Crypto GPUs have nothing to do with AI GPUs.
Crypto mining is an embarassingly parallel problem, requiring little to no communication between GPUs. To a first approximation, in crypto, 10x-ing the amount of "cores" per GPU, 10x-ing the number of GPUs per rig and 10X-ing the number of rigs you own is basically equivalent. An infinite amount of extremely slow GPUs would do just as well as one infinitely fast GPU. This is why consumer GPUs are great for crypto.
AI is the opposite. In AI, you need extremely fast communication between GPUs. This means getting as much memory per GPU as possible (to make communication less necessary), and putting all the GPUs all in one datacenter.
Consumer GPUs, which were used for crypto, don't support the fast communication technologies needed for AI training, and they don't come in the 80gb memory versions that AI labs need. This is Nvidia's price differentiation strategy.