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310 points greenie_beans | 9 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source | bottom
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qq99 ◴[] No.43111299[source]
As someone who once built a large coop [1] then just bought a pre-built shed for the 2nd coop, it's definitely _not_ the _monetary_ solution. You will probably lose money overall for quite some time. I'm still probably underwater.

BUT, there are definite upsides:

- Chickens are very sweet animals, and are quite intelligent. You will grow to love all the silly things they do. You can pet them, they are super soft, and can become quite tame. They can purr.

- I'm told the eggs taste way better, I don't really notice it because I really only eat my own eggs, but perhaps I just got used to them

- It's fantastic to get ~8 free eggs per day (from 13, 3 are not laying this winter)

- Morally/ethically, it seems like the best way to eat eggs if you're caring for them in a loving manner (compare to factory farms)

Consider the downsides:

- You may have to euthanize a chicken, likely by hand (literally) via cervical dislocation. It still ranks among the worst things I've ever had to do in my life. Imagine euthanizing your dog or cat by hand...

- Predators, foxes and hawks, you need defenses

- Veterinary services can be harder to find. Most vets don't want to deal with chickens. However, it also tends to be cheaper than a vet for a dog/cat.

- Your wife may one day want a chicken to live inside the house. You may one day agree to this, and then miss it when the chicken is living outside the house again...

- If you really like eating chicken, you may end up finding it difficult to eat them again in the future after you develop a bond with them.

I think there are more upsides than downsides, but you should think about these downsides before taking the plunge. Don't let it dissuade you. Overall, they have enriched our lives immensely and I would recommend it to others!

1: https://www.anthonycameron.com/projects/cameron-acreage-chic...

replies(54): >>43112058 #>>43112148 #>>43112152 #>>43112271 #>>43112279 #>>43112364 #>>43112438 #>>43112533 #>>43112681 #>>43112832 #>>43112959 #>>43113182 #>>43113393 #>>43113675 #>>43113739 #>>43113780 #>>43113961 #>>43114166 #>>43114184 #>>43114262 #>>43114274 #>>43114277 #>>43114390 #>>43114406 #>>43114485 #>>43114599 #>>43114625 #>>43114955 #>>43115004 #>>43115217 #>>43115442 #>>43115586 #>>43115776 #>>43116129 #>>43116391 #>>43116509 #>>43116522 #>>43116776 #>>43116906 #>>43117144 #>>43117221 #>>43117724 #>>43117897 #>>43118022 #>>43118330 #>>43118511 #>>43118698 #>>43118705 #>>43118975 #>>43119664 #>>43120000 #>>43120271 #>>43120839 #>>43123147 #
pjerem ◴[] No.43114166[source]
I do own two chickens since maybe 6 months for random reasons. Before that I thought they were pretty "stupid"/"uninteresting" animals but I was really wrong.

They are in fact very lovable little beings. They have interestingly complex relationships between them, they are very social and I do have a special bond with the first I got, especially because we hadn’t the necessary hardware to keep her hot enough for multiple days, we had to literally keep her warm between our hands.

Now she is a grown up chicken and she loves it when I go outside.

Also they are in fact pretty intelligent animals, and they are really curious about what happens around them.

I’d ever go as far as saying that they could be the perfect household pets if only the evolution gave them sphincters.

That was a nice personal discovery.

replies(3): >>43114298 #>>43117526 #>>43119394 #
whycome ◴[] No.43114298[source]
It’s not the egg industry that will lose out if more people have backyard hens. It’s the poultry industry and the eating general. More people will start to find eating intelligent emotional animals as abhorrent as eating dogs or cats.
replies(16): >>43114399 #>>43114465 #>>43114913 #>>43114956 #>>43115099 #>>43115131 #>>43115673 #>>43115892 #>>43116679 #>>43117021 #>>43117110 #>>43117540 #>>43117706 #>>43118178 #>>43118616 #>>43120080 #
crazygringo ◴[] No.43114913[source]
People have been keeping intelligent animals like chickens, pigs, and cattle for millennia. And continuing to eat them.

Ironically, vegetarianism really only started to become popular in the Western world once people lost their connection to farms, and meat and poultry were something you bought in pieces, plastic-wrapped.

replies(9): >>43115256 #>>43115409 #>>43115453 #>>43115694 #>>43115976 #>>43117316 #>>43117838 #>>43118550 #>>43118815 #
erellsworth ◴[] No.43115256[source]
It makes sense to me. If you grow up seeing animals slaughtered on the regular you probably won't think much of it, especially when the adults around you treat it as completely normal. You grow up in an environment where you might think meat comes from the magic meat factory, when you see an animal slaughtered for the first time it's likely to be shocking enough to turn a lot of people away.
replies(4): >>43115423 #>>43115628 #>>43115959 #>>43117890 #
deepvibrations ◴[] No.43115423{3}[source]
Very true. Just like when slaves were commonplace, it was 'normalised' and many people just turned a blind eye.
replies(2): >>43115994 #>>43116237 #
georgeecollins ◴[] No.43116237{4}[source]
Everything biological is going to be eaten. Your dog or cat would eat you if you were dead and they were hungry enough. I am not saying we shouldn't evolve past eating meat, it would be great for the environment. But to say that one biological creature eating another biological animal is unethical is an indictment of nature.
replies(4): >>43116490 #>>43116671 #>>43117220 #>>43119051 #
1. vengefulduck ◴[] No.43116490{5}[source]
I think the problem with this argument is the assumption that nature is inherently good. Nature is cruel and uncaring. Moving beyond it is a good thing imo. We’re just lucky that as a species by the roll of the dice we were given the power by nature to usurp it.
replies(4): >>43117727 #>>43118039 #>>43118428 #>>43120070 #
2. Psillisp ◴[] No.43117727[source]
Literally picking a fight with Nature, what a trope.

What will they think of next man versus self? What if the thing that man creates in his hubris isn’t actually better?

replies(1): >>43118089 #
3. simplify ◴[] No.43118039[source]
You really need to define "good" in this sentence. How can nature move beyond nature?
4. jamiek88 ◴[] No.43118089[source]
What if it is? We transcend nature and evolution because of our culture and foresight.

We are the ultimate result of 4 billion years of evolution. Nature has made itself redundant in some ways.

Actually, transcend is the wrong word we are still a part of nature of course but we can literally leave the planet and have the ability to irradiate this globe to erase most macroscopic life.

We are an outside context problem as an Iain Banks Ship Mind would say.

It’s a huge responsibility and opportunity that we will almost certainly squander.

replies(1): >>43119335 #
5. dowager_dan99 ◴[] No.43118428[source]
>> Nature is cruel and uncaring

These are not the same thing. You're interpreting "uncaring" as inherently cruel, but it's not; just uncaring.

replies(1): >>43119320 #
6. freejazz ◴[] No.43119320[source]
That's not what "and" means
7. jack_pp ◴[] No.43119335{3}[source]
We are nowhere near being able to live outside this planet without significant struggle. It would be far easier to live in a submarine in the ocean than anywhere else in this solar system.

Our culture and foresight has brought us into such misalignment that 25% of the US population is on psychiatric drugs, you have a lot of homeless, a drug epidemic, there's a general crisis of meaning, males have given up on finding partners, women are all competing for a few men or think they're all animals and stay away from them. To be able to eat quality food costs a lot and few people have the time or energy to cook anyway because city life is so stressful to most.

We are living in a profoundly sick society and economy all over the world. WW3 is knocking on the door, one wrong move and we fuck up the only ecosystem we have in the galaxy.

I'd bet if people were given the choice between living in a small fishing village from 2000 years ago and modern lower middle class the choice would be obvious.

So to say we have mastered nature and we know better requires a lot of hubris.

8. kelnos ◴[] No.43120070[source]
Nature is not cruel, don't anthropomorphize it. Nature has no free will or emotions or intelligence. It is indeed uncaring, because it doesn't have the capacity to care. Nature is neither good nor bad. It just is.

Whether or not it is moral or ethical to eat animals is an arbitrary decision made by emotional beings. There is no right or wrong there, only what people feel.

Someone who is vegetarian or vegan for moral reasons is making a choice, not living some sort of universal truth. Someone who eats meat is also making a choice.

Someone who eats meat but criticizes others for eating the "wrong" kind of meat is a hypocrite.

Certainly the way we farm animals for food can be sustainable or unsustainable. I wish people would focus more on that aspect than pointing fingers and making it a moral issue.

replies(1): >>43120329 #
9. Reasoning ◴[] No.43120329[source]
> Nature is not cruel, don't anthropomorphize it.

You're defining the word cruel to narrowly. Per Merriam-Webster "causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain" and Cambridge "(of an event) causing suffering". Natural forces can be cruel. So can fate and life.