To have robots at homes, they will need their tools to be efficient. It will not be the same washing machine, oven, or dishwasher that we use now, there will be new ones made for robots.
To have robots at homes, they will need their tools to be efficient. It will not be the same washing machine, oven, or dishwasher that we use now, there will be new ones made for robots.
what do you think how long it takes to align all washing machine manufactures to make a 'Robot Washingmashine'? Also if its optimized for robots, you need a robot to use it.
The progress in ML/AI is so fast, we can easily skip this tedious assumption that we have to form our env for robots instead of teaching robots how to interact in our env.
and no a robot doesn't need to be efficient at all. A robot can do things 24/7. If i'm out of the house and a robot needs 4 hours to clean my kitchen and this doesn't cost me a lot besides of a little bit of energy, i could care very little how long it takes as long as it doesn't take too long.