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122 points phsilva | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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thunkingdeep ◴[] No.43110710[source]
This does NOT mean Python will get Tail Call Optimization, as Guido cannot be shown The Light, and has decided.
replies(4): >>43110815 #>>43110832 #>>43111490 #>>43112657 #
ehsankia ◴[] No.43110832[source]
Guido is no longer BDFL though, it's the steering committee that decides.
replies(2): >>43110980 #>>43111674 #
riffraff ◴[] No.43111674[source]
the steering committee seems way less conservative than Guido, right?

Looking at python from the outside a lot of changes since GvR stepped down seem like stuff he'd not have been fond of.

replies(2): >>43111761 #>>43111923 #
kqr ◴[] No.43111923[source]
I think this is a change longer in the making than that. Back when I started working with Python in the mid--late 2000s, the Zen was holy and it seemed very unlikely to ever see multiple ways to do "one thing".

The Python community has since matured and realised that what they previously thought of as "one thing" were actually multiple different things with small nuances and it makes sense to support several of them for different use cases.

replies(2): >>43112055 #>>43112061 #
guappa ◴[] No.43112061[source]
One way to do the things. That's why there's 5000 ways to install a module.
replies(1): >>43112948 #
raverbashing ◴[] No.43112948{3}[source]
And 4900 "wrong ways" that will hurt you one way or another
replies(1): >>43113677 #
1. peterfirefly ◴[] No.43113677{4}[source]
More like 5001.