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    301 points SerCe | 13 comments | | HN request time: 0.65s | source | bottom
    1. erikig ◴[] No.43111384[source]
    The multimodal capabilities especially on next action prediction are quite impressive; watching the github to see if & when they'll open source this:

    Also, I wonder why they named it Magma?

    replies(6): >>43111461 #>>43111467 #>>43111625 #>>43111731 #>>43114194 #>>43119167 #
    2. lanternfish ◴[] No.43111461[source]
    `M(ultimodal) Ag(ent) [ma]` maybe
    replies(1): >>43111728 #
    3. gostsamo ◴[] No.43111467[source]
    I know that AWS have an AI product for foundational models called Bedrock so MS might've decided to go even deeper.
    replies(1): >>43111580 #
    4. pyinstallwoes ◴[] No.43111580[source]
    5. jauntywundrkind ◴[] No.43111625[source]
    From the news section of that github README:

    > [2025.02.19] We will be releasing our code, model and UI navigation demo at MSR Forum on 02.25 next Tuesday!

    6. jwyang ◴[] No.43111728[source]
    Good catch! A minor correction: Magma - M(ultimodal) Ag(entic) M(odel) at M(icrosoft) (Rese)A(rch), the last part is similar to how the name Llama came out, :)
    replies(1): >>43112047 #
    7. ◴[] No.43111731[source]
    8. throw310822 ◴[] No.43112047{3}[source]
    How many 'M's in "Magma"? ;)
    replies(2): >>43112073 #>>43113086 #
    9. jwyang ◴[] No.43112073{4}[source]
    ops, a typo, no M from Microsoft.
    replies(1): >>43112629 #
    10. manojlds ◴[] No.43112629{5}[source]
    It's ok GPT
    11. exe34 ◴[] No.43113086{4}[source]
    there are two r.
    12. Lockal ◴[] No.43114194[source]
    A bit sad that they reused name of (Matrix Algebra on GPU and Multi-core Architectures). This library is already heavily used in machine learning, for example, it is included in every pytorch-based project.
    13. fullstackchris ◴[] No.43119167[source]
    looking at the paper some other agentic models they compared to were named LLaVA... maybe it's just a play on words