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gorjusborg ◴[] No.42947212[source]
No, objects aren't generally 'good', unless you think keeping multiple state machines in sync is 'good'.

OO is not evil, but it also shouldn't be your default solution to everything.

Also, who is this person? I immediately distrust someone who calls themselves 'a pretty cool guy'. That's for the rest of us to decide.

replies(4): >>42948148 #>>42948743 #>>42949044 #>>42949626 #
9rx ◴[] No.42949626[source]
> OO is not evil, but it also shouldn't be your default solution to everything.

With Smalltalk and Objective-C both being effectively dead at this point, that really only leaves Ruby (and arguably Erlang) as the only languages that are able to express OO. And neither of those languages are terribly popular either. Chances are it won't be your default solution, even if you want it to be.

replies(2): >>42952253 #>>42953983 #
igouy ◴[] No.42952253[source]
J ... J ... Java.
replies(1): >>42952374 #
9rx ◴[] No.42952374[source]
Patrick Naughton came from the Smalltalk world, so Java is definitely inspired by Smalltalk, but he didn't bring along the oriented bits. Its object model is a lot closer to C++'s. To have objects does not imply orientation.
replies(1): >>42956726 #
igouy ◴[] No.42956726[source]
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
replies(1): >>42966557 #
9rx ◴[] No.42966557[source]
"I made up the term object-oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind.", said Alan Kay.
replies(1): >>42992257 #
1. igouy ◴[] No.42992257[source]
That was the easy laughter set-up line. The follow-up seemed to confound the audience.

What was the follow-up?