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94 points azhenley | 7 comments | | HN request time: 0.218s | source | bottom
1. williamstein ◴[] No.43109992[source]
What do you guys think of the UW information school, where this thesis is from?
replies(3): >>43110011 #>>43110017 #>>43114342 #
2. 11101010001100 ◴[] No.43110011[source]
Are you asking for bias?
replies(1): >>43110125 #
3. azhenley ◴[] No.43110017[source]
Are/were you a prof at UW?
replies(1): >>43110120 #
4. williamstein ◴[] No.43110120[source]
I was 6 years ago but in math.
replies(1): >>43115114 #
5. williamstein ◴[] No.43110125[source]
There was also a very interesting and popular HN post a few days ago from the ischool about how to better incorporate AI in teaching.
6. gsdertrertrt45 ◴[] No.43114342[source]
It doesn't seem to have much of a connection to the well-known UWCSE.
7. memhole ◴[] No.43115114{3}[source]
Did you make SageMath? I used it a bunch in college. It was/is such a cool tool. There was a LaTeX plugin or something and I used it to grade students papers. It's also how I learned about hardware and software precision. Along with a whole bunch of other stuff.

Also very much thought it was cool to know someone can nerd out on math and skateboard.