The experiment with lots of qubits... technically yes they can do things. I think the factoring record is 21. But you might be disappointed a) when you see that most algorithms using quantum computers require conventional computational to transform the problem before and after the quantum steps b) when you learn we only have a few quantum algorithms, the are not general calculation machines and c) when you look under the hood and see that the error correcting stuff makes it actually kinda hard to tell how much is really being done by the actual quantum device.
(Also, the factoring-21 result is from 2012, and may have been surpassed since then depending on how you count. Recent quantum-computing research has focused less on factoring numbers and more on problems like random circuit sampling where it's easier to get meaningful results with the noisy intermediate-scale machines we have today. Factoring is hard mode because you have to get it exactly right or else it's no good at all.)