Simple: Don't look at the logs.
Bots are a fact of life. Secure your site properly, follow good practices, set up notifications for important things, log stuff, but don't look at the logs unless you have a reason to look at the logs.
Having run web servers forever, this is simply normal. What's not normal is blindly trusting a megacorporation to make my logs quiet. What're they doing? Who are they blocking? What guidelines do they use? Nobody, except them, knows.
It's why I self-host email. Sure, you might feel safe because most people use Gmail or Outlook, and therefore if there are problems, you can point the finger at them, but what if you want to discuss spam? Or have technical discussions about Trojans and viruses? Or you need to be 100% absolutely certain that email related to specific events is delivered, with no exceptions? You can't do that with Gmail / Outlook, because they have filters that you can't see and you can't control.