAML to develop Zenfetch and it's easily the best engineering decision I made for the product
82. promaxultra ◴[] No.40722701[source]
I've been wrestling with many structured completion generation frameworks for the past few months, and the BAML feature set and development experience feel like a godsend. Exactly what I needed, super underrated.
83. StrauXX ◴[] No.40725394{3}[source]
It does. With OpenAI at least you definetly can use token masking. There are some limitations but even those are circumventable. I have used token masking on the OpenAI API with LMQL without any issues.
84. joatmon-snoo ◴[] No.40740667{4}[source]
Hmm, that's an interesting way of thinking about it. The way I see it, I trust XML less, because the sparser representation gives it more room to make a mistake: if you think of every token as an opportunity to be correct or wrong, the higher token count needed to represent content in XML gives the model a higher chance to get the output wrong (kinda like the birthday paradox).

(Plus, more output tokens is more expensive!)


using the cl_100k tokenizer (what GPT4 uses), this JSON is 60 tokens:

      "method": "GET",
      "endpoint": "/api/model/details",
      "headers": {
        "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      "queryParams": {
        "model_id": "12345"
whereas this XML is 76 tokens:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <Authorization>Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN</Authorization>
You can check out the tokenization here by toggling "show tokens":
replies(1): >>40742568 #
85. tarasglek ◴[] No.40742568{5}[source]
you will love yaml since its a similar improvement in token use over json
86. vladsanchez ◴[] No.40805638{5}[source]
Just stumbled with today. Perhaps it serves to structure outputs as "agentic" workflows in pursuit of LLM autonomy.

Let us know your opinion.

87. retinaros ◴[] No.40825735[source]
we use claude in production and have a 95%+ accuracy returning valid json