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662 points JacobHenner | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.211s | source
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vkou ◴[] No.40213662[source]
It's actually wild what the executive can get done in an election year... With the side effect of dangling bait for legislators to take a contrarian, nationally unpopular position.
replies(5): >>40213870 #>>40213897 #>>40214987 #>>40215665 #>>40216313 #
throwup238 ◴[] No.40213897[source]
The bureaucratic process will take about two years. It's definitely not getting done in time for election.
replies(2): >>40213941 #>>40214278 #
gadflyinyoureye[dead post] ◴[] No.40213941[source]
1. realce ◴[] No.40215483[source]
If you prefer speedy executive action, perhaps American democracy isn't for your tastes.