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majgr ◴[] No.42959854[source]
Living in Poland ruled by trumpists for 8 years I have these experiences:

- Get subscription of high value newspaper or magazine. Professionals work there, so you will get real facts, worthy opinions and less emotions.

- It is better to not use social media. You never know if you are discussing with normal person, a political party troll, or Russian troll.

- It is not worth discussing with „switched-on” people. They are getting high doses of emotional content, they are made to feel like victims, facts does not matter at all. Political beliefs are intermingled with religious beliefs.

- emotional content is being treated with higher priority by brain, so it is better to stay away from it, or it will ruin your evening.

- people are getting addicted to emotions and victimization, so after public broadcaster has been freed from it, around 5% people switched to private tv station to get their daily doses.

- social media feels like a new kind of virus, we all need to get sick and develop some immunity to it.

- in the end, there are more reasonable people, but democracies needs to develop better constitutional/law systems, with very short feedback loop. It is very important to have fast reaction on breaking the law by ruling regime.

replies(21): >>42959917 #>>42960125 #>>42960476 #>>42960691 #>>42960783 #>>42960898 #>>42960933 #>>42961214 #>>42961374 #>>42961618 #>>42961937 #>>42961953 #>>42962143 #>>42962171 #>>42962319 #>>42962493 #>>42962995 #>>42963639 #>>42963983 #>>42964597 #>>42965062 #
Bhilai ◴[] No.42963639[source]
> Get subscription of high value newspaper or magazine. Professionals work there, so you will get real facts, worthy opinions and less emotions.

I struggle with this. It's incredibly challenging to find reliable, unbiased news sources these days, especially with the perceived slant of many major outlets. It's discouraging when even subscriptions to reputable publications like the NYT and WSJ leave you feeling like you're not getting the full story. It's also concerning when editorial content undermines the perceived objectivity of the news reporting, specially with WSJ. So what are people reading?

replies(14): >>42963782 #>>42963790 #>>42963794 #>>42963811 #>>42963831 #>>42963877 #>>42963894 #>>42964265 #>>42964469 #>>42964702 #>>42964859 #>>42966291 #>>42966841 #>>42967243 #
jajko ◴[] No.42963790[source]
Don't have a specific advise, but generally I don't consume nor trust news articles about given country, from given country. So I read about my central European homeland from neighboring news, or BBC/Guardian for example.

Its more difficult with US since every fart affects rest of the world, sometimes massively, but some sort of averaging in my mind does it for me. Or at least I think it does, what is truly objective is a goal worthy of maybe academic discussions, I don't think individual can easily even get to it and realize 'this is it'.

replies(2): >>42963888 #>>42966372 #
LeroyRaz ◴[] No.42966372[source]
I wouldn't trust the guardian. Their misrepsetation of Depp v. Heard was appalling and revealed that they have extreme ideological biases.
replies(1): >>42973706 #
1. jajko ◴[] No.42973706[source]
Yeah I don't trust any 100%, all have biases, heck all people have biases. That's why some sort of averaging if topic is worth investing time into