First off.. Gee I wish we had all come together about a decade ago or so and found solutions for what was plainly coming and spelled out by my self and others.
Second before it happens.. Pale Moon is not "old and insecure" It is being mismanaged had has no vision or prospects for future expansion.. It is just whatever XUL they can keep working while chugging away at the modern web features..
Pale Moon is often TOO security patched btw, which have been regularly disclosed and specially noted in the release notes since I convinced Moonchild he should do that for exactly the kind of old and insecure falsehood.
Moonchild's issue as a developer is he will always choose the seemingly simplest path of least resistance and will blindly merge patches without actually testing them. Many security patches are only security patches and not just.. patches because Mozilla redefined the level of security they want their codebase to provide.. But all known Mozilla vulnerabilities and many that would only become vulnerable if surrounding code is changed are patched.. Pale Moon and UXP has become more secure over time and that is an objective fact when you consider the nature of privileged access within a XUL platform which has its own safegaurds as well that persist into Firefox today though less encountered.
Now no one hates that furry bastard more than me (and I challenge you to try) but I will never call out good work as anything other than good work. Besides, there are a MILLION other plainly visible faults with the Pale Moon project and its personnel and my past behavior without having to make stuff up or perpetuate a false mantra like "old and insecure".
Finally, isn't Cloudflare being very unfair to every project save the modern firefox rebuilds listed on Like SeaMonkey? Why does seamonkey deserve any hate from anyone.. or systematic discrimination.. What have they ever done but try and have an internet application suite.. Why are they old and insecure despite being patched and progressing a patch queue for Mozilla patches just landed selectively to preserve the bulk of XUL functionality its users adore?
In conclusion, what will be the final cost and how many will burn for trying to going against it.. I know my fate for trying.. how many will join me knowing that?